Book your one way ticket to success



have you ever bought

a one-way ticket when ahmad got his

one-way ticket to canada

the only english word he knew was hello

he was lucky to be alive as he escaped

prison and torture

in kurdistan and now he was reunited

with his family

from being a politician and university


the only job he could get here was in a

pizza shop

as he didn’t require much english but he

had two children to feed

and support and nothing else mattered

he also discovered to his surprise that

he actually liked working with his hands

and making the pizza dough at night

he would attend english classes to try

to assimilate into the community

he became the hardest worker in the

kitchen and soon was promoted as a


when the opportunity came to buy a pizza

shop with not too much fuss he grabbed


and after he opened another one and

another one

it looked as he made it he had the money

he bought a house and his family was

taken care of

but ahmad wasn’t going to stop here he

never forgot his community

and the people who were left behind he

had a dream

to find his voice again and speak up for

the people who couldn’t

he sold the shops and embarked on a new


to become a career coach and support

other immigrants and refugees in their

journey to integrating canada

that’s how we met and we became friends

for life

i was truly inspired by his

determination to succeed against


and make the most of every beginning

today he is a successful program manager

entrepreneur and community pillar and


for the vulnerable people some


are more challenging than others and we

all wish that the journey we take to be


and easy like ahmad

i was also one standing at the airport

terrified of the unknown

my one-way ticket was on the 12th of the


  1. such a peculiar day to have held

my one-way ticket in my hand want to say

on this date my plane landed at

vancouver airport

here i was with my whole life fitting in

one suitcase

we had no job opportunity waiting for us

no friends

and most probably not enough money to


in a nutshell no security

just a world of uncertainties and


the american dream but something that


so terrifying became the refreshing

drive of starting all over

despite the fear of ending up homeless

lonely or worse falling sick without

having the proper attention

needed for recovery with nothing to lose

i could get anything

you see when i was growing up

we were really poor and i thought

that my one-way ticket to a better life

was to become an engineer so i did

while i could say it was a rewarding and

stable career

that wasn’t my dream job but hey it paid

the bills

and helped got rid of the anxiety of

being poor

my dream however was to work in a


where i helped others growing their

purpose and also start my own business

it proved really hard for me to justify

that to achieve this

i was going to have it give it all up

the financial security and recognition

that came with my job as an engineer

most believed i was making a great

mistake and would live to regret it

so there i was now in a new city in a

new country

after i purchased my one-way ticket and

left it all behind

finally i had taken a leap of faith and


room for new adventures the opportunity

to chase

my wildest dreams i also had nothing to


and no return ticket to my all

comfortable life

with no holds barred i began

experiencing a sense of

freedom courage and confidence like

never before

but make no mistake there was the fear

of uncertainty that crept in sometimes

i just made it certain to show me the

sight and hold on to the possibilities


what could i do with this new face of my


it was a feeling of being drunk of

energy and hope

soon enough through persistence the

planets aligned

i landed my dream job as a career coach

i went on publishing my first book

and opened my first e-commerce business

things that

most probably i would have not achieved

or experienced

if i didn’t take that risk of purchasing

that one-way ticket

mark zuckerberg once said the biggest


is not taking any risk in a world that

is changing really quickly

the only strategy that is guaranteed to


is not taking risks

when you look forward the path tends to

seem uncertain

and the future impossible to predict

when you look back however all the

thought seems to connect somehow

well except of course the those that

mark the action you could have taken

the greatest life lesson i learned from

that one-way ticket is that

in life the more things you accumulate

the more solid you become in your career

the more financial stability you have

the harder it becomes to make changes

take risks

follow your dreams and speak your truth

you become bound by your past by the

things you have

and fear consumes you that you might

lose everything

the consequence of this you begin to

play safe

you think you are rich but you are

actually poor

poor in living to the fullest

you are robbed of the energy and beauty

of a new beginning

the number one thing i’ve noticed people

struggle with when it comes to


or lack of job satisfaction is the fear

of a new beginning

as a career coach i had the privilege of

assisting hundreds of people

transition from unemployment to


from one career to another from a job

to a dream job transitioning into a new


or starting over is an incredible


to reclaim your life and redesign your


everyone can get a fresh start but there

is no easy way

to start over most of us

we are afraid of failure some of us

cannot let go of what we have

when i realized that most people are

fearful of taking that chance

and making a change in their life

choices i took it on myself

to start sharing my secret of making the

most of every new beginning

these three steps will help you know

more about yourself

and your aspirations it will define what

is important

and set you off on the path to a fresh

start with confidence

and enthusiasm number one

make a what if list of everything you

will lose

if you fail to achieve your goal what if

i will never get a job

what if i cannot support myself if i end

the relationship

what if i won’t be able to finish the


whatever it is please write it down

and keep in mind that challenges

are only as big as we make them

number two admit that defeat is


and not permanent people feel stuck in

there forever

they imagine their worst fear will never

end thinking like

i will be forever homeless i will never

find something

someone else the situation will never

change in my favor

they make all sorts of excuses in their

head and you know something beautiful

about the mind

when you make excuses you get to keep


number three eventually

you would get there to the place you

want to be

just have a success mindset and the

belief of certainty that

everything will work out for you

harness the energy of the new beginning

the more excited

and enthusiastic you are the more people

will gravitate around

you and more opportunities will come

and even if your dream is not going to

happen immediately

or within the goal time frame you set

for yourself

know that in the process you will become


you become more confident skilled and

other doors will open for you

opportunities not seen from a distance

are often times seen when you get closer

to your target

when you understand and accept that your


does not determine your future and you

get the one-way ticket to the life you


coupled with a strong commitment to

making it work

you become unstoppable and in the


you transform and become much more than


i guarantee you your life

will never be the same

today there is more fear in the world

than ever before

people are afraid of getting sick we are

scared and hoping that those we love

don’t get sick either

we don’t want to lose our jobs

businesses end up poor

with no security plan we may shy away

from failure

but we crave stories of overcoming and


this is the perfect opportunity

to get your one-way ticket to your dream


starting a new career ending the toxic


opening your business taking care of

your well-being

you just have to take a leap of faith

book your one-way ticket to success

