Climbing up the success ladder

hey guys what’s up everybody

my name is rudrash i hope everyone is

safe and sound

firstly i want to thank the organizers

who have allowed me to express myself

on this wonderful platform thank you

so let’s begin um

life’s not easy it’s not

don’t try to make it that way life’s not

fair it never was

it isn’t now and it will never be

struggle is every day every week every


every year in our lives

your hustle sets you apart from others

makes you unique makes you one of a kind

you know so today i’m going to talk

about some of my struggles

some of them shaped me to become a

better person

and some kept me awake at night as well

um my mother reinu

she taught me three things in life that

have been stuck to me for the

rest of my life rest of my journey so

first she’s told me

before becoming a great actor you should

be a good human being

you know when i heard that when she told

me that

my my thinking process started changing

and when my thinking process changed my

thought process

started changing and when my thought

process changed my perspective changed

and when my perspective changed the

whole world became a library

to help me become at my become better at

my craft

or or whatever i do you know it may be


or i anyone anything will become better

um second

she told me be the way you are

and never change

you know that day i asked myself a


i asked myself what is the true

definition of happiness

in your opinion

i thought about it it may be success

it may be more money to get spiritually


helping others to become more famous i

have nothing against these answers

nothing but

the true definition of happiness in my


is happiness for others

happiness for others you know

when i help someone when i make them


and when they smile back it satisfies

the inner fire

within me the fire of helping others

the fire of the smile back to me

yes third she told me

be water my friend be water

empty your mind be formless

be shapeless

you know when you put water in a cup it

becomes the cup

when you put water in a jar it becomes

the jar

keep flowing transform yourself

according to the change in the


now i’m going to talk about some of my

struggles as i said

few kept me awake at night as well and

12th june 2019

um this falls amongst the most crucial

struggles that i faced across my journey

first we had an audition that day

uh my mom slid her hand inside her purse


handed over me her debit card

and she said um please withdraw some

cash from the atm

and i was like fine mom i ran down the

stairs we already have

an atm in our building i inserted the

card put the pin

put the amount it was like 500 rupees

but i took the cash and you know in the

end that slip

comes out which tells you your remaining


i looked at it and was 254 rupees

and reality struck me hard

it put me into deep deep deep thought

but the matter

of fact is that day

my mother made me feel like she had

millions in her account

yes you could say that

we had a very low point in life but we

all do

at some some stage

23rd may 2019

um my mother came to my room and she


let’s go to the local supermarket she

had to buy some veggies

i was like yeah and that’ll be fun let’s

go uh

we sat in the auto we went to the we

went to lokenwala

uh she stopped the auto couple of meters


from the actual supermarket and

she told me to wait inside the auto i

was like okay

uh as soon as she left the auto instead

of going

to the supermarket she went to the shop

and just into it which was a jewelry


and when she when she left home she had

two bangles in her hand okay

and when she came back i couldn’t see

the bangles in her hand

not even in the purse but she had the


and i couldn’t see it anywhere not even

her hand or

the purse also so

she had sold them

yeah um

i was i was deeply saddened about it you


every time i think about that

it’s it’s miserable want to see

happiness in my mother’s eyes not not

seeing that she’s selling her bangles


my sister and my myself just to just to


you know also um

my my mom comes from a hindi background

and we live in mumbai where everything

is so westernized you know

cultures morals values

ideas thinking everything is so

westernized it’s so

up-to-date so

she she comes from a hindi background

and we live in

india and hindi is our language so

i have noticed in many places

people don’t accept the people who speak


people certainly don’t expect except

those individuals who speak hindi they

don’t talk to them

and they disrespected my mother

it was so so so bad and it was so

inappropriate but

you know i know but if he’s like to have

the hope of the dream and nobody

believes in it

i know we all are surrounded

with those kind of people who don’t

bring out the best in us

or in you they may be present

in your workplace your building

your school your college anywhere

you know i stumbled upon a very

beautiful coat

and i quote the world ain’t all

sunshines and rainbows

it’s a mean and a nasty place too

what made me say that can you guess

because sooner or later

i realized that

i i encountered several situations

that made me feel that i was

jeopardizing myself

because of others judgment on me

but you know there are a few people in


who always bring out the best in you

who always want the best for you

in my case it’s my mother

renu my sister samayra

um chrisa samsa test ma’am

my cushion teacher pronouncer the

crowded boys everyone everyone i meet

they’re incredible um

yes so you know the courage

and significance they give me every day

when i’m in front of the camera

or at home is unparalleled it’s


it is so so so so amazing

thank you um

there are two rules that i follow in


that i learned through my own

experiences and

taught by my mom first

do everything from the heart

talking to my mother spending time with


lovely sister and

learning from my mentors studying my

craft and

which in turn allows me to do everything


from the heart because i love acting

i love giving auditions i learn from

each and every auditions

and the second one is

focus on the present focus

on the moment because you have got

the chance to do something great

in that particular moment so why not


undertake the opportunity to do

something amazing to express yourself to

leave that

positive impression in the minds of the

people let’s do this

you know i kept giving auditions

and the next audition and the next

audition and the next audition at the

next audition

then i collected my thoughts i prayed

i prayed i prayed i prayed i prayed

but i continue to fail and fail again

you know failing is inevitable

but as i said some of my struggles

shaped me to become a better person and

i learned from

them because in the auditions few of

moderations in which i failed

or i didn’t pass through i learned from


they shaped me to become a better person

you know

yes um just to conclude

i would like to say let’s become

legendary you know let’s become


let’s focus on the people who love us

not on the ones who left us let’s focus

on the people who believe in

us not on the ones who say

you can’t do it it’s tough leave it just

give up

don’t focus on them focus on the people

who believe

in us and believe in yourself first

listen guys we were born to be ready you


we we can we can do a lot of things we

can do wonders

people want to be ready

and i just want to say that be water my


focus on the present be the way you are

and never change

and be a good human being first and

just just never leave the people who

always stick to you

and eliminate those people who don’t

bring out the best in you

and just keep smiling make others laugh

and live life fully and i hope

life keeps surprising you with new


and keep it simple and be grateful