Perception of success.


anita roddick

a british businesswoman once said i want

to define success

by redefining it the webster

dictionary’s definition of success

is getting or achieving wealth respect

or fame as i’ve been analyzing the

traditional definition of success

a recurring question has entered my mind

is the current definition relevant

or should the criteria for success be

evolved and redefined after all

society has evolved significantly over

the last 100 years

and what is considered success today is

very different from what success was a

few decades ago

my name is abithya shetty and i want to

challenge the traditional definition of


and make it more relevant in today’s


personally success has had different

meanings throughout different phases of

my life

as a young kid taking a soccer ball into

a goal

was a very successful moment in my life

does that mean i received fame or wealth

no did you think that was successful

yes even to this day i get a smile on my

face when i think of that moment

as a teen now convincing my parents to

get me a dog

means i’ve been successful in proving to

them that i can be caring

responsible and matured that doesn’t

mean i’ve received famer wealth

but i still thought i was successful

that feeling of happiness is success to


which contradicts the traditional

meaning because i challenge

that success needs to be redefined to

moments of joy that will last a lifetime

successes had different meanings across

generations i called my grandparents and

asked what success meant to them

and their instant response aligned

directly with the dictionary meaning

however my view of their life is

completely different

i find them extremely successful in the

kind of life that they lead

they are humble giving and have a wealth

of knowledge acquired through their life


then i asked my parents that exact same

question and at their

age they thought having a great career

and raising responsible kids meant


their angels intrigued me as i

personally feel that they are successful

but not for the reasons that they told

me i feel that they enjoy and cherish

the little moments of life every day

like their welcoming nature with friends

and family and the open conversations

that we have

i also discussed this idea with several

of my friends and realized that my

generation also has a different view of


in addition to the traditional criteria

of success like getting into top school

being environmentally conscious and

promoting diversity and happiness

is equally important to being successful

this made me wonder

is the current definition of success

still appropriate or does it need to be


this is why i believe that the

definition of success needs to be

evolved to small moments of happiness

that can be cherished throughout one’s


today the definition of success is

mainly influenced by external factors

and standards set by others there is no

denying that we need to attain a certain

level of financial security

and social recognition but these factors

should not be the only drivers of


the stereotype of success in today’s

world is very generic and narrow

and success to me means being more

compassionate and courageous

and it also means experiencing life with

more joy and curiosity

like anita roddick the british

businesswoman i want to define success

by redefining it

and i hope that you will do the same

thank you
