Selflove is the basis of success.



ugly you’re weird

you’re dumb

how many of us have said anything like

that to a friend

colleague or relative probably not too


so why have all of us said that to


why do we say meaner things to the most

important person

ourselves than anyone else

hi i’m funvi padala and today let’s

explore the trait everyone needs

self-love according to the

merriam-webster self-love is defined as

love of self and that’s the definition

we’ll be using for today

now that’s pretty simple so if you all

fail the quiz at the end of this we

might be in a little bit of trouble

but first i want to tell you all about

my struggle with self-love

i’m very body conscious and i don’t love

my body

sometimes it’s my hair or the shade of

my skin or maybe it’s a little food baby

i’m sporting

whatever it is i can always find a

reason to not be happy

about my body and i’m not alone in that

in a study done by dove soap they found

that 70 percent of girls

don’t love themselves 70

and in my experience when you don’t love

yourself you don’t give yourself credit

for your accomplishments and you don’t


like a success let me give you an


i was in seventh grade and i decided to

take the ap computer science a exam

for those who have taken it you know how

impossibly difficult it is

and yet a little seventh grader me was

like oh let’s take it how hard can it be

let me tell you it was hard we started

learning java and preparing for the test

about a year in advance

and we started out with maybe one class

a week but as the test day moved closer

we had two hour classes seven days a


that’s 14 hours as a seventh grader

after i took the test i got back my

score and it was a three

for those who haven’t taken an ap test

they’re scored from one to five and a

three is a pass

it’s a little seventh grader me passed

on the harder ap

test that was meant for college students

and yet i did not feel successful

i did not notice the amount of effort

i’d put in or the amount of knowledge

i’d gained

i didn’t even take into account how hard

that test was

or that i was years younger than anyone

else taking it

i only saw the negatives

all i could think about was that i

didn’t get a five

because when you don’t love yourself you

don’t give yourself credit

for the positive things you’ve


since then i’ve thought a lot about that

experience and gradually i’ve started to

realize that i have accomplished a lot

i just wasn’t paying attention to the

things i did well

now i haven’t completely changed since

then i’m still in the process

but i’ve gotten better at recognizing my


i’ve gotten better at not just seeing

the negatives

i’ve gotten better at loving myself

how many of you have criticized yourself

for something everyone else thought was

a six

it was a success wouldn’t it have been

so much better

to celebrate that success instead of not

even believing in it

i promise you seventh grader me if i

looked at my ap score with a little bit

more self-love

i would not have counted it as a failure

i would have celebrated

for days so i implore you to learn from

my mistake

now i know i can’t just stand here and

tell you all to learn from my mistake

without showing you that i have too

so let me finally answer the question i

know has been on

all of your minds thunby why are you

wearing those shoes

this is a professional event you should

be wearing heels not unicorn slippers

well i promise you i’m not just wearing

these because i woke up late and ran out

the door without changing

well that may or may not have happened

but i wore these to prove a point

the point is if i love myself i should

be able to look past how embarrassing

this is and count my speech as a success

so i’m standing here in these ridiculous

unicorn slippers and telling you that i

do feel successful

i do and seventh grader me would never

be able to do this seventh grader me

would have been

so embarrassed by the unicorn slippers

that she would have thought

her speech a failure so if i can stand

here delivering a ted talk they’ll live

forever on the internet in these unicorn


i must really love myself

and that feels like success

thank you
