Soul The secret ingredient of successful entrepreneurship


you can learn art

in design school you can learn money and

people management skills

in mba but where do you learn

adding a soul a conscious to your

entrepreneurial journey

the part most artists find challenging

even more than creating the masterpiece


is to create the business of their

artwork without losing the soul to their


when i founded soul works i had a sense

of skill a passion for the craft

but i was lost when it came to creating

a structure and making a business out of


so here is me sharing my eight years of

art onto funeral journey the discoveries

i chanced upon

of course the mistakes i made but more


the learnings that came through which


into four key epiphanies that became

the pillars to soul works

epiphany number one

self to before your youtube did you know


every single dream catcher design that i

have made to date

was crafted out of my own inner guidance

i simply kept the vision of the dream

catcher clearly etched in my mind’s eye

while i intended for the technique to be


through my own inner guidance for me the

journey of discovery was far more

exciting than even creating the product


in the first 48 hours i had made my very

first dream catcher after several

attempts and variations

every wrong technique led me to get a

more innovative design

and that’s the entire collection created


in the process of discovering the right


i know the trial and error is a classic

formula of the past

but for artists intending to create


artwork there is no better way than

tuning in to self

today we all want to go on to youtube to

see it through

we want to be able to pre-end not just

the process but also the end result

and on the basis of that we want to

decide if we even wish to invest in the

journey or not

where is the authenticity in that where

is the fun of discovery

and the learnings that a process is

designed to bring in

to know too much is to know nothing at


artists who wish to lead must dare to

create master to learn

and most importantly allow themselves to

be guided

by their own advice to youtube is to


but to self-tune is to discover

epiphany number two stop

losing time to save money while in the

first year of soul works

money was scarce what no one tells you

is that in the initial years the profits


think you’re making will nowhere be


because it all funnels back into the

rolling of the business

so here i was multitasking being the one


army all of this hoping that i could

save as

much money as i could conceptualizing


marketing packing even do-to-do delivery


i was doing it all well i

thought that i was saving money i

was actually killing time and more so

losing the focus on my craft

there’s a fun fact about business that i

learned during this period of time

the money you could have made but didn’t

are the losses you actually have


multitasking is a foolish man’s asset

build a team pay them fairly make them

experts at the skills that are

not your forte no you don’t need to be

the jack of all trades

simply create a team of masters

for each segment of your brand more

people means

more heart more soul and more focus

and that eventually leads to better

brand building

invest your money to gain time so that

you can be free for the bigger vision of


which leads me to my epiphany number


winning consistently is losing

let me tell you why if you have been

async one formula for really really long

and you’re not exploring other routes

and possibilities

then are you really allowing yourself to

expand your horizons

and look beyond the known territories

while i

was comfortable selling my work through

events reseller avenues

i had been keeping the online channels

at week

i was selling through the tried and

tested platforms wholesale

pop-ups i had taken years to perfect

my success formula winning consistently

and my known sales segments made me

rather too comfortable

to get out and explore new avenues which

i knew that i

could possibly fail at first

then came times of forward setting up an

online store was

now my only option i realized that while

i had been consistently winning

i had set myself up for this big failure

the big fish in the small pond is

winning consistently yes

but it is also losing out on all the

adventures it is too afraid to take

it’s time for the big fish to enter the


infinite ocean it is time to risk into

unknown waters in the pursuit of


and learning

let money be a blessing

how you earn that money and how you feel

about it is exactly what it will bring

into your life before i chance on soul

works i pursued

several professions i earned extremely


but i ended up spending it all to

compensate for the challenges

i have faced while making the very same


no matter how much i spent it wasn’t

enough and my desires were never fully


the void of abundance only grew deeper

while in my first year of soul works i

was barely making any money

yet strangely there was never a time

when i had to step

back on my needs my needs and desires

were now in harmony and there was always

enough money to meet them all

i had never felt richer abundant

and most importantly fulfilled

every penny you earn doing something you

love is a blessing

the kind of blessing one wishes to

invest in

in the words of benjamin franklin money

is a full structure money never made a

man happy

nor would ever win the more a man has

the more he wants

instead of filling a vacuum it only

makes one

money is simply a means to a better

quality of life

it is a means to an end not an end in


wealth on the other hand is an abundance

of assets not just monetarily

but assets of network relationships

ideas aspirations and even good health

wealth is defined by the capacity to

create opportunities for yourself and

for those around you

money depletes while wealth only

adds more value to your life

wealth is beyond possessions and

tangible heels

there is wealth in the countless

blessings you earn throughout your life

there is wealth in sharing knowledge and

even more so

in inspiring others so

this is me karima doing what i do best

inspiring creating a spark and sharing

my wealth of knowledge and experiences

the kind of wealth that never depletes

but only grows as i go along sharing my


as an art entrepreneur