Success And The Three Battles


let me share a story with you

when i was a kid i loved aeroplanes

growing up in a small town loving the

capital city of togo in west africa

every flight that departed from that

town could be heard

by everyone and so my fascination for

aeroplanes grew

day by day and tough luck to me my mom

and my sister knew that

and they used it to the advantage every

time i refused to

eat a meal that was cooked at home

because we didn’t grow up with much

we act the same thing from monday to


so here’s what they will do they’ll

promise me that right after i finish

eating the meal

we’ll go and catch a plane and to make

me believe it

they will ensure that they dress me up

in that one christmas attire

which was the only thing we basically


for special occasions and for christmas

and i’ll go very enthusiastically eat

that meal and right after my sister will

take my hand

we’ll take a walk for fifty two hundred

meters and she’ll be like

sorry the pilot has left

oh i fell for it each and every time

though when i look back right now i just

really couldn’t

understand how could i have fallen for

such but hey

it’s the mind of a kid

however though i will say that those

actions already planted in may see that


push me to wanting to go after things

that can enable me to buy my own flight


ladies and gentlemen it is my pleasure

and honor to be standing here today

understand which are called the stand of


this then is going to allow you the

opportunity to stretch your mind

to new dimensions so

in you seeds of confidence innovations

new lifestyles and even healthier


this position is going to allow me the

opportunity to disrupt and distrust

anything important which could hinder

your success

the truth is i am obsessed by success

not the success which is viewed as the

accumulation of

cars and mansions not the one which is

viewed by the domination

as one group over the next

none but the success which is

beautifully defined

by james william as

an inner ideal which is persistently


with courage and an outer achievement


to that idea

irma anti-girl hits the nail on its head

for me

when he defines success as the

progressive realization

of the worthy idea in other words

whatever it is that you find yourself

doing large

or small significant or not petty

or not as long as you find yourself

progressing in your worthy ideal

you can qualify yourself as successful

create parameters right here’s the thing


when we apply the definition of this

wise man

in the life of an already individual

there are two hiccups

hiccup number one in order for you to


pursue an ideal you’ve got to

have one hiccup number two

an ideal that is worthy to you today

may not necessarily be worthy to you


and i give you a very great bonus in

hiking number three

an idea that you judge worthy to you

the idea that is in your mind is only


based on the things that you have been

exposed to

an idea that you judge worthy to you

it’s only based on the conditioning

of your society’s norms to think and to


coming to that realization blew my mind

for all my life i have been chasing


and in my line of work which consists in

helping people

build a bridge between where they are to

where they want to be

or helping companies go from idea level

and actually incept and scale

i’ve come to understand that are three

types of people

there are those that have no reason to

bounce from their beds in the morning

no purpose no reason to do whatsoever

and there are those who struggle

consistently between who they are

and their life purpose now you have a

third group

who by fire or ice wake up every single

morning doing

whatever they can to fulfill

what they believe their life mission to


nicolas butler said it best that there

are those

that watch it happen those who wonder

what the heck was just happened

and then there are those who make it


but you know what blew my mind the most

is to actually find out that

whether you are the one that’s making

things happen

or the one that watching that happen or

the one who wonder

what has just happened those three


fight the same pattern

and it’s the battle against the three

toughest demons of mankind

fear self death and low self-esteem

fear an emotion induced by

a perceived danger which causes us to

flee or retreat

physiologically speaking or emotionally

in the face of adversities

self-doubt a paralyzing force which

stops her from taking action

low self-esteem is a feeling of being

unlovable awkward

and incompetent the lack of confidence

my story of chasing success starts

from when i actually finished my high


at the age of 15 and going to university

with a ratio of 4

000 students one professor i decided to

leave my country

to a better destination which will offer

me the opportunity to realize

the dreams that i had the journey was

long ladies and gentlemen

it was tough and rough on that journey

days came where there was no shelter for


this came when i had no food to eat this

came when there was nobody to go to

with 18 months spent on the outside on

the road

my mom thought i was dead

but was it worth it was it a journey


taught me the things that i wanted to

learn out of life

oh yes it did but notice

that even the day that will come the

days that will come

each and every day i will wake up

fighting for the worthy ideal

that was ready for me at the time by the

way which is

providing for my mom and taking her out

of the debt that she

took mostly to raise us notice

that my idea they were only framed

based on where i came from

so deep within i’ll be battling

also against those three demons

and even when i made it to senior


accounting for millions of dollars

managing over hundreds of people

and eventually deciding to start my own

coaching and speaking business

speaking to millions of people around

the world

they will still come creeping in in the

middle of the night

telling me hey do you think you can do


asking me do you believe that you really

can make a difference

you know you are african who wants to

hear what you’ve got to say

you know that every time you actually

fly in a worsened country

you are taken in at the first suspect

to be asked questions do you think you

can do that

and i will find myself pacing in my room

every night

talking myself out of it

fear self-doubt and low self-esteem

the three demons continuously feeding

from our perceptions

notice fear is an emotion induced by a


dangerous threat what this means is you

your perception

you shift your thinking you shift your

thinking you create a new set of

actions when you set up actions to

create new habits with new habits

you forge a new character you need a new


a new belief system

perpetual transformation is the ultimate

key against

three demons my favorite bible verse

says that don’t conform to the things of

this world but be transformed

by the renewing of your mind

do not conform to your perception do not

conform to circumstances but

be transformed by the renewing of your


fear self-doubt and low self-esteem

the reason why africa even though the

richest continent on earth is still the

poorest is

exactly because of the three demons

we can blame colonization and slavery as

much as we want

but it’s only when we tap into a deep

sense of realization

when we are fully aware of what we are

dealing with deep within

and take concrete actions to renew our

self-esteem only then

transformation happens and that’s when

you’ll see a young african being

innovative enough

to be able to come up with the

technology like cool tap water

which can desalinate seawater and power

up an entire town

or generational african transformation

which can be

triggered by a virtual education


called afrimani university education

platform supported

by a capital patient enough

with a purpose to renew the self-esteem

of the young africans

and entrust them with the technological

thinking and skills

which they can use to trigger the

development on the continent

and while they are they might as well


a network of black successful

entrepreneurs around the world

to mentor the young ones on the


transformation is what is needed

let me share a story with you one day

this woman inbox me

and she shared a story with me that

broke my heart she said that she lived

with the husband

that beat her up called her names

strangled her

and she said i quote that sucked

life out of me so immediately i said hey


before we do any kind of work please

seek assistance from the state or moving

with another relative

yes what she said i don’t think i’m good


if i leave who will want me

he’s paying half of the rent so

i can leave so even though this woman is

gambling with her life and a lifetime


she chooses to do what most of us do

she chooses to die slowly inside

and that is the exact purpose of the

three demons to use life challenges

to deem our light inside and to make us

subdue to what are called the zombie


the zombie factor it’s a state in which

a person has no drive no purpose no


no ambitions nothing to look forward to

in the next day

it’s basically a person that is stuck in

a time machine

counting down to their date of death

fear self-doubt and low self-esteem

the three demons which can suck life out

of you

transformation is defined as the change

of ones after form

from one which it was to another which

is the result of an inner change

an inner change which can be triggered

by the recreation of a new environment

and the truth is it may not necessarily

be comfortable

now comfort is not powerful

but that is what we need

for that woman her time machine could

have been her husband

for others it’s their boyfriends their


and for some it’s their jobs

it’s time ladies and gentlemen it’s time

we take a stand against the treetop

estimates of mankind

it’s time that we transform by the


of our minds i know somebody listening

to me right now he’s thinking oh yeah

it’s easier said than done

yeah you correct it’s not easy and you

almost never will be

to think and dream beyond your


let alone take blind faithful actions

to bring those dreams to life

but that is the exact purpose of


being able to create in the face of


a friend of mine wrote that god is an


man is a creator i’m going to share this

with a personal story of mine

right after i left corporate i started

few businesses in one of them was pretty


i started with a very close friend of


one morning i got a call from the bank

that our bank account was trained

and right after the car from the bank

the tax taxman called

and apparently that friend of mine

emptied our account

and is in the wind till today

so i had two choices

to either be stuck with the fears and

the doubts

and the low self-esteem that this

experience has brought me

or use it as a springboard to actually

bounce back

and recreate a new reality

the choice is always ours life is full

of challenges

sometimes we let ourselves down or


the people we love and trust the most

that actually

let us down

but the truth is what are we are the

ones who watch it happen

what are we are the ones who wonder what

the heck has just happened what are we

are those who make it happen

we have the choice to become

slave of those three toughest demons of

mankind fear

self-death and low self-esteem

and be sucked by the zombie factor or we

have the choice

to use those three turn them into


and bounce back and change

our life for the better so we can

fulfill our purpose

and achieve our full potential

my name is steven dosu remember she can

be great and see you on time
