What makes one successful is a persons reaction to an event


when was the last time you were


maybe it was as simple as acing your

very hard math test

or beating your friend at a very close

game of uno

success is as individual as the person

who achieves it

to me success is about achieving the

goals i’ve set out for myself

hi my name is siri gangaretti and today

i would like to explore with you

not what it means to be successful but

an approach to help you

achieve your success so what makes this

so important and relevant to me

i will share a small personal story it

was the first math test of the year my

heart was racing as i was waiting for my

grade to come into skyward

i desperately wanted to do well but

unfortunately i did not do well and this

broke my heart

i was so sad and disappointed those

following days i felt defeated and i

didn’t know how to push forward

one day i got so tired of having all of

these negative thoughts around me and i


instead of reacting to the event as a

failing moment why not react to it with

a positive and learning mindset

after realizing this i started to review

all the mistakes i made on my

tests and quizzes and homeworks to make

sure i didn’t repeat these same mistakes

i also started to put in more hours such

as sit down and review all the math

information i

learned the next math test came but this

time i passed it with flying colors

since then i’ve been using this approach

in many of my tests and other challenges

and has been very impactful in helping

me find my success

because i always reacted with a positive


one of the most inspiring stories i’ve

heard also reminds me of this very topic

imagine being in a car accident being in

a wheelchair

and then finding out you’re going to be

paralyzed for the rest of your life

this is a description of what happened

to mambia missouri bellatch

this amazing woman was in the hospital

after sustaining many injuries

her injuries were so severe that she

learned she would no longer be able to


or give birth to a child ever again

although this was devastating to her

she decided to react to the situation

with positivity

she wrote down all of her fears one by

one and overcame them mentally

for example one of her fears is not

being able to have a child

once she mentally accepted her new

reality she was able to overcome her


and realize she could have a child by

adopting one now she has gone on to

achieving major success

such as becoming a professional artist

owning her own business

and she’s an anchor for pakistan’s

national television

no wonder they call her the iron woman

of pakistan she is also an extraordinary

example of someone whose success

comes from the fact that their her

attitude and her situation was

responsible for her succeeding and

finding her happiness

so today all i’m asking of you is to

look at success

in a different way next time you fail

try to look at the situation with the


try to look at it with an i can do it


so if you end up failing that math test

don’t go hide under your bed

if you end up losing that game of uno

don’t go throwing the cards around the


remember responding to a bad situation

with positive mindset

will lead you to success thank you
