Why Measure Success


today i am going to solve

y which i had solved many years back for


why measure success

why measure success is there any law


or any guide book any rule book in which

it is written

that a person who has this kind of a


is considered to be successful or a

person who has

this kind of a job is considered to be


or a person who has who drives this kind

of a car

is considered to be successful so what

is this measure for success

why can’t a green grocer who’s just

selling fresh vegetables

be considered as a successful person why

can’t a woman who has left her job to

take care of her child

be considered successful why can’t a


who’s sweeping the floor immaculately

every day in our house in our building

be considered as a successful person

so i solved this while with my

experiences and i would like to share

my journey with you all and believe me

this is the first time i’m sharing this


not even all my family members know

about this journey of mine

i belong to a simple family from lucknow

born and brought up in lucknow

in 1999 i landed in mumbai

with a lady friend of mine who had

promised that

she has relatives over here so when i

reached the other station i was not

acquainted with the language it was a

very different language marathi language

for me and i being a girl was 21 years

old who had not traveled out of lucknow


then i came to know from the lady friend

that lady friend of mine

that she had no relatives here and she

had lied to me

and it was it was night time and we

didn’t even have a place to stay

and we didn’t understand the language

not even much money

so we just i did not know what to do and

we decided that

for today tonight we try to look for a

place to at least

so we went out and after lots

of we tried and we went to lots and lots

of places and finally

opposite one of the government hospitals

we found a

lodge which gave us a cubicle not bigger

than a two-seater car i would say

to stay in which all the patients who

couldn’t who were not accommodated in

the hospital were staying there

so that was the condition which i faced

we just

sat inside the room and i was very tired

and i just wanted to rest for some time

and the moment i just wanted to half lie

down i saw that the bed was full of

hundreds of

bed bugs and this was the first time in

my life that i ever saw

bed bugs and so many that time

that time this question came to my mind

what do i want to

do do i want to try my luck and be

successful or

or i want to go back and i decided

somewhere this wand came that i want to

be successful because this image of

success is instilled in all of fast

since our childhood

so i just wanted to go ahead and try my

luck at least

universe was very kind to me on the

fourth day

through auditions through friends i

bagged a role that was a main eat

on just fourth day and i was so happy

that this is the time i have achieved my

success now i will be there where i

wanted to be always

and everything went smooth the shoot

started everything was really really


and then after three months my dad

passed away

and things completely changed for me and

i became the man of the family

all of a sudden after that when i came

back to mumbai

after all the ceremonies i came to know

that after one month

the show was shutting down and i will be

left for no

with no work so i was like oh my god i

just thought that i am successful and

now why is this happening

with me why i just wanted to be


and then i decided that okay fine this

is the

life and i will it was not easy those

days were really really difficult

but i started learning and meeting


that how to get work and auditioning and

do everything which was possible for me

to do

after all this the cycle started every

time i used to get a show i used to feel

that now is the time when i have gained

the success which i have always wanted

but then after a few months or an year

when the show used to shut down i used

to feel that

why is it shutting down why i’m feeling

so unsexy unsuccessful and this was a

cycle which began

by this time years passed by and then i

had a small house of my own

i had a car of my own and then another

setback happened

which changed my life this is i’m

talking about

a few years when i had everything basic

comforts i had

a person who came with nothing had basic

comforts over here had earned that much

okay and then another setback was that

again i was doing a main lead in one

show and my call time was 9 a.m i’d be

very punctual i always be on time i

reached there

and they told me that you are required

at 3 pm i said okay fine i’ll go back

home and come back again

and when i reached shoot again at 3 p.m

i just got some strange vibes i felt

that something is going on and they are

not telling me something freshy is going


and i sat in my makeup room preparing

for my scene

and then but i had this gut feeling that

something is wrong

and then the producer came and told me

that lata do you know

this is your last scene channel has

replaced you and there’s another girl

who’s already shooting for the same role

since morning and this is channel’s

decision we cannot do anything

and i got a shock because that

it hit me on my self-respect

all my confidence which i had gained

with so much of difficulty

was shattered completely that i’m being

replaced someone else is shooting i’ve

not been informed also and they’re just

making me do the last scene

so i was so shocked that i was not able

to drive back home and a

friend drove me back home and then i

started thinking that

why again why i did not achieve the

success which i

wanted to achieve and i was just about

to achieve

so this whole chase or the search for

success continued and then

i went for meditation because i was not

in the right frame of mind

i went for vipassana if you have heard

in which we have to do one drug for ten

days continuously

i went to igatori i stayed there and

tried to look for this

with this question in mind that when

will i be successful

why am i not getting the success which i

want in spite of me

being punctual all the hard work all the


everything and from there my life


when i came back i got the answer

and the answer was that all this why i

did not feel successful

because all this time i was measuring

my own journey with journey of the other


i was measuring my success my

house my car my lifestyle my status

with the other people around me

i was not appreciating my journey at all

i was not giving gratitude for whatever

i had at that time

i was not thanking god that thank you so

much at least i

i have a place to stay how can i forget

the dingy

cubicle in which i had stayed that night

so i got the answer

that whole this whole journey

all this time i was just comparing

comparing and

measuring my success with other people’s


and this happened even in the code time

especially the lockdown period which

most of our industry was really really


because what happens that we have uh

everyone has a standard of life

and when we feel that oh my god there’s

no verb will

i will i have to sell this luxury car

will people think that i am not

successful if i sell this luxury car

if i my status come downs why where is

it written that if you have a luxury

car car only then you will be successful


is it written so this is the journey and

then the day

that day i learned and my dear friends i

would really like to tell you from my


that there is no measure for success

there is totally no measure for success

life is

all about experiences

life is just an experience is gaining


and more experiences

experiences over material wealth

but it is not wrong to achieve

everything material it is very good

but one must stay detached with the

material things

whereas gain the experiences

so in my eyes success is not what all

i have achieved what all shows i have

done what move which movie i did this is

not successful

success is how many times i got up or

anyone gets up

after falling down after falling down

how many times you get up you fight

with all the obstacles in front of you

and then

move ahead with a conviction gaining


success is all about your grit it is

all about learning it is all

about moving ahead in life and learning

should never stop

this is one thing which i have learned

from my experience

learning should never stop the day

learning stops

then you are not successful the day

learning stops

all your progress will stop this is not


and finally it is giving back to the


if we do not give back to the society in

whatever form or in whatever small or

big measure

we want to give we are not successful

first of all we should stop comparing

and measuring our success

today i decided to quit television

to take care of my son and pursue my

other interests so it does not mean that

now i’m not successful

so there is no measure for success only


and experiences and the day i stopped

measuring my success

i felt content i was very happy with

whatever i had

i was content and then i observed


success on it all started following me

the day i stopped following it it

started following me

because then it did not matter all


is that i’m moving ahead in life i’m

honest to my work i’m honest to myself

i’m learning and moving ahead every day

i’m learning and moving ahead

and then success automatically started

following me

so my dear friends this was my whole

story which is actually very very long

this is what

success means to me experiences

learning moving ahead and

being content with yourself

measuring your journey not with others

but with your

own journey that’s it
