Without hardwork you can not achieve success


hello everybody

my name is gizelle siva and i’m 13 years


today i’m going to talk about hard work

that leads to success

growing up i’ve heard different stories

about successful people

they say that those people are gifted

others say that they are lucky

but one thing that very successful and

famous people have in common

is hard work

hard work is the road to success

there are no other ways than that

nobody will do all the work instead of


it’s upon you only nobody will be

responsible for your decisions

than you yourself hard work

is working every day every week and

every month to reach what you’re aiming


success requires hard work

let’s take as an example the famous

former basketball player michael jordan

yes we can all definitely agree that

he’s gifted when it comes to basketball

but would he have been successful if he

wouldn’t train for hours every single


if he didn’t take basketball seriously

or would hang out with his friends

missing trainings

the answer is of course no his success

was the result of hours of bulger bling

days of learning months of trainings

and overall years of hard work

other inspiring and great examples like

our famous chess players

te muljabadov s

the famous currency champion

rafael archive the famous portuguese

footballer cristiano ronaldo

muhammad ali all also worked very hard

but wasn’t all hard work of this worth


wasn’t it all worth it yes it was

success requires hard work

when i was 10 i wrote and published a


safety rules for children with the aim

to prevent

children from unsafe acts the journey

was long

and involved lots of hard work

however the end result was good because

now my book is sold in bookstores

there’s this very nice quote that i like

which probably most of you have heard

is nothing good ever comes easy

i believe we can understand a lot from

this quote

i believe that this quote means that if

you want to have good results on


achieve something and enjoy it

afterwards you have to work hard

you have to take the long road hard work

requires three things

it requires patience time and effort

these three key factors are essential

these three things add up hard work

these three things make up hard work

success requires hard work

nowadays one of the reasons why i


people have stopped growing and

accomplishing more

is because they don’t want to leave

their comfort zones

a comfort zone in my words is a zone

in which we feel totally happy and good


this zone has negative effects on the

minds of people

it makes people think that if they have

already done

or achieved something they can’t be

better or improve

fix me this makes them stay on the same


and place for on and on and on

let’s take an example two students can


in any subject it can be history math


let’s take a math two students get a c


both of them work equally hard to get a

b next term and they do

the first student is pleased with the


we’ll make sure to keep it up and work

as hard as he or she did together be

next time too

the second student is pleased with the

results too

but wants to get a higher grade next

term was to get a next term

so starts working even harder

see how the second student left the

comfort zone aside

he or she understood that they will have

to work more hard spend more time

put in more effort have more patience

but the student knows the end result

will be good

and not only good but better with hard


this is something everybody should know

if you want to get better at something

you must work harder heard this saying

there’s always room for improvement

this leads me back to what i started

with some people decide to stay where

they are

and some people decide to move on go


on the way to success you may fail

whilst you’re working things may be hard

you may face a lot of challenges

and things may be difficult the

following things i mentioned

shouldn’t stop you from working but

oppositely encourage

and motivate you to work even harder

hard work pays off this is something i’m


most of us have heard results

may not come immediately or in a short

period of time

but they will if you work hard

hard work leads to success success

requires hard work thanks for listening