Education System by Hithesh Choudhary

hey there everyone hitesh here and

welcome to my home and welcome to the

tedx talk as well

i never thought that i’ll be saying

these two things and the same

sentence giving a tedx talk right from

the comfort of sofa

in the home this is really a strange


now since you’re already at my home

let’s talk about an unforeseen journey

and talking just about me in my home

would be rude

so let’s talk about an unforeseen

journey of a student

not just a student journey of

all the student who goes through an

indian education system

right from their preschool to their 12th


this journey is going to put up a lot of

questions in your mind

now i’m not saying i know the answers of

these questions

neither i’m saying that i’m right

neither i’m saying i’m wrong

figuring out answers of all of this

question is responsibility

on the shoulders of all of us so

figuring out answer of some of these

really ambiguous question is on let me

take you today on the journey of a

student right from the preschool

till the 12th standard so let’s start

with the preschool

life of a regular student in india is

extremely competitive it is so much

full of competition and sometimes this


doesn’t even have idea that he’s even

competing in the race

whenever there is a newborn baby the

first thing that parents

do is enroll their students in the


now he’s competing even for the


usually principal takes interviews of

these kids

these toddlers who cannot even remember

their name

in the age where he should be learning

from his

or her grandparents or maybe his mother

or father

that where is your nose where are your


what comes after two what comes after


in that age that scared student is

sitting in front of a chair in front of

a principal

to get an admission in the pre-school

i don’t know if it is right or not

that’s your job to figure it out

but i think competition on that level

that shocks me somehow this student


survives in the preschool somehow don’t

know how they promote them

but somehow he survives and eventually

he moves into school and the standards


first second or third where he learns a

little bit about the stuff

and this is the age where students love

to play games

why they shouldn’t it’s so much fun they


their dad that hey dad i should be

joining some academy like cricket


it’s so much fun to play the game and

his dad sees that all of the kids and

his friends

kids are going into the academy he

enrolls him in the academy

now this kid gets so much interest in

the cricket that he says hey

i want to become a cricketer and at the

exact same

moment his parents says that hey you

shouldn’t become a cricketer you should

focus more on

studies there is nothing in the sports

much in india there is so much of

competition every guy wants to become a


and i am sitting here thinking that if


is having so much of competition haven’t

you ever looked in the people who are

preparing for the government jobs

i’m pretty sure that is much more

crowded there

and in the meantime we are having this

discussion that whether you should focus

more on your cricket skills or not at

the meantime

there hits the break of the car because

academy is here

your dad on the one hand is saying that

hey i’ll pick you up from the academy


after two hours and at the same time

says don’t take this as

a full time even if you are good in that

focus more on studies

i am all about pro studies i love


but in the meantime this students move a

little bit ahead in the life

he moves into the journey of seventh

grade or eighth grade which is a very

crucial age

in this age this students get a hobby

a hobby of playing guitar and this

guitar is so much

interesting that he moves his journey

from becoming a cricketer

to becoming a musician and being an


student open-minded who wants to become


in this world he says to his parents

that i want to become a musician and

that’s when you get a

big lecture from your parents that hey

there is no money in the music industry

and it’s not a great industry

you should rather focus on your studies

now if we are talking all about money

that how much money can you

make actually it wonders me that

how much a policeman actually makes

after studying

so much after giving so many of the

amazing exams and the physical work and

the training that they go through

how much is actually their salary

and if all that you want from your kid

is to make money here’s an interesting

choice of career option

why don’t you inspire your kid to become


because i yet have to meet a politician

who is dirt

poor just like an ordinary person and

there is minimum liability if you fail

to do your work

also if a politician is

not filthy rich just when he gets a seat

he becomes somehow miraculously

amazingly rich if he’s not getting rich

somehow magically his relatives or his


or his wife gets insanely rich

here’s a food for your thought how about

teaching your kid hey

become a politician coming back on to

the journey of this

student this student realizing what

should i become what should i not become

he somehow manages to go into the 10th


and 10 standard is a really crucial


everybody says that i also got the same

thing from my parents

and everybody around me now not every

student is

able to perform highly in the 10th

standard this

student got just 45

marks in the 10th standard he is

promoted to the next class

although he is super happy that i’m

being promoted to the next class

but none of the society parents and


is happy with him i really don’t


why are you not happy with the student

who is scoring 45 percent

this is a big question we need to put

a big why that why are you not happy

with 45

is it low percent then how is it the

fault of a student that it is a low


your passing standard is 33 percent

and he has a scored way above your

minimum threshold criteria

so it’s you whose fault it is

the entire society should raise the

standard that below 70 percent nobody’s

gonna get pass

so if the entirety or majority of the

class is gonna stay in the same standard

because you don’t like people with the

45 percent

entire class should fail the whole idea

of promoting somebody into the next

class or next level or next phase

is that he is ready for that and if you

think that the person with 45

person marks is not ready why to promote


so next time when an interview asks that

why you have scored

less marks in the 10th just openly say


i haven’t scored less i have scored way

above the threshold

it’s the standard which is really low

the criteria here

is faulty but definitely i’m not taking

the side of students who are not giving

their 100 person

but definitely we are also equally

liable and we are equally responsible

to change this criteria when the same

student reaches in the 11th standard

you say to him that now you can elect

your subject you can opt your subject

absolutely wrong

no student in india is allowed to select

the stream of the subject of their


in 11th standard because if somebody

who has scored low and wants to choose

physics and maths

with that 45 percent he has gonna go

through the hell

of all the links and all the favors that

he can call through to

get admission with the maths and science

team despite he is so good in that

if somebody who is scoring 95 of

marks and is interested all about arts

and history

he’s gonna have a long lecture with the

dad with neighbors with principles that


are you even opting for arts you

are a science student so can you tell me

how this is a selection of a subject

when students

are not allowed to select the subject

from now onwards i’m gonna call this as


allotment of subject in 11th standard

and if you happen to be the brilliant


which is judged by the percentage only

you’re supposed to get into iits as well

now the next goal from your parents is

to select the iit

which one should you go for not based on

where are the best teachers available or

where are the best projects available

but based

on which college got the highest package

in the newspaper

which student was able to bag the one

crore package

and a shift to usa

and on this exact moment you realize

that i have learned in the early school

moral science book that brain drain is a

problem of the country

so should i take this big amount money

package and just leave the country

and then exact moment you realize

that when our talent from our country

goes into another country and does

extremely well there then only we start

to appreciate that

see my point with this entire narration

of journey is to

point out some of the ambiguities in our

parenting in our society

in our criteria i’m not saying that

everything is absolutely wrong but there

are certainly a lot of points which are

totally wrong

and they are just not wrong in the

criteria there are a lot of

wrong things in the parenting as well we

are living in a society where even to

sell educational products

companies need to hire entertainment

celebrities and not

educational celebrities because we don’t

have any

society is us and we are society

it’s all just a place from where you are


there’s a lot of improvement needed and

this improvement is not going to come

on the very first day but right now is

the time that we need to start at least

to work in the direction of that

improvement the step one to solve any

problem is to recognize

that there is one kids are highly

impressionable they are naive they are

at such a young age that they can get

impressed by

anybody when they see these vlogs where


vloggers are living these lavish life

and without showing them what’s

happening behind the scene

they just see this is the best life that

one can have

it is very important for these kids to

meet real life heroes as well

to policemens to army generals and


and also to all these amazing

entrepreneurs behind the amazing

companies that they have established in

india to learn more about the giants

and the monstrous industries that these

entrepreneurs have established in india

we have people like tata adani ambani

i know some of you might not agree about

what they do or not

but one thing is sure they have

established great empires in india

so why don’t you teach to inspire them a

little bit more about

their stories too they are watching a

lot of youtube

it’s your parenting job to tell them

more about these inspirational figures

of india

parenting means it should be free from

money parenting means

it should be high in moral values and

then only

there will be good politicians coming

out from our society

the politician who you blame for


saying that they are all corrupt and all

just bad

they are coming between us they are the

part of our society

and it’s now our time to improve this


and just like always i would like to end

this talk

with one of my own coat you were born


and you’re gonna die alone impact is the

only thing

that you’re allowed to take with you

rest all

will be taken by others stay safe

signing out hitesh