Talent Vs. Hard work



what is talent

talent is a gift one is naturally born

with you’re amazing at something

right from the beginning so if you’re

born with a talent

your future is set right

your future is served to you on a golden

place where you were born extraordinary

and if you weren’t born with the talent

you were just

unlucky you can’t achieve anything for

you were born

a plain average human being and there’s

nothing you can do about it

right tons of people can be seen

everywhere on television on articles and

generally all over social media talking

about famous celebrities who’ve achieved

so much

throughout their lives like christian

ronaldo for example

christian ronaldo is an extremely

successful and skilled footballer who’s

considered one of the

best football players in history he’s

won over 30

major trophies throughout his career all

because he was really

talented right

you may have also come across selena


selena gomez is an extremely talented

singer-songwriter and

actress who started over 36 movies and

has several hit

songs there’s no doubt that she too is


gifted you may have also heard of

nikola tesla nikola tesla was a great

scientist inventor electrical and

mechanical engineer

who has contributed greatly to the

future of design

and technology he’s also shown sheer

talent throughout his life but

all we see is the result the main play

but we never see what happens before the

curtains open or the amount of

rehearsals before the performance

so we assume it’s just talent

but there’s something else a secret

that not many people know about and that

is hard work did you know

the christian ronaldo was first made fun

of when he started playing football at

the age of 11.

now he is considered a football god a


only because he decided to work harder

than everyone else and selena gomez once


i’m not the best but i’ve worked hard

since i was seven

years old she’s been practicing with a

vocal coach

ever since and what about the fact that

nikola tesla used to skip eating

because of non-stop working in his lab

that’s impressive i can’t even go two

hours without a snack

if one is constantly told that they have


and they’re they’re gifted they have a

lesser chance of actually being

successful in the future

why is that because the person begins to

think that their

talent will do it all for them and that

they no longer need to work hard

but the truth is no matter how gifted

you are

you still need to work hard because hard

work isn’t just one of the ways you can


it is the only way you can succeed

some people just sit there wasting their

gift relying on talent to do it

all and that strategy isn’t a real


as nothing in the world not even talent

can lead you to achieving your goals

in an easy way hard work beats talent

when talent doesn’t work hard

this is a quote by tim natke

but time is something that you were born

with and some people

aren’t born with one others may call you

talentless for that

now when someone calls you talentless it

may sound like a cold

insult but really all it means is that

now is the time

to stop thinking about being gifted and

to start working hard on what you love

to do because if all you care about is

being talented

you will waste your time when you could

be doing so much more

now let me go back to the very beginning

of my speech

when i said that if you are talented

your future is set

and if you are not you’re worthless

that is completely incorrect because now

every single one of you knows about hard

work and how

important that is in order to succeed

in this speech i hope i inspire you in

some way

my name is anushka and thank you for

listening to my speech
