Can we ever be one step ahead of the hackers

cyber crime industry

is way bigger than the cyber security


let me explain cyber security industry

is a 180 billion dollar industry

whereas the cyber crime industry is more

than six trillion

this is equivalent to the gdp of

australia canada brazil and south korea

all put together or the equivalent work

of google amazon facebook and apple

the one guarding the internet the good

guys white hats

on the other side the bad guys black


the hackers this shows that people are

not assets

only good people are assets the world of

hacker consists of people who write and

sell exploits in the dark web

for as less as 50 dollars and all these


are also very anonymous because of


in fact there a very popular hacker joke

where did the hackers go

i don’t know they ran somewhere

every single day half a million malware

is written in the dark web

in fact most of the darkweb forums have

become the alibaba and amazon of the

cyber crime industry

to fight big wars you need to have deep


with all these statistics you clearly

know who’s winning

but i feel intellectual capital will

always term financial capital

let me explain if you see the top three


in terms of cyber attack traffic lb

united states

china and russia the cyber investment by

all these nations

is enormous but still they get hacked

every single day not only nations

even corporations see some of the top


2013 yahoo attack where 3 billion user

accounts were compromised

2016 mirai iot botnet attack

which was ddos based 2017

wannacry ransomware attack if you see

all these attack patterns you’ll

understand that

defending all the time is not easy there

has to be a better strategy

before we get into the solution zone

let’s try to understand what this

world of hackers look like this how they

look like

christopher warren hassell the world’s

youngest hacker

at the age of five he broke into

microsoft xbox security

ruben paul at the age of nine

he had his own cyber security firm

but i wonder if kids can do this what

about the experts

and two more stats see the world average

of hacker

it’s 25 years old and most patents

awarded to people

are below 26 years common denominator

youth a child grows to curiosity

and so does hacker and curiosity is a

never-ending game

be finding the depth of ocean or

reaching mars

what starts off as a computer hobby

turns into unethical hacking

and that’s where the problem begins even

if you see the world’s most

famous hacker kevin mitnick in his

childhood days he was drawn by the world

of magic

again common denominator curiosity

i think there are only three reasons why

hackers do what they do

money fame activism

if you see some of the hacker lifestyle

swanky cars multi-million mansion

would want to give it up at a very young


some hacker groups hack into rival

hacking groups and pose their

credentials in the dark web

gives them fame in their hacker


for few money is not a motivation

ideologies this activist group

hack into government websites and post

their credentials

and messages all over in public or

they give access to citizens to

government-censored websites

anonymous is one of the hacktivist group


i think the world needs a technology

where even if a slight

evil idea comes into anyone’s mind

the keyboards should get locked and the


should get blacked out well sharing some

startup ideas

well now that we understand the cyprus


can we ever be one step ahead of this

hackers game

well there are no silver bullets but

definitely a solution approach

i propose a three-prong approach

software coders

government schools universities and

social awareness

let’s start with software programmers

software coders

are the heart of every application that

is built today

software coders build the code but don’t

imagine how it can be misused

so the question is can every code be


because even a bad code can function

hence i propose a campaign that should

be run in mnc’s government institution


it says secure everything you build

coders need to write defect-free


and this depends on the quality of

professors it depends on the

quality of schooling system

and this vicious cycle needs to be fixed


see if you are an atheist you need to

know what is religion right

so if you want to be a good hacker you

need to know how a bad hacker thinks

because even a bad hacker thinks like a

coder first

you know one can argue that the bad

hackers keep you at check

because that will help you get a good

software code

i met vitalik buterin in may 2017

in india who’s the inventor of open

source blockchain ethereum

who brought in the concept of smart

contracts we had some deep conversation

about the future of blockchain

he said every new version of software

that comes in

disrupts the earlier version to bring a

better product

this is how evolution will happen made

me think

why don’t all the software coders open

source their

product in the world and tell everyone

to break their code this will bring in

good coding practice

not just coding see

software will become smarter and

the day they become self learning will

be very difficult to control them

so the focus should be on upscaling the


in cyber security alone 4 million jobs

are still vacant

because of lack of quality resource

the second pillar government university


i think the real education happens once

you leave university design school

and the problem is when you leave

schools and university and join the

corporate world

you’re bound by policy regulations

and you end up doing only ethical

penetration testing

on the other side hackers are

independent free and available as


for higher program in the dark web most

of them

also offer 24x7 support can you believe


so the question is why in schools

ethical hacking is not taught

schools should focus on difference

between cyber legal and illegal

schools should teach students critical


and logical reasoning this will help

them identify vulnerabilities when they

reach the corporate world

establishments should penalize as well

as incentivize

for effective measures three

initiatives can be done we need more of

bug bounty programs and hackathons

this is the best economic incentive that

can be offered

this can drive two purpose okay at least

make sure the good ones

don’t join the bad hacker and since the

bulk bounty programs are lucrative

least it can entice the bad hackers to

come on this side

some of the bug bounty programs offer a

million dollar in reward

programs like tesla and facebook bounty

programs are

quite popular we need more of

ethical hacking schools in the world

this is the best educational incentive

that can be offered to students who want


take cyber security as an elective

why not have something called as cyber

credit rating in the world

citizens can be rewarded for good cyber

behavior in the internet

we need to also penalize for

accountability sake

and this can be done through regulations

see jurisdiction of cyber attack is very

difficult to find

because hackers operating multiple

countries keep hopping in different


laws can fix this successful laws like

gdpr in the european union has shown


you know regulations can be outcome


we need more of these regulations we

need more

replications of models of estonia and


if you see models like israel they’re

far ahead in cyber security

some of the initiatives like after

school cyber program

is superb see i’ve spent a lot

of time in cyber security space in

various continents

and i still see most of the critical

government institutions

using outdated softwares

there is an immediate need to modernize

infrastructure and also plan to

de-risk the core business

15 years back i did a course on


and network security under professor

bernard meneses

and those days is to calculate the

number of years it will take to crack

algorithms like rsa aes

two years back i met professor again he

was so happy to tell me that

he and his team has cracked the aes


such a proud moment for me made me think

quantum computing will disrupt


and when it gets commercialized and it

falls into the wrong hands

it will be very difficult to control the

hacker’s world

the question is can we write better

quantum encryption

the third pillar social awareness

i think people need to understand that

surveillance is the business model of

the internet

this will help them accept the risk way


they go to the internet social media


to influence buying behavior and

influence election

is well known you know case of cambridge

and aldegar

most of the mobile games and defect apps

might have malware in it so be very sure

of what you download

from the internet see cyber security is

taken as a very

complicated subject so why not bring in

gamification into the space

to add a little bit of fun element so


awareness spreads in the masses

see by 2030 50 billion devices would be

connected through iot

in terms of things in fact internet of


will be way bigger than the oil economy

and when the whole world gets connected

it’d be very difficult to digitize

trust i met bruce scheiner

the technology expert

of cyber security i met him in

paris in november 2013

for the isf world congress

i asked him is iot the real threat to

the world

and mind you this was way before the

mirai iot attack

it will mean when the world is connected

through devices

two things will happen the world will

change both economically

as well as socially made me think

imagine this you get up in the morning

and your fridge tells you

transfer 500 if you want to unlock me

or the car that you’re driving is

controlled by ai bot

and accidents happen and someone dies

see there will be elements of hacking in

every part of your life

in coming years the only proactive


is to have a security mindset security

should be in your dna

this is the only way to deal with


and hence i propose this cyber movement

which propagates this idea of proactive

security strategy the

benefits of this initiative is far


because imagine if you run this campaign

in schools

due to students the parents get educated

and hence mother and we all know once

women do better

economies do better and forget about my

mother clicking into

certain email phishing links even

corporate employees do it

so this problem is absolutely deep


we need to tell everyone that you know

never trust

always verify do you really want to

connect to any free public wi-fi

think about it i hope this three-prong


is debated and celebrated and discussed

everywhere in the society

because it about debating and

celebrating differences

of all my experience in the cyber

security world

i’ve realized that cyber security is a

shared responsibility

private public partnership along with

responsible institutions like itu

and icann all coming together can fight

this evil

else they will keep controlling you for

the rest of your life

see today 60 percent of the world is


when the remaining 40 percent comes in

the internet and the world becomes

completely digital

only a good hacker can save the world

see you don’t need to manufacture

missiles if there are no wars

so if no war is influenced don’t need to

sell the machinery

because guns don’t hurt people people

hurt people

well i think we all need to think

like a hacker to be one step ahead of

the game

we need to think counterintuitive

only by thinking like a hacker you can

not only be a good programmer

but you can also have a good security

mindset to change humanity

and think like a hacker is like playing


you have to anticipate the opponent’s

move way before

because if you’re predictable you can be


lastly we are debating quantum computing


tomorrow there will be some other

technology which will disrupt quantum


so there is no winning this

technological war

the only way to beat this is by having a


security mindset because hackers

hack people of technology

thank you