How COVID19 Will Be a Paradigm Shift for Technology


3.3 million years ago man invented his

first set of tools

including hammers anvils wheels etc

fast forward about 2.3 million years

homo sapiens invented fire

now i won’t stand here and discuss every

invention mankind has made

but just for some perspective it took us

about 2.3 million years

to go from tools to fire comparatively

now in just

213 years we invented everything from

railroads to artificial intelligence in

1840 the u.s patent

office granted 458 patents in 2010

almost 220 000 patents were granted

when you see this rapid change happening

right before your eyes you can’t help

but wonder what will change

the world is so unpredictable that just

after i give this tedx talk

there could be an article or a study

published highlighting the new

breakthrough as the current pandemic

unfolds i see a multitude of prominent

demands in our society

first and foremost the access to our

workplace schools

labs have been severely restricted


at the same time the same access can be

granted virtually

this high demand of virtualization will

yield an acceleration

of collaboration and innovation to state

the obvious if it weren’t for computers

the internet streaming services and a

multitude of other things

we won’t be standing here right now but

as i’m

sure everyone has experienced in the

past couple of months

2d digital communication still has its


there are two main possible changes in

technology that will be spurred due to

the pandemic

a possible change we can see in the

future is virtual reality

this goes beyond your occasional video

game virtual reality

this type of virtual reality offers an

alternative to traditional

video calls and gives people the

opportunity to feel like they

are in the same workplace together

virtual reality isn’t just limited to

the workplace however

online charter schools can start

employing a similar strategy while

students are testing

so what is virtual reality and how can

it benefit us in the future

a lot of people are visual learners and

virtual reality goggles can train

students and staff to harness new skills

by providing them

real life scenarios instead of the

traditional textbook

microsoft recently released their second

virtual reality goggles

called the holo lens 2.

the lens is a combination of see-through


lenses multiple sensors includes

technology that understands

your gestures your voice and your

surrounding environment

the goggles visualize your surroundings

and give you a holographic image in your


this specific technology can be a threat

to our traditional smartphones

as we now will be able to fit an

augmented reality computer

in a standard pair of glasses bmw has

already incorporated this technology in

their bmw moderate

allowing the driver to wear an augmented

headset instead of a traditional helmet

the headset will be equipped with road

prediction technology and warning alert


apart from virtual reality our future

will also consist

of many advances in the medical field

one prominent headline i notice in the

current media is the need

for a vaccine according to the cdc in

regular circumstances the creation of a

vaccine requires

six main stages the exploratory stage

the pre-clinical stage clinical

development stage

regulatory review and approval stage

manufacturing stage and last but not

least the quality control stage

the whole process can take up to 10

years and costs more than 150 million


so how are we using new technologies in

the medical field to accelerate it

well there are many experimental trials

currently taking place i would like to

highlight on two

the first being prophylactic messenger

rna vaccines

currently the inovio pharmaceuticals is

one company trying to develop vaccines

against the coronavirus to develop the

new vaccine

the rna of the virus is converted into

the dna

and then analyzed to find short sections

that will

generate the most immune response along

with inovio

moderna based in massachusetts aims to

create mrna vaccines

containing multiple mrna coatings of

different proteins

with that mimic the natural infection

the rapid discovery and the quick

manufacturing of the mrna vaccine

designed make it an effective platform


a german company called curvac is also


mrna technology to develop a vaccine

using nucleotide sequence libraries they

have the ability to

identify sequences for any vaccine


thus eliminating the need for a chemical


pharmaceutical companies are also

employing molecular clamp technologies

to develop vaccines the coronavirus has

a spike protein

which binds to the human cells and


blowing a hole in the cell wall that


in that lets the virus in generally your

body recognizes the coiled shape of the

protein and then

kills it the logical approach to this

issue would be to make a vaccine

out of the spikes of the virus however

the spike protein will

uncoil in your body offering you zero


the new molecular clamp technology is

used to maintain the polypeptide

of experimental proteins molecular clamp

locks the protein in its coiled shape

encouraging your immune system to make

several anti-antibodies giving you a

much stronger immunity

this also eliminates a rising issue of a

mutant strain of the virus

with several antibodies your immune

system is more likely

to be able to fight off a different

strain of the virus as well

while both the rna messenger vaccines

the molecular clamp technology

seem promising we are from far from


the technology to completely eradicate

the virus as a whole

both of these new innovations will only

encourage the medical field to grow

at a time where hope seems hard to find

i urge you to take a look

at our future and think of the brilliant

new innovations

that are yet to come as i mentioned

throughout my

presentation we expect to see brand new


modifications in technology due to the


virtual reality and vaccines are just

the beginning

i would like to conclude my ted talk

tedx talk by

hoping to encourage all of you to

connect create

and inspire thank you