How playing gives children digital empowerment



children get digital empowerment

by playing i like to play

i like to be silly doing useless things

it’s great to immerse yourself forget

the time and just play

just be present in something exciting

and forget about time and place

when i was a kid i played every day i

played games

inside and outside we played all and was

running around doing nothing and

everything we played with dolls and

train tracks

and sometimes we were astronauts

but i forgot to play i grew up

then luckily i had kids and then i could

play again

then they grew up and i did not play


but then i became part of the curling

pirates and now

i’m playing again i’m an adult now

mad teacher and crazy about technology

in school

i teach math as a math teacher and

technology comprehension

technology comprehension is teaching

children about the good life in a

digital age

they give them digital skills to be

children in a time where technology is

taking up more and more space

in our everyday lives to have an amazing


to live the good safe life with


but what is play play

is activities without purpose

it’s a way to practice life in school we

can play

but it’s often with a professional


we always need to do something we always


tests trials and exams in front of us

everyone wants to do well but we are not

teaching the children to be participants

in a future society

but in a society that no longer exists

we can use the plane to change the


we can provide space to play not only


recess but also during classes

we can do experiments studies and solve

open tasks

and tasks from the reality playing our

experiments it’s driven by curiosity

it’s often essential it’s out in the


it makes use of materials in time and


requires concepts and knowledge remember

the experiment

said one of my wise friends steen icing

doomed from the university of alba

she had made soap bubbles in frosty


i play at home it is to dance during a

break at a team’s meeting

to knit a hat without a pattern to do

experiments in the kitchen

to make your own soap to do something

something crazy just because you can do


and then hope it goes well but laugh

when it goes wrong

i needed a santa hat for my grandson

walter he’s so small

it grew so big that he can grow in it

for the next

10 or 20 years

every day i see children playing with


i see them producing movies playing

games make animation coding apps

they have replaced the draft booklet

with the technological

possibilities but we still give them

notebooks and

copy sheets in school books and homework

the technology is natural for the kids

because they are curious about it

they are digital brave they are creative

they have

imagination they love to hear good

stories about technology and stupid ways

to use it

i bought a green screen for my school

and the children said

wow you have a green screen and they saw

the opportunities

the adults said what is it it takes off

too much space

then the children had to make movies

with a green screen about

online safety they played with the


they were creative they failed they

tried in a new way

they had different roles some were

frozen crafters actors

assistants sound people etc they were in

flow and community

they became wise about online security

they learned new words and concept about


safety while playing

the children have transferred the

playing to the technology

they are now practicing becoming digital

competent children

and later adults during playing

do children leave school with the right

and modern competences

this school does not always equip the

children for the future

this school must keep up with the times

and the reflect the surrounding


this school must ensure equal

opportunities for all children

so we must look at the academic content

in school

what skills do the children need to have

i believe that children must be good at

getting ideas

being creative and innovative they must

be good at making digital productions

work together they must be able to

communicate their results and knowledge

they must be good at seeking out


they must understand technology green


climate consumption nutrition and

physical and mental health

education and relationship in relation

to their own lives

it’s important for our democracy that

the schools keep up with the times

and the student becomes competent

citizens in

our society i think the schools need a

proper cleaning and updating to

contemporary standards

school hasn’t changed society have


what would you have liked to learn in


what is digital empowerment for children

digital empowerment is when children

understand digital artifacts


intentions and consequences they know

what you find

in the machine room behind the


they know the consequences of cookies

and understand why

alex is not just a good friend we pay

with our data

for the free services because nothing is


online they can work with digital


and even make their own inventions they


imagine what they can use the technology

for when they

develop with it themselves and it’s

important knowledge for children and

young people

who have grown up with direct access to

the internet

sometimes without filters

i volunteer at coding pirate and here i

see children

learn to cope by being curious and by


they are playing and learning they have

great digital

courage they learn faster and faster and


imaginations and ideas they get a

language so

they can talk to others about technology

and engineering

i just tell you a good story we just got

a new department of coding parts in new


we held online meeting with the

volunteers in nuke and in copenhagen

and then workshops on saturdays with

children in denmark and green lane

the children of the two countries worked

on the same tasks and program

and we created creative and fun fantasy

worlds in co-spaces

the teacher our instructor was in

denmark that

the children were happy and curious

about each other

we saw the snow in green lane and they

saw the rain in denmark

the kids showed each other their digital


and we clapped together because we

learned together because we have the


we need to be healthy in body and mind

have a life and balance we must learn to

set the boundaries for technology

so it that it does not take over our


but make our lives better if we use the

technology smartly we can have more time

to be together

play be family if we do not use the

technology smartly

it takes over our lives and we only know

each other through a screen

we become addicted to technology and it

limits our lives and steals our time

we need to teach the children to use

computers and mobile phones in school

for life for many children it’s just

entertainment and a pastime but it can

easily be used for play

math communication production knowledge

sharing learning and much more in common

with peers

the schools focuses on exam

grades and tests but the children need

skills knowledge motivation and


and they can learn this through

technology play and community

community we need the students to be


and able to act to develop and work with


think independently be critical be


we need the girls to take a

technological education as well

we need the girls to be able to create

the technology

have knowledge of technology and help

shape our common digital future

all children and young people have the

right to be taught technology


it’s a perfect way to show a student

what you can do with technology

and for some it may be the start of the

dream education

most important is to have a good life in

a digital age

it’s the most important thing i have a

class with students

age 15 16 in technology comprehension

and i see students who have learned to


they have learned it because they are

interested and because they have


how smart it is to have digital skills

for life

for education for the future they did

not learn

it in school they learned it on the


i dream about a life and a school for

all children

where they will be prepared for the

future where they will become

competent and ready a good life

where all their dreams can be fulfilled

and where there is a place in society


all of them we must take care of our


and our lives i often find that they

do not talk to other adults about their

digital life

the pa the parents ask the children how

it went to school today

but they must also ask how was your


life today it’s not good for children to

be alone on the internet

the adults must be part of the

children’s digital life

this school should not be exam test

grades but

learning well-being play and necessary


present and future skills this school

needs a major cleaning so that a solid

platform can be found for technology


practice and culture need to change in


the children are brave they’re

researching and experimenting with

technology they’re curious and full of

great ideas

they have a open mindset towards


but it is the adult suicide

and the adults have forgotten to play

the adults use technology in an adult


but perhaps the children’s way of using

the technology

is much smarter and creates much more


they try and fail and try again

have you ever been challenged by


my best advice is to think and learn

like a curious child

children are still playing

but they are also playing with the


computers robots programming drones

coding virtual reality

and we all must play more

in schools thank you