How to tackle the AI inequality


what would you do

if i give you one trillion dollar

right now and i guess

buy an island you would still have 990

billion dollars

during the pandemic of 2020 tech

billionaires guy

get richer by around 2 trillion

while 200 million people lost

their jobs but how is this large sum of


related to ai

in 2012 the ai wave of deep learning

started when a deep network called

alexnet revolutionized how to tackle

a core problem of image classification

or enabling the computer to identify the

content of an image automatically

this was a massive leap forward for ai

it was followed by

several leaps in the following years in


alphago an ai developed by google


defeated the world champion in go a game

like chess

by observing and learning from previous


in 2020 alpha fold another ai developed

by google deep mind made a breakthrough

in a 50 year old problem in biology to


protein folding nowadays

the ai that run self-driving vehicles

face filters language to language


even play chess or rely on deep learning

i witnessed this huge development in ai


doing graduate studies focused in deep

learning here at kaust

after four years of hard work that paid

off in 2020 when i received national and

international hours in ai

i realized there is a big problem in the

ai field

there is huge ai inequality

from what i observe it can be

categorized into three main

aspects international industrial

and lack of diversity

on the international aspect we see this

ai inequality manifested in the gap

between countries

in terms of ai investment and ai


for example in 2019 the total investment

in ai companies were at 30 billion

dollar in the us

and china and only 5 billion in the rest

of the world

pwc projects that ai will add up to

f up to 15 trillion dollar

by 2030 to the world gdp that’s a lot of


but 10 trillion will be to the us and

china as predicted

and 5 trillion to the rest of the world

the same gap is observed in the science

wealth and money created by ai

across all different sectors

the future consequence is concentrated

wealth in these countries that dominate

ai today

the second aspect of ai inequality is

the industrial aspect we see i think

some tech companies that dominate

industries and create ai monopolies

these businesses are largely driven by

deep learning algorithms that are fed

enormous amount of data

the data are used to develop predictive


and train they call it in ai train

models and these giant models are used

to enhance digital products

the products are used to collect more


and then the data is fed back again to

the models for fine tuning

for better products so this is a vicious

cycle is created

and it is self-reinforcing once it’s


it keeps growing

companies that own large amount of data

from the beginning today

are in better position to benefit from

this vicious cycle

i keep calling it vicious cycle and not


because ai is a wealth generation


and this ai inequality leads to

economic inequality

and it is known like predicted that it

will add

a lot of wealth to very few who own the


and necessary tools for them for example

with its autopilot program and hundreds

of millions of recording hours by its

fleet of cars

the world top electric car company has

an advantage in the race to achieve

self-driving cars

another example is social media


that know more about us than we do know

about ourselves

and that’s why we see this huge

addiction to social social media


it fit into this vicious cycle the last


i would like to discuss today about ai


is lack of diversity in ai if you look

at the internet content

which is a major source of data used to


ai tools today sixty percent of it is in


language compared to one percent in

arabic language

for example in comparison native arabic

speakers account for

five percent of the world population

that means

the data used to train and develop ai


are actually is actually biased not only


but also the training and educational

content about these new technologies is

are inaccessible

to a large portion of these less

represented groups

this has a direct impact in both

technology development

and the diversity of the ai workforce

for example

not a single arabic speaking country is

among the top 20 countries

according to nature research index in ai

if you look at industry there are bigger

disparities in the number

with some diversity reports showing that

blacks arabs and other minorities

account for less than five percent

of the ai workforce in some of these big


compared to let’s say 40 of asians and

40 of whites

this is lack of diversity in ai today

and you might ask me you might be asking


is there something that can be done on

the individual level to tackle this

i’m here to say yes we can do something

at least with this

last aspect in 2019

a group of mind and i started fahim dot


fihim is an arabic word it means


so ai or understanding ai is an online


that helped the arab community a

disadvantaged group in the ai landscape

to learn and utilize the recent ai

technologies we felt that this arabic

region is deeply disconnected

from the recent technologies in ai and

usually ignored by big tech companies

when it comes to technology development

they are fond of this region when it

comes as a consumer

but not in terms of technology


so we started this initiative that


free high quality ai and machine

learning educational content

in all levels in arabic language

the team have pushed through to publish

more than 100 articles

listens videos tutorials

organized workshops all in arabic

language and that benefited more than

200 000 people from the arab world

basically what fame ai is doing it’s


ai for arabic audiences allowing

this these new technologies like deep

learning to be accessible

it helped many to take the first baby

steps in their ai adoption

whether in the organization if they have

an organization and want to adopt ai

or in their careers if their students

are looking for new career opportunities

our goal at fehem.ti is to become a


for widespread adoption of ai in this

arabic region

fortunately we are not the only ones

tackling this systemic

inequality in the ai ecosystem today

other global organizations are pursuing

similar paths

for example blacks in ai and latin xai

try to help less represented groups to

thrive in ai research

a very competitive area of research

another example is ai for all a u.s

nonprofit dedicated

to increase the inclusion and diversity

in the ai research development education

and policy

so this is what i’ve been working on for

the last

couple of years on the side now beside

my graduate study

of course and i would do this because i

work in the ais and i saw this

problem and i’m doing my best to tackle

it but you might be asking yourself what

can you do

you might be working in a different

domain so this might

not look very relevant to you

but it doesn’t matter because you can

always support the initiatives

that help that try to address this

inequality problem in ai

by sharing the knowledge and helping


i’m not here to say ai is bad i work in

on the field

so actually i would argue it’s one of

the greatest inventions of humanity

however it has this big inequality

problem and

we should not ignore it as the latest

scientific writer isaac asimov

who is familiar with his stories about


and actually inspired generation of

scientists in the field

used to say if knowledge can create


it’s not through ignorance we can solve


thank you
