Why should Complex AI decide for you


i remember a sunny day when i was 14

my parents called me to get ready as we

were going on a regular car trip

and as i was a teenager i pushed to be

in the front seat

because i wanted to be cool so my mom

and grandma sat down on a back seat

i remember as we got into the hallway

listening to some music

we were happy singing along

what happened next changed my life

our car was hit and i remember the time

was frozen for me

as i was in shock the car started

rotating on the road

when the car stopped i could get out or

i could not see my mom and grandma

i understood that they have been thrown

out during the rotation from the window

i started shouting for help

unfortunately my grandma died due to

that accident and my mom was

hospitalized for around two years

i asked myself oh for what why

i wanted to blame someone was it the

driver was it the car safety

who was to blame it was all because of

human decision making error of a random


on a highway

why did i share my personal story with

you it’s because this is only one case

out of millions of accidents every year

and behind

every number is a real person like you

every year the lives of approximately

1.3 million people

are cut short as a result of car

accidents due to our poor judgment and

decision making error

in complex situations such as driving

put yourself into the driver’s shoes you

are under pressure to make complex


now and there might be millions of

different options

with different trade-offs think about

the consequences

are you able to make the optimal


the answer is no our brains are not


it cannot calculate all the scenarios to

find the best decision

that’s why you need to use the right

tool for the right job

stephen hawking in 2000 said that this

century would be the century of


i have said the world complex a few

times by now

what does complex mean

well complex doesn’t mean complicated it

means that there are many many

interrelated independent parts


like a car in other cars on the roads

and you

and other people in a society all this

relationship can be both

in order and random with high level of


from the point of big bang to present

the universe has become

ever more complex from a super particles

now we have galaxies solar systems


and us living complex beings in a


environment businesses

societies our immune systems and the


can be thought of as complex adaptive


each of these systems evolves in

relation to the larger environment

in that it operates the system as a

whole must adapt to change in order to


as brilliantly heraclitus a greek

philosopher said

change is the only constant in life

the challenges confronting us today and

those that we will encounter in the


demand new ways of thinking about and

understanding the complex rapidly

changing and

interconnected world in which we work


and make daily decisions

complexity gives us a new way look at

the world

it’s a paradigm it’s a new way of


let’s get into complexity of your

decision making

it’s estimated you make about 35 000

conscious decisions each day you make


227 decisions on food alone

each decision of course carries

inevitable consequences

that are both good and bad

as level of your responsibility

increases in life

so does the number of the choices you

are faced with

many of these decisions big or small are

not optimized for your preferences

and goals and hence you might regret


which may have negative compounding

effects on other decisions

you make in your life

some of your decisions are extremely


yet complex such as what jobs or career


you will pursue or if you did why did


why that one after all one third of your


has been at work there are millions of

different jobs out there

are you sure the job that you have is

the absolute match for you based on your

personal goals your skill set education

future stability and many more variables

that might be conflicting with each


is there a better match out there for


most probably there is but again your

brain is not made to calculate

all the trade-offs in millions of

different scenarios to find the right

job for you

i believe all of your decisions should

be set and optimized to push you towards

your personal goals to ultimately make

you happy

let’s say you want to buy a bottle of

wine you walk into a wine shop or

grocery store

observe the selection more often than

not you’re met with

oil up enough eye of hundreds if not

thousands of bottles

how does that make you feel are you


if you’re not an expert probably yes

certainly i would be

like this guy that is called

choice overload it was first defined in

1970s by alvin toffler

he stated that it occurs when the

advantage of diversity

are cancelled by complexity of buyer’s

decision making process

when confronted with too many choices

especially under a time constraint

many people prefer to make no choice at


even if making a choice would lead to a

better outcome

choice overload makes you feel more

under pressure

confused dissatisfied and ultimately

increases your

unhappiness even if your choice is good

you regret it as you think that you

didn’t make the right one

hopefully not your spouse more choices

equals more complexity

but what are other ways to deal with all

of these complex

decisions some may say let’s make ai do


but what is ai there are many different

definitions of ai which is short for


intelligence and many firms use them

by their needs to impose that they are

ai enabled however

we will refer to the oxford dictionary

which defines ais

the development and you off computer


able to undertake tasks regularly in

needs of human intelligence

such as pattern recognition visual


and of course decision-making

however joel lemon and his colleagues

define ai

as an anarchy of methods and i agree

with them

it’s not just machine learning or deep

neural network as you may have

heard of it is way faster than that

and also includes optimization and many


the field of ai is in states of turmoil

there a massive amount of progress has

been made almost none at all

although we are super close to obtain

true ai where it is centuries away

ai will solve all of our issues or put

us all out of our jobs

destroy the human race or strengthen our


it’s a noble quest of summoning the

demons as

elon musk said however

let’s get back to reality almost all of

the ai solutions you use

currently from your netflix to find the

next movie to watch

to your smart speaker like alexa are

under an umbrella called

narrow ai meaning that they are really

good only on one thing

the ai that you see in the movies are

far far away

from where we are and when ai achieves

our level of intelligence

it is called general ai

some people are concerned about ai

assisted decision making due to the

opacity of those decisions

it’s not really clear how those


are made are they biased are they not

how they are optimized to be fair in the

face of diversity

and another concern is that the fact

that most real-world problems

involve more than one objective and


which needs to be taken account by ai

for decision making

it’s like if you want to buy a fast car

your single objective is a speed you end

up with a fast car

but it has poor ride comfort poor


it is expensive inefficient and unsafe

you should take other five objectives

into account and find the optimal option

for you

so now you know what is complex and what

is ai

let’s put them together complex ai

you may say wait what what is complex ai

let’s say your personal decisions are

like you are holding a campus

and the narrow ai is like giving you a

map to understand

where you are but still there are many

ways for you to get to your destination

complex ai on the other hand is like gps

it will find the optimal route for you

to get to your destination

it is indeed the bridge between the

narrow ai today

and the junior year in the future

complex ai decisions

are traceable and auditable hence

eliminating the concern around the


complex ai mode is multi-objective and

solves the real world problem

more accurately with complex ai

you can make more logical decisions by

removing the human biases

and errors decision making not only gets

free from biases

but will also be faster and more


this is not a far-fetched future it can

be utilized today in complex


like data centers on the clouds the

pinnacle of today’s

technological complexity but what is the

data center

that’s where the internet lives from the


you open your phone or laptop to chat

with your friends

post photos on social media or watch

videos online like the one that you are


almost everything you do on the internet

is connected to one or multiple


stacked up in thousands in a warehouse

somewhere in the world

if you connect these data centers

together in a network

you have cloud technology

in the data centers there are way too

many variables to decide on

and the answer is not necessarily in the


the obvious solution to one person is

not the obvious solution to another

in fact more than 70 percent of all data

center failures and incidents

are caused by human error and it can be

often traced back to poor decisions

by their management

but what is the solution here

complex ai can make sure that these

computers are optimally utilized

so you can indeed be able to do what is

very important online

like watching cat videos

we utilize complex ai in data rich

complex environments

such as data center and transportation

to solve complex issues for you

currently it is in its teething phase

but with technological advancement

we are and will produce even more data

around us

that would enable complex ai to provide

value to other areas

soon perhaps even to you and your own


and unprovenly technology is and has

been an ally

in the sense that the most appropriate

tool can take you further

to be better and improve

end of the day it is a tool and you

decide how to use it

i want you to imagine imagine the change


complex ai is bringing to your decisions

and to your life

just imagine for a second what is coming

you would be able to live an efficient

way and happier life

without regrets or bad decisions

every decision for individuals and

organizations will be optimized for them

based on what they want to achieve

and increase productivity to maximum

level for everyone

based on their path and prior decisions

and hopefully no other person would end

up in a fatal accident

in the near future as i was in the past

i would like to ask you what decision

have you made today

what decision in life do you regret

your decisions determine your destiny

so to overcome their regrets let’s get

some help

from complex ai thank you