Futuro do Marketing

Translator: maria antonia santos
Reviewer: David DeRuwe

Felipe Vido: One time we were contacted

to try something new in town:
a garlic bread sandwich.

The company was new

and operated from the bbq area
of the family house.

It was founded during the pandemic,

when the owners,
who worked organizing events,

needed to reinvent themselves
to make a living.

From the photos, the sandwich
was already making our mouths water.

When the day came to try it,

we fell in love with it
and showed our public on Instagram.

The results were amazing:

they were slammed with orders,

and they couldn’t meet
even half the demand.

I’m Felipe, I’m 23 years old,
I was born and raised in Maringá Brazil,

and I’m an agronomist.

Elvis Silvestre: I’m Elvis, I’m 24,
from Maringá, and an administrator.

We are ” Maringá Gastronomy,”

an Instagram account that connects
people in Maringá to the best of the city.

We created this idea because we like
getting to know new places

and we always posted this
on our personal Instagram.

Our friends always asked us:
“What are the places like?”

and Felipe noticed that there
wasn’t anyone in Maringá

exclusively talking about food,
and he had the idea to create the profile.

In the beginning, the idea
wasn’t influencer marketing

but our proposal was always clear -

we wanted to positively impact
everyone that we related with.

We’ve been doing this for three years now,

transforming many lives,
and it even resulted in a company.

FV: A study published
in “Journal of Business Research,”

revealed that Instagram
is the most widely-used platform

by opinion makers,

and it’s expected that this trend
will continue in upcoming years.

The study pointed out that originality
and singularity are crucial factors

for a user to be noticed
as an opinion leader on Instagram.

Influencer marketing
is precieved by companies

as a great business opportunity.

More and more, brands
are using this model’s potential

to reach their target audience.

Thus, they can have a smaller
and more human advertising campaign.

The “publipost,” no matter how indirect,

impacts a lot of people
and can cost from a simple barter

to more than R$1 million,
depending on which influencer you hire.

According to “influence.me,”

brands already have budgets
designated for such actions

and have plans to increase
these values in upcoming years.

It’s a great opportunity for both sides.

ES: Today we are content creators,

and we work with influencer
marketing on Instagram.

But how did we build our credibility?

It’s because our idea always had a purpose
and applied empathy to all the actions,

not only for us,
but for all parties involved:

clients are our audience too.

What do people want when
they look at stories on Instagram?

Real lives, real stories, real foods.

When people talk
about food photo production,

they talk about everything except food.

We value showing the real food
as it arrives to the table,

directly from the restaurant’s kitchen.

For example, you’ll never find
a photo of a hamburger

with the cheese replaced by white glue.

FV: A great challenge that comes “linked”
with an increasingly humanized audience

is the way publicity is done.

From the selection of companies
to executing the action,

nothing that is explicitly sold
has a positive effect.

Influence comes in a more assertive way

when a product or service
is in line with our persona,

linked to day-to-day actions,
and even presented with humor.

For us, we can say that we’re very happy
with what we’ve developed until now.

This project opened many doors,
we made a network,

and we’ve helped many families
and companies over these years.

With this project, we’ve accomplished
things we never imagined,

for example, TEDx.

ES: Remember that sandwich store

and what we did there
from the very beginning?

This is what happened.

They grew, and today
they have a beautiful physical store

they’ve extended their deliveries
and product mix,

and we have a fixed partnership with them.

There are stories like this
that happen weekly,

which help us move forward
firmly rooted in our purposes,

applying truth and empathy in our actions,

continuing to help our partners
and ourselves grow even more.

Today, content marketing needs a purpose.

We can’t develop actions
thinking only about profit.

The audience is becoming smarter,

and it needs more attention
and a special type of affection.

You, as an entrepreneur
or marketing manager,

what is the purpose of your business?

Are you developing
humanized actions for an audience,

or are you only looking to make money?

Today, they want attention
and special care.

Doing things the old way
doesn’t work anymore.

We have to apply the real purpose

and understand what the audience needs
to create more value.

Understanding this
is the key to success.

ES and FV: Thank you Maringá!