Education with Passion Thinking outside the box



what we

see here in front of me

it’s a box it’s a small box

less than one cubic meter in size

but it’s one of our answers

to the covet crisis no this box is not

filled with vaccines

masks disinfectant gel

there’s even no toilet no toilet paper

in it

this box is filled with sport

games and we distributed these boxes

to all our primary schools to all our


and we offered the children to take

these games

at home and to play to play with

their parents their siblings their


do you remember more than one year ago

when this crisis began

everything shut down around us all our

professional meetings

they were cancelled no more handshaking

events like this we have tonight

all the kids animation was

closed captioning not

the best available of this crisis

perhaps it was new and unusual

but it was we profited really from that


before the coverage crisis my youngest


came every weekend to me and asked me

daddy do you want to play a board game

with me

and when i agreed

then he choose monopoly

every sunday or every saturday he wanted

to play monopoly with me and i asked


why does he want to play monopoly with

me does he perhaps

want to become a real estate investor

with a big car in front of his office

and a lot of money in his pocket no he’s

not that type of guy

and then i understood he didn’t really

want to play monopoly with me

but he wanted to have time with me

because monopoly is the game that takes

the longest

to bring out the winner

and that’s not really surprising for me


when i had his age he’s 10 now my


they had a toy shop and we were three


and for us it was fantastic the toy shop

was on the ground floor

and we lived upstairs sometimes

we had the impression to grew up in


and as elder sun i regularly helped my

father and my mother

for special selling activities or when

the new merchandise came in

and that was great but the best of all


when on sunday afternoon when the shop

was closed

we played and we tried out the new board


that was real family time and that was

what happened around the world when

the world closed down because of the

covet crisis

and i think now when i see this box

in front of me good memories

are coming up in me and i think i’m not

the only one in this room

who feels like that because

playing games means spending time


playing games means also no phone calls

diving into another world

playing games is something for our


very natural they need to play games you

want to play games

and all the scientists all around the


they tell us and they agree that playing

games is essential for

the child’s development for its

cognitive development

for social emotional development but


for its physical development

you may ask now what is this guy talking


are they really fighting here in

luxembourg coveted with games

not from a virologist’s point of view


certainly from a social emotional point

of view because what we have in this box

it’s hours and hours of quality time

what we find in this box it’s

the motivation to play together

we’re siblings with parents with friends

with grandparents

it’s a motivation to pass time together

time to talk time to laugh

time to feel happy and time to feel

disappointed or sad or even angry

but there’s much more in this box in

this box there

even hours and hours of

reflecting and thinking of

problem solving of analyzing of

developing strategies

strategies to win the game of course

that’s what in this box playing games

was a valuable past time

during covet period but it’s much much


than that let’s have a look

at what’s going to matter into


world teamwork matters

communication matters creativity

matters analyze

of of complex situations yes that


problem solving matters and why is that

all so

important to be creative why it is so

important to know

how to solve problems because

these are skills that even the best

computer does not possess

these are human skills and they make us

as humans most unique and that

especially in a digital world

some human skills just can’t be replaced

by computers

harmonizing with other people trusting

each other relying on each other

collaboration i know what you’re

thinking now

aren’t computers really helpful when it

comes to

problem solving and analyzing

complex situations yes that’s true

you’re right

but the main question is the essential

question is

who’s gonna program the computer and to

program a computer

one of the key competences is just

problem solving

and analyzing of complex situations

that’s what you need when you want to

program a computer but that’s what we

need all

when we live in such a complex world

that we are

living today so what we find

in this box that are all the key


of the future every hour spending games

is an hour well invested

because spending games means

understanding the rules

developing strategies reflect the moves

of your competitors

hide what you’re up to entering into new


all this makes us human unique in the

digital world

and it prepares us and it prepares our

children to the future

education is the art of giving the


the competences they need to choose

their school career

to have later on success in their

professional life

but especially today it comes

to the ability to adapt themselves to


unexpected things in life

one year ago one thing happened

in all of our lives it was unexpected

the covet crisis

and we had to manage that and it changed

everything in our life

it changed our professional life our

social life

our private life one thing i

really loved in my job was to meet


to meet people in meetings to meet


on the street in the supermarket people

that were very interesting and sometimes

they made me change my mind

people that were disappointed and they

wanted me to

to change the whole world in a minute

people that

just couldn’t stop small talking i love

those moments when i met people

but from one day to another those


were no longer possible because all the


were digital and of course all the

digital platforms he had their


you can manage raised hands

you can switch off your camera in one of

the first meeting digital meeting i had

at the beginning of the crisis

one guy wanted to mute me

and you must think that this is really

something very special for a politician

to be muted

all we need is the ability

to adapt ourselves to different


and of course we can’t find this all in

this box

and it’s not enough to distribute such

game boxes

to all our schools and distribute the

games to all

our children modernizing an education

system and bring it to the 21st century

isn’t finally not so easy like that and

when we

when we want to prepare our children

to the future let’s take

a look at what was um impossible

possible for and necessary and normal

for our generation or those generations

before because digitalization does not


fundamental fundamental pedagogical


preparing children to tomorrow for doing

that job

it needs two things giving children

roots and giving them wings

because when we dare

when we feel safe in a small community

when we trust each other other persons

and ourselves

then we dare to make new experiences

then we we want to to reflect and and

and search for for new things we want to

discover the world we want to understand

the world

our children need a good dose of this

they need it at home

they need it in their activities they

need it

in care they they need it

yes they needed in school not only in

school but also

in school that’s

what important when it comes to rethink


and it’s our duty it’s our duty as


it’s our duty as adults to give our


those roots because when they have roots

they dare to spread their rings

we have to think rethink education

for example we need places to make new


we have for example to make stem courses


interesting we have to bring science to


we can do that in the classroom we can

do it also

in the science center but let’s do it

we need rooms to be creative have you

ever been

in one of our maker spaces

this is a room in our secondary schools

where students came in with an idea and

they came out

with an invention we need

innovation in day care structures

because education does not take place

only in schools it has to take place


after school and giving children and

youngsters the opportunity

to discover the world discover their


discover their interests

we have and we need innovate in the

school subjects

it’s absolutely necessary nowadays

to teach coding in primary school

but without screens without tablets

without computers

in a playful way adapted to their age

we have to teach digital skills and use

digital devices

and digital programs to teach when i see

my kids

learning mathematics on a digital


and having fun learning mathematics

and having fun isn’t that great then i

understand that

personalized learning tools are a real


in education we need

to prepare the children to the risk of

the digital world

making the difference between wrong and


and that becomes more and more important

in a world dominated by social media

and we need opportunities to discover

and stimulate talent and that’s what we


in the small enterprises in schools or

in other entrepreneurship

initiatives children can awaken desires


learn to engage themselves

as i mentioned before education is about

giving roots and wings and it’s a lot


passion the passion preparing

little children to become strong


the passion of learning and never

stopping to grow

and this is what school is about never

stop learning

this is what education is about

never stop growing because life

never stops teaching

by distributing those game boxes

to all the schools we offered roots

and we also offered wings and we offered

a lot of passion

by distributing those game boxes

to all our schools

we thought out of the box we did

something completely new

and yet something very traditional

thinking out of the box is part of this

passion in education

sometimes trying to look different ways

to learn

different ways to adapt our schools to


when the whole world has changed our


and their environment they just can’t

stand still

and if in the 21st century

education wants to remain true to its


then it must not hide in its box

thank you