How to Get More than 24 Hours in Your Day



it’s an interesting concept isn’t it

sometimes it goes fast

sometimes it goes slow but regardless of

who you are or where you are

each and every single one of us has 24


in a day now although i know this to be

a fact

i don’t choose to accept it and neither

should you

but before i explore this concept of

time with you

let’s put some real numbers into

perspective but not just

any numbers your numbers

i’ll ask you grab a pen piece of paper

anything to write with anything within

arm’s reach your phone

and do this don’t just do it in your

head do it it’s powerful when you see it

within a 24-hour period on average

how much time do you spend sleeping

write that number down

now again work

if you work or if you’re at school how

much time do you spend on average a day

write that number down now

going to the gym personal healthcare

showering reading a book lump it in


how much time on average write that

number down now this last one

i need you to be very honest with


social media instagram

youtube netflix dming

lump it all in there and don’t be too

conservative we often tend to be

what’s that number write it down now add

every single piece of line item add them

all to

add them all up together what number did

you get

was it anywhere close to 21

the bureau of labor statistics tells us

that it would be quite around that


but it’s not about that it’s about your

number now take that number

and subtract it from 24.

how many hours do you have left how much

time do you have left

additionally i’ll ask you what would you

do with that extra time

if you had more of it now where i’m

going with this if you’re anything like


you have dreams goals and aspirations

now there’s wanna work more on your

health want to spend more time with


you want to travel when it’s appropriate

again you want to work on that startup

you want to work on that non-profit that

new club you want to start

the list is endless as a matter of fact

when i asked you

what would you do with that extra time

something probably came to mind

matter of fact something probably came

to mind when you tuned into this talk

how to get more 24 hours in your day

what was that

and if it’s anything like you if it’s

anything like me and you

you know that we tend to run out of time

whatever we really want to do continues

to fall by the wayside

so then what i tell you next i think is

going to get your attention

see the thing is you’ve been looking at

this whole time thinking correctly

see it’s not about the 20-something

hours that at the time that you added up

it’s nor is it about the time that you

have left over

the problem is we’ve all been wired to

look at

time as something that we consume

rather than something that we create

see the problem is

we’ve all learned to consume time we

it’s all around us we’re consuming it

but there are two types of people

watching this right now who are

listening to me

there’s those who consume time and those

who create it now all of us

are consuming time and only a few of us

know how to create it so how do we

become like the notable feud

where luckily you don’t have to look for

it see this model has been all around us

we actually happen to fall victim of it

rather than being the beneficiaries of


so in this next example that i gave you

may or may not have heard of these


but it’ll help you put this model into


let’s start with uber one of the largest

taxi companies

in the world owns none of its vehicles

facebook one of the largest content

media producers

worldwide owns none of its content

airbnb one of the largest accommodation


in the world owns none of its real


alibaba one of the most valuable


worldwide owns none of its inventory

lastly the good old stock market

one of the largest market exchange

places in the world

uses other people’s money something

interesting is happening here

and that model that model is called


and you don’t actually have to go far

you can go across the street to your


your local bank is using it these very

local these institutions are using it

your very own employer your future

employer will use this

the question is why aren’t you

see my goal is for you to be the ceo of

your time

the chief executive officer of your time

because i can assure you that if you’re


somebody else will be somebody else

already has

so how do i create more time you ask

well five months ago i would have said

look around the room now i think it’s

more appropriate to say

look around the zoo but i say that to

say this

start with the lowest hanging fruit

start with the people who are currently

actively in your ecosystem

who can you count on lean on depend on

look into your phone

start there right

we need to stop looking at time

as something that we consume


and start looking at time as something

that we can create

collectively one of my favorite books is

the four hour work week by tim ferriss

fantastic book by the way and

his notion is that we should all

optimize for a four hour work week

as opposed to the typical 40 hour work


now where tim was getting at was the

concept of

automation and liberation but i want to

add a third pillar in there

and that’s pillar of creation see

instead of a four

hour work week why not optimize for a


hour work week of production

productivity how about that

okay so how does this work for you

you’re probably thinking

reuben i’m not a corporation

and i barely have enough time to make

coffee at the point

what does that look like well if you

don’t get anything from this talk

make sure you get this stop

asking how can i and start asking who

so when you start asking who you

fundamentally change and drastically


the action that follows rather than when

you start operating with i

when you start with you you start the

who are the people

platform and resources that you can lean


count on depend on start there

it’s vital extremely important

so how does that look like for you

start with the who in everything that

you do

correct so why don’t we go there

practically you’re probably thinking

okay that sounds nice

but how does it practically work for me


well it starts with adam and sal see

adam and sally are both like you and me

they’re very busy individuals they have

jobs grad students

activities socially engaged in their


socially active in their community but

they both

operate with time very differently

let’s start with adam adam

has been a type a personality a student

all his life always picked up

really was really good at sports always

picked him up top of his claw now adam

is very

independent but almost to a fault see


does know that there’s no int but he

truly believes that there’s an eye and


sally on the other hand very modest

grub from very humble beginnings was

always just as good as her connections

everywhere that she went she left a

fantastic reputation

and actually when she steps into the

room she typically lights up the entire


very admirable but let’s take a look

into their lives they both have

aspirations to become ceos adam wants to

be a ceo

in the corporate world while sally wants

to become a business owner

to help uplift our community they both

operate with time very differently

let’s take a peek at work see adam at


we’ll start with at home out of my home

is assembling a piece of furniture

but adam orders that piece of furniture

from ikea did anybody know

to anybody who’s ever been at ikea they

know that whatever time it says on that


multiply it by three it’s quite the

battle but he takes a stab at it because

that’s what adam does

very independent and while he’s

assembling it he finds himself going

down a rabbit hole

he assembles the piece he’s got the

wrong piece in place resembles it again

next thing you know he’s going down a

youtube channel called diy

do it yourself it gives me the

goosebumps just the same

sally on the other hand she’s very sad

and sally knows right away that this is

going to be a challenge

she has the same piece of furniture that

she ordered from ikea but right away she

goes onto a platform

called once she’s on

there she finds a good quote from a

handyman that she uses

but she doesn’t stop there what she does

next is interesting she goes and uses a

social platform we’ll call it a facebook


it’s that time of the year students are

moving in so she posts on there is there

anybody who would be

interested in receiving quote from a

handyman i got a good one

she receives three responses she takes

those three responses and

gives them to the handman and tells him

would you be able to offer me a 75

off discount price on assembling a piece

of furniture for me if i bring you

through referrals

of course it’s a win-win situation

people platform

resources but she doesn’t stop there she

coordinates in a way that while she’s

in class the gentleman assembles the

piece for her the labor

the handyman assembles a piece of

furniture for her so that when she comes


it’s already been assembled one

is creating time another one is solely


but it doesn’t stop there see at school

adam faces a challenge

he’s tackling the exact same problems

that sally is calculating

but he’s not gaining any traction he’s

spinning his wheels by the way we’ve all

been there

so it’s really important for us to

identify when we find ourselves in that


sally on the other hand knows right away

that she has an issue

she has a challenge so she reaches out

to her former boss who’s a subject

matter expert in that field

she reaches out to a former classmate

who’s taking the class before and then

she posts a question

in a forum when she goes to work she

comes back a very different outcome

happens compared to adam

she has three responses from three

individuals former boss former classmate

and the forum but what happens in the

form is interesting she received

seven responses now those seven


and the professor and the former

classmate collectively

help her get over the hump whatever

challenge she was facing

adam on the other hand after work comes

back home and he’s exactly back to where

he started

back to square one zero attraction it’s

inevitable that we understand that adam

and sally just like you and me

are going to be consuming time the

question you want to ask yourself is

what are you

doing while time is being consumed are

you also creating it

see it doesn’t stop there adam is a

hustler very independent like i said


so he has two tutoring sessions they’re

both tutors

adam and sally both tutoring their

students adam has a morning session for


hour while also another one in the

afternoon that’s two sessions

sally on the other hand has three

students this computer

only for one hour how could this be see

three months ago sally used a platform

called surveymonkey she reached out to

her students and asked them would they

be interested

in having group tutoring sessions asking

you sean received

they all said yes it’s a win-win

situation but she didn’t stop there

sally went on and offered them to do

group tutoring

on a zoom call she now saves herself the

commute time is making three times

the amount per hour that adam is making

adam still finds himself commuting and

operating individually

towards the end of the year of course

grad students

they’re all optimizing for that next job

so it’s application time

adam is going down the application dark

hole of submitting resume

but by the way we’ve all been there it

feels like you’re submitting your resume

in a dark bowl right

absolutely but he’s spending two hours a

night doing that

sally has heard of these individuals

called head hunters

headhunters from those who don’t know

are individuals that will help

place your resume from confront with

potential employers

those eventually headhunters will then

place you for you to get a job

and they get a commission it’s a win-win

situation for everybody

so of course sally uses one right of

course not

we call her savvy sally for a reason

jesus four

by the end of the semester sally has two

job offers what adam has

none it’s important that we understand

that we must become time creators we

must start asking the question

who in every single thing that we do

when i opened up the conversation

i said it was very important for us to

explore time

explore time in a new framework

framework because only once we start to

explore time

but we then understand that we need to

become creators of it

see we must change the way we look at

time we must change the way we speak

about time

time is money time is not money

production is

time waits for no man actually men and

women can both

create more time

by using that people platform resources

warren buffett tells us that the chains

of habit are too light to be felt until

they are too heavy to be broken

so then how do we apply this new model

this new framework

we applied it by using it in every

single thing and past

challengeful obstacle that we have ask

who stop asking how can i start asking


and please share this with the people in

your network

in your life so that they will also be

able to count on you but so that you can

also count on them

so that you can get more than 24 hours

in your day my job is done

and yours has just begun my name is

reuben kanya

it looks like i’m out of time for now

thank you
