Impossible is Possible

hey thank you guys so much for having me

here today i really do appreciate it and

i’m looking forward to this

as you said my name is aaron golib i

became the first legally blind division

one athlete to play in a game

when i played football at tulane

university i went on to become a team

captain and nfl free agent

now i’m an entrepreneur and a speaker

and say i want to talk about the concept

of the 25th hour

and so when you think of the 25th hour

most people think

how can i get more time in the day how

can i accomplish all that i have with a

finite amount of time if that sounds

like you

raise your hands sounds like most people

right most people think that

because everyone thinks that you need

more time in your day to get what you

have done done

and i’m going to tell you that’s not

true time is your currency

and when you treat time as your currency

you learn to use your time in the

correct way

you can fit everything you need to do in

one day

when i was a kid i wasn’t the most

athletic person i wasn’t the most

confident kid either i was often

picked last for sports and didn’t really

get that opportunity or that shot

that i wanted and it was hurt it hurt it

was hard

and i wasn’t that division one athlete

that i was able to turn myself into

when i was in seventh grade i started

playing the sport of football

and at that time i knew that i couldn’t

be a wide receiver i couldn’t be a

quarterback i couldn’t be a position


i had to run downfield and catch the

ball 40 yards away because i wouldn’t

see it coming

for me i’m legally blind as i said

before and for those of you that don’t

know what that means i have no vision in

my right eye

and extremely limited in my left i see

basically through a tiny hole about

the size of half of the dime and so i

started playing offense and defensive

line and

it was fine because it was around

teamwork it was around learning the game

it wasn’t an issue it wasn’t a

competitive thing at that time

and it wasn’t until my sophomore year

that i truly learned

the value of time the value of trading

your time as your currency

through this process i’ve learned that

i’m so thankful so blessed

so grateful that i was born legally

blind because it’s allowed me to do

incredible things meet some amazing

people and have outstanding experiences

so as a sophomore in high school i was a

third string junior varsity offense and

defensive lineman

and i was miserable i wasn’t having fun

yes i was a part of a team

but it wasn’t something that was

enjoyable for me i wanted to do great

things i wanted to play on varsity i

wanted to play in college i want to play

division one football

and if you’re a junior or a sophomore in

high school and you are

third string on junior varsity chances

are you’re not playing division in


you know chances are if you’re gonna

play division once four at that age

you are starting on varsity you’re

getting a lot of playing time it doesn’t

matter if it’s football baseball

basketball swimming any sport

that’s likely what the outcome is and so

for me it came down to two things

first off assessing my situation and

understanding that

what i was doing was not going to work

how could i make myself get there

and so i found a position of long

snapping and for those of you that don’t

know what that is

i was the guy on puns and field goals

that would throw the ball between my


hit the punter or the holder with the

football and then have to block

that was the first step and i realized

that if i got good enough at long


i might have a shot i might have an

opportunity and the second step was

learning how to treat my time as my


so for me what that meant was i got up

at five every day

i had this plan and it was get up at f5

go practice long snapping go to school

go to practice lift weights

go home and do homework and that was my

treating my time as currency

i think so many people in this world do

what they want to do do what they need

to do but don’t do what they should do

everyone has a disadvantage everyone has

a challenge everyone has an obstacle

it’s probably different than mine you’re

probably not legally blind you might

have a different disability i don’t know

you might have just lost your job and be

struggling to pay your rent or your


you might be an alcoholic or you might

come from a broken home or it might be

something completely different than that

but everyone has a challenge everyone

has an obstacle everyone has a


but when you learn to choose what you

should do instead of what you want

to do and you learn to treat your time

as your currency than anything possible

i’m here to tell you why

most people in life think of money as

the most valuable resource

and that’s just not true when you think

of money

money can be earned you can always get

more you can

you can always get more relationships

you can always get more friends

you can never get more time being right

here and now in the present and doing

whatever you can to accomplish your


is the most important thing focusing on

the future yes you should have massive


and you should focus on what you can

accomplish in five 10 20 years down the


but you shouldn’t dwell on that you

shouldn’t really center in on

and you shouldn’t dwell on your past as

well you shouldn’t have regrets you

shouldn’t think of that and let it take

over your day

you need to be present in this exact

moment right now and that’s how you can

create success

within your life you know when you focus


is what you truly get and i want to show

this to all of you in a in a little

exercise right here

so i want you all you know given that

this is virtual look around your rooms

see if you can find something that’s the

color green you know just just

look around the room that you’re in and

see if you can find something that looks

pretty to you

anything now shut your eyes

think of green think of the color green

green green green grass

a green tree green leaves a green car

going down the highway anything that’s


now open your eyes and look again it’s

easier to find something green isn’t it

yeah because what you focus on is what

comes to you

if you focus on positivity success using

your time wisely

guess what will come to you positive

things positive thoughts positive

feelings success

the ability to control your time and

letting you instead of letting your time

control you

it’s the same thing in every aspect of

your life for me my example was with


how i learned to use that finite amount

of time to create my goal

within such a small window we all only

have 86

400 seconds in a day and what you do

with each single one of them

is extremely important because you’ll

never get that second that minute that


that hour that week back again you need

to focus in on the present to hear

the now to accomplish your goals you

know so many people go to their jobs and

they want a promotion

they want to be making more money they

want more responsibility

but realistically they’re in a nine to

five and they show up at 903

and they leave a 456. and people who do


they’re not showing what they can do

they’re not doing well that they can do

to accomplish their goals they’re not

using their time they’re letting their

time use them

they think that oh i need to be here

from nine to five that’s all i’m going

to be here i’m not going to put in that

extra time that extra effort

to accomplish anything that i want the

people who will get that promotion

the people who will make more money show

up at 8 22 and leave at 541

because they know how to use their time

they know that

putting their time in is the resource

that they’ll never get back and the

resource that can create success for


they’re not going to get something new

by just paying someone to do it they’re

going to get something new

they’re going to increase their life

they’re going to get more success in

their life by spending their time

doing whatever they can to accomplish

their goals and when you do this you can

take any disadvantage that you have any

challenge any obstacle

and turn into your greatest advantage

your greatest asset and your greatest

resource and that’s what i was able to

do with my vision

but like i said before i’m so thankful

and blessed that i was born legally


because without being born legally blind

i wouldn’t have this mentality this

attitude and this realization that you

could treat time as your currents

and when you treat time as your currency

anything is possible

you know it might not be this might not

even relate to you might not be in a

nine to five you might not be an athlete

but it applies in every single area of

your life maybe your family you’re

trying to spend more time with them

but you don’t know where to fit in your

schedule guess what treat your time as

your currency

time block in a week from now on friday

night that you’re gonna spend seven to

nine pm with your family

that’s what it takes to truly be

successful when you time block

every single area of your life i time

walk every day every hour every minute

and every second

from 5 a.m to 10 p.m because i know

what’s important to me

i know that the only way that i’m going

to accomplish my goals is to continue to

work hard at them

to continue to do whatever i can to

create success is by using my time as my


i don’t need to focus on extra time

because i’m never going to get extra


you’re not going to get extra time no

one is going to get extra time in their


what you do have is 86 400 seconds and

we learn to use that wisely

when you learn to time ball when you

learn to be present in the here and now

and do whatever you can to accomplish

your goals

that’s when your time truly becomes your

currency that’s when your time becomes


that’s when you can accomplish anything

you want and i promise you if you learn

to do what you should do instead of what

you want to do

if you learn to use your time as your

currency and make it the most valuable

thing in your life

not only is anything possible but your

greatest disadvantage or your greatest

perceived disadvantage

will become your greatest advantage i

promise you that

thank you so much all for having me here

today i really appreciate this time