Traditional and modern music what should we choose






this is

the correct way of saying traditional

song this song

of the traditional vietnamese song grew

up with me every night before i went to


mom would always sing the song to me the

rhyme the lyrics

i know them very well and every time i

listen to this song

it gives me a ticket a ticket to travel

back to my childhood

however i cannot express my love of

traditional music genres by singing it

because of the constant criticism from

the previous generation

in the past during music class my

primary school teacher would always

criticize us whenever we sing

traditional music

because it’s not correct or it’s not


but the big question here is what is the


and the right way of saying traditional

songs isn’t music

universal and it’s for everyone as a

daughter of vietnam

i believe that traditional music is a

part of our culture

and i have the right to express the love

from my roots

i’m heartbroken for not being able to

express the love for my own cultures

and it’s really really sad

but why are we focusing on the the way

of seeing traditional music

in a certain way of course there are a

lot of things that should be done in a

correct way

such as writing in essays or

doing math but in the case of

traditional music genres

forcing people to sing it in a certain

way actually causes more harm than good

when writing an essay once must write in

a correct grammar

or sentence structures or else nobody

would understand you

but when it comes to expressing ideas

and writing ideas even it’s the same


different people may have different way

of interpreting the

same idea because they have the

different experience in life same case

apply to traditional music genres

different people may have different way

of singing the same song

because especially from a different

generation because they have different

experience in life

they may sing it in different tunes or

rhyme but at the end of the day

the most important thing is the message

of the song still get to the listener

and that is what’s important

as the representation of the youth

i believe that this kind of limitations

and criticism

actually hinders the process of

preserving traditional music genres

traditional music genres such as


originated from different parts of

vietnam from the north to the south

from the west to the east and since it

was created by a diverse ethnic group

it reflects and highlights the diversity

of people

culture customs and the geography of

vietnam as a whole

not only that traditional music is a

cradle of

knowledge through the lyrics we can

understand the lessons and the values

our previous generation wanted to teach

us about life

through the rhymes we can feel the pain

that our ancestors went through when

vietnam was colonized by china

and then by the west our previous

generation wanted to teach us

appreciations of our roots

and that is what embedded in our

traditional songs

as a daughter of vietnam it is

heartbroken for me

to witness the crumbling of age-old

customs that we’re trying to preserve

practice and carry from generation to

generation slowly fade away

but i believe we still have the chance

to change

music reflects one’s stories the outer

stories or experience in life

it arises all kinds of feelings and


and make the and help the listener to

feel related to the artist

but in the case of traditional songs

youngsters like us

cannot relate to the stories that

happened a few centuries ago

for instance guangho was created to

introduce all the females and the males

that are of age in the village so they

can be husbands and wife

hatovan was made to connect gods with


villageman uses singhal to ask the woman


living in the 21st century if i sing her

to my crush

he will probably run away living in the

21st century

we rarely seize anyone who sings hall to

ask someone

on a date or sing one not to make an

excellent first impression

but we cannot make excuses because

traditional music genre is not familiar

to us

therefore we don’t want to preserve it

there are singers

authors rappers trying to change the

status quo

an excellent example is the singer wang

tulane you must all know about her right

she has a song named doofu and the song

took inspiration from a traditional


folk tale of a very beautiful young lady

who wait for her husband to

come back from the war but sadly the

story ends with the

on a sad note the story also took


from a traditional vietnamese belief of

the four realms

through fool the sky tianful

the earth near full the water twai fu

the jungle nyaku not only that the song


include a traditional music genre with

this which is hodom

mixed with modern day electronic music


as a 17 year old in high school i rarely

listen to hoedom

and i believe that most of you guys

sitting here don’t too

but after listening to the song i


research more about hodong because it’s

find it very unique and interesting

imagine tens of thousands of youngsters

like me

picking up pieces of knowledge after

listening to that song

how great would that be for the process

of preserving traditional music genre


however these artists are receiving

backlashes from the public

especially from the previous generation

the usual argument for this is that

the modern remix of the traditional

music genre is not

correct or the singer doesn’t didn’t

sing it in a right way

just like how my primary school teacher

used to criticize me whenever i sang

about that mei toy

but let’s think about it without this

young artist who combine traditional

music genres with modern day

music instruments our hope for

preserving traditional music genres will

soon fade away

but i believe if we know how to act and

if we act in time

we can save the status quo

firstly i urge the previous generations

to be more open-minded in terms of his

modern remakes

instead of giving harsh comments senior


the previous generations our

grandparents or even our parents

can act as advisors to this young artist

an excellent example is senior artist

tangelo and

young autism mtp instead of giving

santum harsh comments

senior artist tang lope gives something

encouragement and support for his

experimental work

and instead of giving sun by us judgment

senior artist hang love

give constructive comments on where

symptoms should improve

and by helping this young artist in term

of creating

modern bmx senior artists can help

foster the growth

of preserving traditional music genres

secondly youngsters should combine

traditional music genres with modern day

music genres

there are different steps of combining

traditional music genres with modern day

music genres just like a cooking recipe

there are three steps and everything

start with you

step one use use your own stories or


in the past our ancestors create lyrics

and songs based on their own experience

in life

and that’s make the public feel related

to the song

step 2 understand understand your medium

understand more about traditional music

genres research more about it

step 3 unite combine traditional music

genres with modern day music genres

or traditional music genres from modern

day music instruments and vice versa

and voila you have your perfect mix

as the daughter of vietnam i urge the


and the old to take part in the process

of preserving traditional music genres

as a representation of the youth

i want all of us to bring something in

the past

to the present to create a modern

and vibrant vietnam thank you