Save a tree save a life



last year my mom took me to gabriela


for spring break we lived in a cabin

with friends

the cabin was made out of wood and it


in the woods one day

when you were having dinner i told my

mom’s friend

how lucky she was to be living in a


and how much i wish to live in a forest

too we all laughed

and then my mom pointed out that i live

in a forest too because

our house made out of wood our furniture

is made out of wood

our books and all paper products

are also made out of wood

we laughed at this again

but then i realized how true this is

more importantly i realized how valuable

the forest

is to us

people condemn trees to produce paper

for books

magazines packaging

toilet paper cleaning rules and to make

many other products but they take it for


often overuse and sometimes even

waste paper unnecessarily don’t

they realize that trees need to be

cut down for all that paper

trees and plants are essential they

create oxygen

absorb greenhouse gases ground water in

their roots

and release it into the atmosphere

without trees and green plants the soil

will dry out

the flooding will increase

many land animals cannot survive

and the climate will become drier and


sadly deforestation is increasing day

by day wildfires are on the rise

and animals are losing their habitat in

the forest

i just learned that 46

of the world’s forts are already

destroyed and even more surprisingly

every 1.2 seconds or

every time you blink an area

of force the size of a football field

is gone forever

these trees took 1 000

years to grow but humans only take

six states to destroy them just six

states to destroy them

if things don’t change and deforestation

keeps on increasing

we’re going to lose the lungs of this

planet and we will

all have to face the terrible


it is time to take action to stop over

using paper products to save more trees


save the forest so what’s the solution

is it possible to save trees yes it is

in fact it’s so easy to save

the trees the easiest way to start

is to reduce the amount of paper that

you need

paper is a necessary product in schools

colleges offices and

at home you can use both sides of the

paper before you toss it

reducing our use of paper is the first


to saving the trees

the second thing we can do is to give

away your books

to someone in need sharing is caring


you can borrow books from the library or

donate the books you already read

by doing this you’re reusing

the paper that’s already out there

when i’ve used every square inch of


make sure you recycle it paper

is easily recycled and when you need

notebooks for school or just

want to read books you can buy the ones

that are made from recycled paper it’s a


the next thing we can do is to replace

paper with something

else we can use digital devices to store


and we can do our cleaning with cloth

towels instead of paper towels

finally we all need to re-plant

we can plant a tree in our backyard or

have a tiny herb garden by the window

replanting is so important to maintain

and increase the number of trees

trees are so valuable and vital to our

putting they cleaned the air

staples the soil and their homes to many

living creatures and right now their


is being threatened

i hope you will all join me

reducing your paper use via using books

and magazines recycling paper and


replacing paper with alternatives and

most importantly

replanting trees

start creating your green habits today

because these green habits will create

a greener planet tomorrow

remember if you cut a tree

you kill a life if you save a tree

you save a life if you plant a tree

you create a life