What thinking of my life as a tree has taught me Jenny Hill

how would you respond if i told you we


trees have you considered that you have

a story that underlines your actions

and when you meet another person the

same idea is true

there is a hidden root system growing


holding us up i’d like to share my own

story that led me to this idea

and then help lead you on your own


i was born in march of 1984

about three months before my due date as

i began to grow my parents noticed some

things that didn’t seem quite right

among them my inability to sit up my

legs seemed to point

straight out and one day instead of

grabbing a toy with my left hand

i made a fist and moved it to my right

in order to grasp

the doctors had a name for this cerebral


caused by lack of oxygen to the brain at

or during birth

cerebral palsy or cp means that a


brain is sending the message to deliver

too much muscle tone

to parts of the body for me it mainly

impacts my lower extremities

when i began to learn how to walk my

knees turned in and my left foot was

essentially flipped

as i dragged it behind me i fell often

in 1988 as the age of four i underwent

extensive surgery where my achilles

tendons and hamstrings were cut

and lengthened my femurs were also cut

and rotated so that i could walk with

both of my feet

flat on the ground after being entombed

in a body cast for six weeks i began to


and the results were amazing i’ve walked

independently without the use of


or a walker for most of my adult life

but what about that left foot

that i used to drag behind me

because of heredity in my cp i developed

a bunion

on the side of my big toe i didn’t find

it to be painful

but i did find it to be ugly

it always seemed odd to me that my left

foot and my right foot

didn’t match i took great care

to hide my feet during my formative

years even

from myself sitting alone i’d place my

right foot over my left

so i didn’t have to see it i had made

sure to wear socks one in other people’s

homes i

bought sandals that covered the toes

even with all that effort

sometimes people would see my feet and

sometimes they would comment

i have this vivid memory of a girl at

summer camp who saw my bare feet and

crinkled up her face in disgust

almost near tears asking me ew what is


it was with these emotions in mind that

i revisited my surgeon in 1999

the one who had done such great work

when i was a kid

i hadn’t seen him in several years and i

was now a freshman in high school

he did something that day that i’ve

never experienced before

he honored my left foot taking my bare

foot and his bare hands he carefully

spread my toes

and looked at them not in disgust

not needing to hide anything and then he

said something to me

that i will never forget you are

normal i wanted to take him with me to

high school the next day

and introduce him to all my peers and

tell him this guy thinks i’m normal

maybe i wasn’t a freak of nature after


what was bulging on the side of my foot

was normal for people with a cp

he had seen it several times before and

unless i was experiencing pain

and i wasn’t it didn’t need to be


something else happened that day

i beheld someone who was highly educated


and yet in his compassion he wanted to

be around a high school student

with a deformed left foot

i began to understand that very few

people have the knowledge

skills and talent to alter a person’s


i began to realize the magnitude of what

he had done for me and its impact on my

daily life

that day i realized that orthopedic

surgery not only transformed the way i

walk on this earth but how i walk

through life

from that day on i decided i wanted to

be someone

who was compassionate i wanted to

develop something inside me

that i might give away to other people

medicine is not my field but eventually

i realized my calling to become a


i began to study for hours each day all

the way through high school and into


many people began to notice my drive and

told me i belonged in higher education

i graduated top of my class earned my

master’s degree and spent 11 years

as an elementary school library media

specialist i finished my doctorate in

2016 and in 2019

accepted an offer as an assistant

professor of education

the day after my interview for my new

college job i was sitting in another

orthopedic surgeon’s office

staring into the face of a young

resident who had spent the morning at a


learning from the hero of my youth it

was now 20 years later

and that bunion had started to hurt

every left step

every day i had tried all the

non-invasive options

nothing had brought relief not only did

the bunion need to be removed but my

step had to be altered so the problem

didn’t return

my left achilles tendon needed to be


yet again i begin

my career in higher education with a

rainbow cast

a walker and another physical reminder

of why i had entered into this


in the first place that’s the story of

my own root system

what has held me up and it’s through

these hidden experiences like the one i

had with my surgeon

that develop support and help us become

the towering oaks

we were designed to be but what about


what is growing underneath the surface

in your life

what is it that’s being developed in the

hidden realms that’s very much alive yet

unseen do you want to be an artist a


a writer maybe you want to be a parent

maybe you want to stand or sit on a

stage like this one

and speak whatever it is keep on

nurturing your dream

it’s about making a little commitment

every day towards achieving your goal

every day set aside some time to work on

your art

study practice it’s in the hidden

moments the routine repeated day after


that will help you grow secondly

i wanted to ask you what is breaking

ground in your life right now

so that new life can sprout up

sometimes in life we experience

suffering and pain along the way to

becoming who we are

going to be i think the challenge is to

let the breaks the cracks in the surface

have their way

so they can lead to our wholeness helen

keller is quoted as saying

the struggle of life is one of our

greatest blessings

it makes us patient sensitive god-like

it teaches us that although the world is

full of suffering it is also full

of the overcoming of it if you find that

your life is breaking apart today

pay attention you may soon see life

sprouting forth my third question for

you today

is have you noticed what kind of fruit

you’re bearing

i was observing in life that sometimes

we feel like a plant

that has overgrown its pot suddenly life

has gotten

really uncomfortable and we find that we

need more space than before

different soil and the freedom to spread


it’s at that time in our lives that

becomes alarming that the fruit we are


is sometimes different than those around


as if we are different types of trees

this can feel lonely and uncomfortable

and i’m sure you’ve been there

and that leads me to my last question

how are you giving life to others

how is your fruit helping to feed a

hungry world

there is no right way to do this

and it could change over time your fruit

could be serving a meal in very public

ways as you lead a non-profit or a

business or a school

your fruit could be private as you rock

a baby to bed at night

care for people who are disabled or help

the homeless

whatever it is find a way to plant it in

fertile soil

because inside it are the seeds of

future life

as i conclude today i want to leave you

with these thoughts to save her

the next time you encounter someone who

is different than you perhaps a

different race

gender physical ability can you remember

that deep inside that person

is a hidden root system a story that you

don’t yet know

there is something that has held them up

over time waiting to be discovered

you can plant the seeds of the future

inspire the next generation of people to

become who they are

an artist a writer a mother speaker

college professor

an orthopedic surgeon or a school


ladies and gentlemen have you considered

we are trees
