Dear Subscribers...

Transcriber: Andrea McDonough
Reviewer: Bedirhan Cinar

Dear subscribers,

there are over 250,000 of you now,

a critical mass

at a critical time.

We have the cumulative potential

to impact global education.

I’ve been assembled and given a voice for this video

to describe one way to do just that.

Please allow me 2.5 minutes to explain.

My name is TED-Ed

and I am a symbol for both the TED-Ed website

and the billions of videos available to you for free

on the website known as “YouTube”.

Today I invite you on a journey

on which you will learn how to use to create a lesson

around the vast majority of videos on the web.

When I say, “create a lesson,”

I mean that you may use the TED-Ed website

to search for any video on YouTube.

Once you find the perfect video,

the one that really blows your hair back,

helps you understand,

or that makes you pause and say,

“My goodness, the universe is a fascinating place!”,

you may use TED-Ed to enhance that video.

You might use the “Let’s Begin” section

to set context for interpreting the video

or to define a learning objective for your students.

Or, you might use the “Think” section

to add multiple choice questions

with time-coded video hints

or open answer questions

that beg for thought-provoking, written responses.

Or, perhaps you’ll use the “Dig Deeper” section

to expand upon the video with articles,


or links to an application,

or maybe even your blog.

If any feature is not your cup of tea,

just click “Exclude”.

And this new feature, “Discuss,”

it lets you create riveting discussions

around your favorite bits.

Learners, you can engage with lessons independently.

The site will save your answers, notes, and ideas

to your personal profile

and track your learning over time.

New lessons are added every day.

Teachers, as you build or distribute customized lessons

to individuals or to groups,

you may use the site to track the progress

of single students or your entire class.

And no matter who you are,

if you take the time to create a particularly stunning lesson,

please also take the time to nominate it.

We will systematically feature

the best community-made lessons

within the ever-growing TED-Ed library,

free for the world to learn from,

to customize and to share.

The possibilities of this tool

are as infinite as YouTube itself.

And, we will be adding new features regularly

in the months and years to come.

To join me and many others

in building a library of lessons worth sharing,

simply click on one of the features that interests you.

Thank you for your time.