Energy in Art


hello everyone good afternoon

uh my name is jovio lopez and today

i will be speaking about the energy

and art some of you are thinking

how do you even put these two words

together i do many things but i’m most

well known

for my youtube channel with my little

brother and vidal lopez called skinny

indonesian 24.

are there any subscribers here

thank you hi are there any okay thank

you thank you for subscribing for those

who haven’t subscribed subscribe


okay um so why did i choose this title

these two words have had

kind of defined my life so

energy i studied physics for four years

in university

this is a very bad graduation picture of

mine i’m so sorry

i’m the one on the right that’s my mom

that’s in dovie

and why’d i choose the word art because

after university i dove into youtube

and probably some of you are wondering

why would you even consider youtube art

youtube’s just a bunch of guys vlogging

youtube’s just a bunch of cat

videos like what is youtube

it depends on the creator

it depends on how you treat youtube

itself and i would like to show you a

video that my brother and i


they know who i am

look how famous you are now remember

being yourself got you nowhere

welcome to the famous youtubers

youtubers club


but remember to be proud


and don’t listen to this

okay on that note i was gonna cut off

that word it is cut off in the video


but yeah so why did i say uh youtube is

an art form

because how many youtubers actually

create musicals

um because since from the very start

we’ve always focused on making stories

and um doing things with a purpose we

were given the chance to make movies

and um at the end of next month the end

of march

a new movie of ours will be releasing

called bhutan is anyone a bhutan here

there’s a lot of bhujan people here okay

um in this project

i am playing in it uh i’m i wrote it and

i’m also

producing it so please do go watch it in

the cinema

okay back to our title so why did i

choose energy and art

two months ago uh my brother and i were

we were selected

as the ambassadors for youtube creators

for change

what is that that is basically an

initiative by google to

um select creators to raise awareness on

current social issues and

a lot of creators were invited from the


to bangkok and the biggest question that

was raised in bangkok is

what is impact what is impact

a lot of answers were being thrown

around the room such as something that

changes you

something that motivates me life


or even changing one’s mindset and


but having studied physics

when you think of the word impact

you think of

momentum that’s that’s not that

you think of force

you think of force and when you think of


a bunch of other words come to mind such


acceleration not bad force is mass times


his grades need to go higher up okay

you think of energy

and the basics of energy is there’s

always a potential energy

and a kinetic energy how does that

relate to humans

i mean this this is all just physics

talk i mean if you have to apply it to


we all sort of have a potential and

kinetic energy

simplest terms i want to bake a cake

that’s your potential energy you’re

thinking about it

you’re visualizing the kick in your head

you know what to buy you know the


but when you actually make the cake

that’s the kinetic energy

i like someone oh i think i want to ask

her or him out

so you dwell on it certain of days you

ask your friends blah blah

when you do actually ask him or her out

that’s your kinetic energy

but what about energy and art

what about it every single artwork

has energy whether it is a poem

if it’s a piece of writing if it’s a

novel if it’s a book

everything has energy and a video

and the best thing about energy is by


energy cannot be created or destroyed it

can only be transferred

so when something has an energy that

energy will be transferred

to you now back to the question of


right what is the impact of a video

when you watch a video the speaker

before me spoke about emotions

you get you get emotions these are the

emotions you get

right from left to right i’m guessing

that’s happiness

i don’t know what that is i don’t know

what the second one is it’s

is that is that like oh this is crazy

stupid i don’t know what that is

um that’s tears you get sad

you get angry you get mind blown by


you fall in love with the character oh

you’re so hot oh she’s so pretty

or is that cringe is the last one cringe

thank you last one is cringe you oh i

don’t want to watch this video anymore

so you get an emotion that is the impact

that the video has on you

but now i want to speak about great


before we spoke about potential energy

and kinetic energy

right when the energy of a video is

transferred to you

and you get an emotion that to me

is a simple impact because what happens

after you watch that video

will you simply go to another video and


chase another emotion oh this video made

me happy let me go to the next video oh

this video makes me happy let me go to

this other video oh this video makes me

happy oh i’m too tired of all this

happiness let me go to sleep

nothing changes in your life okay

your mood changes for a certain period

of time

but is there actually any substantial


in your life now

something with great impact

turns all that potential energy into

kinetic energy

when you watch something and you want to

do something

beyond that watching experience

you want to do something beyond the


so what i mean is

right after you watch it after you watch

this video you’re like

it strengthens my purpose oh

i wanted to go to art school after you

watch this one video

now i definitely need to go to art


you don’t simply just smile and move on

to another video

it strengthens your purpose it changes

your mindset

oh i was not a big fan of this community

but hey

you know what their argument makes sense

i guess there are pretty cool people


brings new perspectives you used to see

life in a certain way and then you see a


in another way and the most important

thing is it breaks the chain

right because going back to this whole

potential and kinetic energy thing

when you watch a tick-tock video that

also brings kinetic energy

right you watch a tick tock video

and then you’re like oh i’m inspired to

do the same moves

but are you actually changing anything

because then the next person who watches

that video is inspired to do the same

moves again it’s

it’s just one loop it’s a closed loop

nothing changes you’re simply just

amplifying this movement to the world

this dance movement

so great impact

always will lead to change

because in order to move a society

forward you need to change

and i see you

i see you okay so this is our theory but

i’m speaking about all this because i’m

also a practitioner

of this theory so i have made a video

in in my youtube career which has spent

nine years eight years i don’t know it’s

been too long um

i made a video on someone else’s channel

which got 62.3 million views

thank you thank you faye thank you


62.3 million views

i mean that’s a lot of use but whoever

screenshotted this did not like this

video obviously

obviously no like on this video but the

overall consensus of this video i would

consider this video

of just an impactful video because

although i wanted it i wanted this video

to have a great impact

what the audience received was mixed


i received mixed reactions from the


um so it got a lot of impression it got

a lot of views

brands love this oh you made something

in the millions of views in the in the

tenth of millions of views nearly 100


they’re gonna love this but what is the


impact of this video

now i also made another video

where my brother and i to celebrate our

1 million subscriber

we gave out scholarships

when we made this video it only got 380

000 views i know

in your head in some reds like that’s a

lot of views i only get 10 videos when i

upload something

no so my standards

this is a pretty basic amount of views

380 000

is is okay it’s not great

but the impact of this video is real

so youtubers what they usually do when

they reach a milestone they give up

phones they give out laptops

i don’t know what they give out i don’t

know my brother and i chose

to give something that will impact

someone’s life

forever i’m sorry to say your iphone or

your android will probably break in two


hopefully not probably will or probably

you’ll update it but you cannot change

the four years of education in your life

so my brother

and i we gave out scholarships to three

indonesian kids off from uh from all

indonesia to

study in a university of their choosing

hopefully not the expensive ones

yes but we funnel those three from 48


and this video to me has a great impact


even the reaction that i get from it


tells me even not the kids who got the


but even people start making things like

this as well

other youtubers start making


and even youtube global

noticed this so youtube san bruno

rewarded us rewarded this video by

putting us as the first indonesians

in the global youtube rewind does anyone


about youth everyone so you’ll see my

brother and i are like oh there’s a

second of them

right in that youtube rewind no

indonesian has

ever been in a global youtube rewind to

those who don’t know youtube rewind i

don’t have enough time to explain it

please google it yourself

but after making these two things my

brother and i we’re at a crossroads

how do we proceed forward right do we

still keep on making

these million viewed videos or do we

stick to these

great impact videos

we chose the second round extremely

painful route you lose views

you lose likes you lose engagements

you lose fame you practically lose

and in in the digital space once you

drop down from the top spot

it this is such a fast-paced industry

people will take over

and and brands the people who actually

give us jobs

they will always look for you know the

ones who have the big numbers

so then you lose in that number game but

we didn’t care

we wanted to make something that is more

impactful for real

so for two three years we kept on making

these kind of videos

we thought we were going nowhere we put

so much positive energy into

our work but it didn’t really pay off in

a sense

until this video came out has anyone

watched this video

epic rap battle presidency probably

jokowi um

this video is impactful but i also

believe it has a great impact

because to the 10 11 12

13 14 year old youtube watchers in

indonesia when they watch this video

they get a message that oh

you can also make other videos than just

about vlogging about your wealth

oh you can make other videos than just

showing off what you ate or what you

shopped in a certain country

oh you can make more videos or you can

make other videos than

acting like a gimbal there are so many

types of videos

that can move the society forward that

you can make

so and we were rewarded as well for this

video after two three years of losing

a lot of things this video was the

number one top trending video of 2019.

and i’m not saying usually when you when

you go on youtube right you go on a

trending page

you’ll see the top the the the top


video number one trending video that

only lasts for two

like a day two days three days this was

the number one top trending for the

whole year of 2019

and i feel extremely blessed um

so the last thing i want to say is

this route that my brother and i take

it’s a pretty hard route right it’s

and i feel like we are lucky

that our idealism pays off

because what the media does is the media

will always blast those with sensation

those with zero substance and what that

does is it inspires the next generation

to create the same

type of content and this empty

content will keep on rolling to the next

generation because they believe that

this is how you get fame

but it’s not there are other ways so

don’t be scared to not follow the system

that’s a double negative i don’t know if

that’s right i don’t check it guys

you will survive it’s a hard route

but if you put in the right energy you

will survive so make sure your work of


has the right type of energy

thank you very much i’m joella lopez





