Listening to your internal voice

why do you watch ted talks

ted talks the great people share their

great challenges

research and the great ideas they found

from their great experience

there are many reason people watch ted


wines for studying english screw


or why just because it’s cool hobby

but one of the most popular reason

people watch ted talks

seem to be to look for hints or answers

to make our lives better

ted talk impress us greatly

and make us think i want to be like them

i’ll change my mind completely from


we then go to bed and totally forget

about it

but we still dribble to

watch another talk weekend after weekend

and continue the cycle of forgetting

today i would like to tell you

how to break this cycle in your life

it is hint not for regretting your life


listen to and obey

your internal voice

before i tell you my topic in detail

i’d like to show what will happen

if you’d ignore your internal voice

through sharing woman’s experience

he is such a famous guy

that you might have seen once

in your life

yes that guy is me

i used to be nursing student of national

defense medical college

up until five years ago

when i was in elementary school

i loved robots and biology

especially loved fish

so my dream then was to research about

deep sea

or to make a fish robot but

after my grandmother got alzheimer’s


i started to think taking care of


and fighting against the disease that’s

one of the greatest thing

so i said goodbye to my first robot in

my mind

then decided to be a doctor

and i studied to pass the entrance exam

for medical school

believing i can pass if i want it

but my score was too bad

to pass exam

so i tried twice but my score

got worse

so i lost my energy and

i decided to go to nursing school to

pursue another medical professional


nursing is wonderful and important


however i knew i

wanted to be a physician

after i entered the nursing school every


i got up went to classes from a four

person dorm room

then to rugby craft which was tough for


then going back to four person room and


this was my daily cycle on weekdays

gradually i got used to this life

and the year passed

the day didn’t change at all

studying nursing going to rugby club

which was still tough then going back to

same room

and sleeping same cycle

sometimes when i talk

with my friends who went to medical


i was reminded that i had wanted to be a


and regret it i had given up

my dream

but i try not to think about it too much

because i already gave up and i had to

study nursing

it all changed just before the second

year summer holiday

i was pro assigned by dolmaster

she said when i conducted

a looting loom checkup the

empty bottle of vodka was

found from your room

drinking in the dome is prohibited as

you know i have a question for you

is it yours

yes it was mine and actually i drank it

but i said yes this bottle was mine but

i just collected empty

bottles not for drinking

but only one bottle

seems to be not to be enough to call the

collection so she refused my excuse

and grounded me four months

yes i did something wrong

so i clearly deserved it

but it was tough time

i couldn’t go outside

the punishment lasted even after the

summer vacation began

so after my roommates happily went

back to the home i spent

lying on the bed lonely

in a four person dorm room

i didn’t have anything to do there was

no cycle anymore

however for the first time

i had time to take a look at the thing

in my life beyond the cycle

my future and my goal

i realized i still wanted to be a doctor

while i thought i had already given up

what i was doing was just

persuaded myself not to think about it

by making excuses to myself

such as i failed the entrance exam

already or it’s too late

to read challenge or

i had to study nursing and so on

during childhood we dream

we dream to be many things like becoming


a football player a hero

or even a dinosaur

how about now we have so many things to


and no time to think about our dream

or we might think dream

is childish or unreal

however if

our dreams is absolute nonsense

if that dream comes from our mind

we can’t ignore it completely as long

as we live dream emerges

from bottom of our mind as our internal


so every time our dream emerges

we’ll have to suppress our dream again

and again by trying not to think about


or by making excuses to ourselves

but if we keep doing so

at much long later time

we would regret we should have listened

to a voice within

and we would blame ourselves

for a long time

in my case thanks for the bottle

and the door master i had time

to think about my future seriously

it gave me an opportunity to make up my


to finally obey my internal voice

so i quitted the nursing school

and studied to study again

for medical school

i can’t express enough appreciation

to my parents and to my friends

for understanding my records challenge

after one gap year i passed the entrance


for this medical university and finally

i studied to study medicine

something i always wanted to do since my

middle school days

a friend of mine said to me i realize

what i really want to be but i can’t

throw away what i have now

how are you able to make a big decision

how can i be crazy like you

he misunderstood me because i’m not

crazy as he said

to be honest soon after quitted

the nursing school i regretted

my decision of throwing away i had them

however if

we are with our internal voice

we can be stronger we can love ourselves

from the bottom of our heart

and it gives the energy to

overcome difficulties and regrets we may


only our own voice can drive us


the friend asking me that question

also created the hospital after he


and now he works at a pharmaceutical


like he wanted

studying in medical school is same as


as i was in nursing school but my inner


kept me going speaking english

is one of the challenges

i faced at our school

after i entered this university all


were held in english same as many

japanese students

initially i was not able to speak in


at all however

studying with returning and

international students

i came to want to improve my english as

much as possible

so i practiced

that didn’t always go well

but now i am giving the tech

x talk in front of you

in english also

i still have fish so i obtained the

diving license

after i entered medical school

i would like to ask you again

why do you watch ted talks

to make our lives better

you don’t have to change yourselves


all of a sudden of course we can’t

we have cycles daily

weekly and annually

there are so many things to do and we

tend to focus on the thing

just in front of us

but if we really

want to improve our lives

we need to stop the cycle

to listen to your internal voice

and think about this things beyond the


your future

i hope all of you listen your internal


and makes your life even better

thank you for listening