Poetry Finding your inner voice

i am magna promota

my people say i’m a chili i am a poet

i like being a poet i paint with words

now i become a sister a daughter and a


my love for my family and friends

extends far deeper

than the deepest roots of the oldest red


i am there for them always

and then a violinist i am the music

notes as they float off the page

in strings of melodies and into my

waiting ears

i could never give up my dearest violin

for anything

finally i am a human being i am a part

of the people around me

the people who support me the people who

always have my back

but just like a human i fall down too

just like a human i make mistakes just

like a human

i create and destroy and just like a


i learn being human is the last thing

because no matter what happens i am

always human

this is me a poet a sister

a daughter a friend a violinist a


and always a human actor

non-verbal at acta non-verba

deeds not words like when we’re gone

forever among the birds

will they really sing our praises to

replenish our life on earth

in honor of nothing because actions are

nothing without the words

and words are nothing without the


each of each other are nothing nothing

is nothing without everything

arbor is carry to every ear on earth be

it we know

or they may never hear but in their

dreams are words

verba verb verbal but verbs refer to

action verse verbal to words

all the same derivation connection


disconnection on causation deceived


the mystery has been solved by none

other than sherlock holmes

and shakespeare who all use words to

justify their actions

and actions to justify those same words

the great kobe 19 crisis of 2020

we used to go to school we used to play

outside and go to restaurants and scream

at the stars

every second and think that nothing was

ever going to change

nothing could ever disrupt our peace and

happiness upon this earth

but now we sit at computer screens all

day and try

try to interact with people who are just

not actually there

but are miles away with only the screen

separating you from them

and them from whatever fate you

encounter because those people

are waiting for that machine because

life depends upon that machine

with the single cord to keep the lungs


and the hearts beat faster because that

person might not be there the next day

when after after they’ve taken care of

their children and stuffed cereal and

milk down their throats

and cleaned their faces and finally

driven back to the hospital

only to see that there is no life left

no staircase to their minds

and the heart that was what is behind

each mask what is behind the woven

strings of cloth

that cover our faces and cover our


so that we can only tell by wrinkled

eyes that someone else is happy

that someone else has a different story

than our own

so they are not so different from us

because every mask is a hiding spot a

place to store the non-disclosable

and make discretions to cover up our


from the rest of society who is


the sick the dying the dead are all

waiting for the clock to tick

for time to tell the end

allegory of the fog dancer

he could not see ahead of him but still

he danced forward forever forward

searching for a light a break in the fog

smoke haze but he wasn’t to know that

there was none

but life is sort of just all a dream

everything around is just not what it


or perhaps is just an allegory

each door ahead of him was infinitely


and yet he danced through them as though

there was something to be seen

at the end something to be had at each


but there was nothing not unless he

danced backwards

or left or right not with every grain of

wheat the wind blew

did he ever realize that he might leave

if he just went

another direction traveled into and not


another connection he could not see an

end or the foreboding clouds above

but he still slept and woke with each

passing night

with never and after thought not blotted

like a black ocean

he flowed ahead the tide welling at each


and receding at the next never did he


and so father time stopped for him

if i ruled the world you know if i ruled

the world

people would not play video games if i

ruled the world people would not be

homeless or

poor if i ruled the world

people would not be doing drugs if i

ruled the world there would be no

idiotic leaders

if i ruled the world bad political

parties would not make a comeback

if i ruled the world there would be no


and people would not be abusive if i

ruled the world people would not die

from diseases like malaria

and polio if i ruled the world

people would not be obese if i

ruled the world people would not drink


if i ruled the world there would be no

teenage pregnancies

if i ruled the world everyone would have

equal rights

and there’d be no racism if i

ruled the world people would not smoke

if i ruled the world people would not be

mentally ill

if i ruled the world people would not be


or do illegal things if i ruled the


then women would not be enslaved and

forced to entertain men at gentlemen’s


in fact if i ruled the world there would

be no gentlemen’s clubs all together

if i ruled the world there would be no


if i ruled the world i think it would be

a much better place

this is me a poet a sister a daughter

a friend a violinist a learner

and always a human thank you