Beware of Social Influencers Puffery


how many us do you think

we actually see in a day dozen

a hundred or maybe thousand

back in the 70s the average person saw

500 ads per day and this number

made doubles nowadays with online


as we are moving away from our

tvs towards our mobile phone

companies to remain relevant we are

seeing a paradigm

shift from traditional marketing

towards more digital and individualized


and the major players in this new


are social media influencers

those of you who use social media

depending on your taste or preference

or even your interest you are probably

following those influencers

who share content about fashion

food travel or even

parenting tips the appearance of social

media in our daily life

is quite unique phenomena

many people rely on them and even trust


but little is understood how much power

those influencers exert on our behavior

and emotions their ability

to get recognition and fame by posting

the most attractive and eye-catching


through their preferred social media


to broaden their followers portfolio

with the most

passionate and committed individuals

but what gave them this ability

their sexy physique their attractive or

fleshy content

maybe but the most

power comes from the trust

that those influencers built

with their followers speaking about


have a media did a study and show

that only 22 percent

of brands are trusted

however brands can cooperate

with those influencers

and immediately they gain a level of


recent study shows that 82 percent of


trust those influencer marketing

than traditional one to this extent

influencer marketing became a powerful

form of advertising offering a

competitive return on investment

and allowing brands to extend their

market segment

and here my friend comes in

a puffer fish it’s a common

looking fish but actually it has the


to puff up embellish itself

to be three times larger

you know this concept also

we can find it in advertisement world

but the word is known as puffery

a perfe is an exaggerated claim

or vague opinion

it’s legal and traditional advertisement

use it from this long time ago

but we are aware about these practices

then such claim we cannot take it


i will give you the example for instance

when you are passing by burger place

and the burger that you receive

will not be the same as the picture the

exaggerated picture

and also when you are seeing such cream

i think you are not believing that we

stay young forever

we understood that just a slogan company

we are not taking those

as taking seriously those claims

but think what i said earlier

the advertisement is shifting toward a


paradigm leading by whom by the powerful

influencers in one side

they have enormous amount of trust

among their followers meaning whatever

they said

may be taken seriously and in other hand

they are not held liable for their


meaning is they are free to express

their opinion

in social media platforms now

that you know what puffery is about let

me share my own story

the story that led raising a question


influencer puffy content practices

moving here to korea i had to take a

standard health check

the doctor saw me and said i was


i really took it seriously i looked into

the option

how to became healthier and even i went

to those

personal trainer but seeing the price i

ran away

and after that i decide to turn to those


the account that i follow they will


their daily transformation weight loss

pictures and also they will provide you

with content what they are eating in a


to maintain a caloric deficit those

uploaded with you

they will provide you with the best

solution ever to lose weight

including the best protein to take the

healthy meal to prepare

and even the ultimate workouts to do

call me naive but i follow those

influencers diligently

i did everything long story short

after about one month i realized that i


building an unhealthy relationship with


exercise and even my body

food seems to be something i couldn’t


exercise it became a punishment

and my health was never healthy enough

truth to be told the image

that i would see myself in the mirror

versus the truth i want to believe those


was too much far from each other cannot


and at the end i felt miserable

and here i get this question why should

influencer puff free content seen

differently from brand puffy content

in the advertisement rules regulation

are well established to promote

fair competition and also to promote


to promote to protect us

and also like you said me and you we are

skeptical about

brands and advertisement then it’s very

hard to be misled by those

brand puffy content but in other hand

influencers are seen as trustworthy

and credible individuals rules

principles and even values are not well


in social media sitting resulting

in very fuzzy context it’s very very


to make a difference between a puff free


and genuine one while you are listening

to my story

some of you may wonder why i followed


influencer in the first place actually

looking back

why i followed and even trust those


and consuming the content and even

buying those recommended items i

realized that i was completely detached

from who i was as a person yes

i was aware there is a problem health


and even i understood what to do what i


reducing my weight and having a healthy


but yet i was completely detached

completely disconnected from the process

how to do it i was just focused

on the quick fix i want a result

now and this is why i was relying on

those influencers

because those influencers they are rely

on our weaknesses

they are relying our insecurities and

everyone has his own securities

body image maybe relationship

or even job they will provide you with

content i am pretty sure that you saw

some of these

contents how to lose weight in 10 days

be millionaire in six months or even

get shredded without workout those

videos with

absurd titles and verified method

they will give you the instant


where you feel inspired motivated

and even empowered

actually in my case i felt related to

those influencers

and followers why because

they have the same situation as me they


like i struggled then unconsciously

i project myself to them

and in that connection and this is very

tricky part in that connection my common


and my instant diminished i couldn’t

make a difference between what is right

and what is wrong

actually those content they will create

an illusion bubble for you when

the video is over the bubble

start to fade but with much content


you will find always a video or tips to

make this bubble alive

to make it worse even the technology

escalate the issue how when you are

following some

someone you will get those notification

recommended videos that get you hooked

to this content

there is no doubt influencer profit


is well designed

because of that we all fall into this

puffer trap yes time two times

i recognize that those influencers they

are giving me some exaggerated claim

without providing evidence or consistent

study to back them up

or even i suspected those recommended

products i thought maybe they would just

want to sell me those product

but what i did i muted all the inner

voice in my mind

to not bring into the question

the integrity of those influencers

with whom i was associated

those influencers with whom i’m seeking

recommendation to get to achieve my


to get the same shape as them the same


i cannot make them the liar

let me confess as you may have all


my journey seeking for healthy lifestyle

following those influencers

may have failed but it got me to study

and learn something much much valuable

the business model behind social media

influencer for free content

but a disclaimer must be said

not all influencers who use this type of


lie or intend to deceive the followers

there is certain influencer who strive


to give you valuable content

but we cannot deny that is

influencers who is taking advantage of

their position

the power granted from the huge number

of followers they threw all marketing

principle out of window

they risked their reputation

and even the follower trust for what

for more likes for more share

which may translate to extra cash

regardless what may be the end result

the thing with influencer puffery


is it comes into package

well disguised that the line between

exaggeration and fact is so

thin and the interest

and trust that follower put on those

content is very high

is highly deceiving

then assuming that influencer

followers me and you we are not taking

this claim

seriously it’s a mistake it’s much more

naive thinking

than me believing that i can get healthy

with those followers

so as perfect is legal

and social media is an open canvas

where everyone can share content

and even became an influencer we are in


we as the one following interacting and

even consuming this content

need to be understanding there is a huge

business model behind it it’s a new type

of advertisement

the next time please when your

favorite influencer your virtual

friends share content about

beauty routine weight

loss journey or even home tour

take a moment and you have the right

to question their genuine motivation

before going and clicking that link

which may take you and guide you to

purchase button

or make a hasty choice thank you very

