From worrier to warrior how to live a more fulfilling life

I am Emily and I am a warrior and on

some days I will worry

in fact on most days I will I’m really

good at worrying which actually makes me

a master warrior learning to be a

warrior who here knows how it is to

worry the struggle is real let me take

you back when it all started I was nine

months old and I was lying on my parents


my mum was there with me and she briefly

turned around I flipped over banged my

head on the floor and was unconscious I

was rushed to hospital and ended up in a

coma the doctors had to operate and they

gave me 40% chance of surviving I am

lucky to be here today with with this

dramatic accident my mum started to be a

bit worried about me she didn’t really

trust other people to take care of me

so this planted the worry seed inside of

my way of being I worried about the most

tiniest things and even if they were

tiny they were important to me so for

instance I used to worry when we used to

drive to school that I didn’t have

enough petrol in the car or that I

wasn’t going to be picked up from school

or for instance in exams and you might

relate to this I was worried that I was

going to have a mind blank such as

forgetting the capital of India for

instance it’s New Delhi just in case you

forgot this constant worrying made me be

in a constant worry loop and my body

coped in a way that that I had developed

a skin condition called eczema

I was very self aware of how I looked

and as you can see here I was it was

very visible so I was very embarrassed

as well the way I looked and so I

decided that I have had enough and at

the age of 26 I decided to take coaching

sessions and they really helped me to

connect with myself and one day when I

was stuck in a worry loop my coach asked

me how is that going for you Emily this

constant worrying and I was kind of

taken aback because I didn’t realize

until then that I had the choice until

then I was so identified with my worry

met with my inner warrior and it was

such a huge relief like I had such a

sense of freedom all of a sudden and so

I got I got curious and I became a coach

myself it’s now very obvious for me

after having been in touch with my

little Emily warrior who actually just

wanted to be loved feel safe and be held

that you have to really be in touch with

your inner warrior if you want to heal

heal from within

and so over the years I realized that

the mind and body connection are really

really important

there are numerous scientific studies in

fact that show this and I don’t know if

you know but we have won more than just

one brain we have obviously our head

brain our heart brain and our gut brain

as well

Grant Sioux City and Marvin okay two

international leading experts have

developed on on this on these scientific

studies a coaching modality called M

braining and with this modality come a

bunch of techniques called multiple

brain integration techniques and one of

these techniques is a balanced breathing

now I don’t know how you react when you

worry but when I worry I’m very much in

my head I have million thoughts going at

a million miles an hour and I feel very

detached from my body and so multi brain

and brain imbalance breathing helps you

to really connect with yourself again

and be grounded it also helps you to no

longer just breathe from up here but

breathe from your whole upper body and

so it accelerates the the blood flow in

your body and your heads will also feel

clearer you’re therefore also giving a

chance of your different brains to

communicate with themselves again

because they all share a certain amount

of wisdom and so when you’re stressed

and worried as I said you tend to be up

here and with an braining bounce

breathing you can start to share the

responsibility with a difference with

the two other brains so let me

if if you’re up for it let me show you

how I’m breathing bones breathing works

this is my Tibetan Bowl and I will be

guiding you through this exercise so

basically it’s about sitting comfortably

and your shoulders upright like this

your neck Ellen gaiters and your

shoulders relax your feet on the ground

so that you can feel the circulation and

then the interesting thing is is to

breathe in with your tummy out and

breathe out again with your tummy back

in again and ideally you do that 5 to 10

minutes every day but we’ll just do a

few in breaths here and there

interesting and very important part is

that you breathe in for seconds

and breathe out for seconds and I also

forgot to say that it’s very important

that you feel a level of deep

appreciation in your heart so that your

heart is connected with the people

around you and that you connect with

yourself so inhale

think so

inhale exhale inhale

I think so

how good did that feel and wasn’t it

easy you see this exercise you can do

whenever you want and wherever you want

and actually it’s just like flexing a

muscle the more you do it the better you

will become at it and the more it will

help you to come out of your head and

feel more connected to your body and

stay grounded and bein an reigning

Bounce breathing helped me to connect

with my warrior and it also helped me to

manage my warrior state you see we have

both inside of us it’s not like you’re

either or without you knowing it

potentially we are the warrior and the

worry the warrior and they’re part of

the same team and so please don’t

neglect the warrior inside if you don’t

push it away and pay attention to it

because you can you can quote me on it

if you want to it has a lot of wisdom

that it wants to share with you in order

to step into your authentic self so it’s

when they work together that you can

step into your authentic self and

actually become more creative take

better decisions and befriend sense more

relaxed when you do exams it’s a bit

like breathing really they work into

that inhale and the exhale so breathe in

the warrior and breathe out the warrior

you also have the choice because we’re

all in this human-being business

together thank you
