If you want Peace Prepare for War.



india for the past five years

um i am going to be very very frank

right now

if you don’t understand my english i’m

so sorry but being an italian

and you know a lot of things just got

damaged here and there so

let’s start with start

let’s go back a little bit

in the time before the corolla shall we

in the time in which we all thought that


are safe and we

all thought that everything is fine and

we were blessed

but we didn’t do that okay

so there is a one saying in

italy that we use a lot which help me

in this family and

it says see this

okay what does it mean very simple

if you want the peace you have to be

ready for

war okay it doesn’t matter who you are

doesn’t matter your gender

your providence etc etc each and every

one of us can be a warrior but saying


if you are a warrior you have to be a


one what does it mean

a warrior is a person

who knows who he

is he or she okay so

you have to be very very frank with you

sit down

and say okay you know what

there is a family going on the first day

it was a shock for everyone

obviously we didn’t knew i didn’t knew


and literally even the best of the best

didn’t know

what is going on trust me it was

happening in italy

i called my friends in indonesia all

over the world nobody knew

okay let’s start with uh

one simple faith the day after

the long term started uh to be

and it was announced in 24 hours

i lost literally

the gigs for the next half a year

and then i understood that this

situation in which

happened and right now we thought all of

us thought that

it’s okay it’s just 24 hours it’s okay

it’s just like one week no i already

knew that if my gigs are gone for the


half a year well

as you already know next half a year i

will not get money

i will not get paid and as a freelancer

that is a hardcore style it’s a hardcore

for everyone right

like whoever is a doctor

that was a hardcore stuff for doctors

okay huge respect for them

but for people who have a work from nine

to five

at least majority of them

knew of what what was there

okay so sabine i didn’t have that

okay 24 hours i had to notice

what i’m doing thinking about as i am

a warrior okay i sit down and say okay

where i am standing how much money i get

how much money i have what should i do

now obviously the situation was not


i understand that i was blessed

was less even though i could not go back

home to hug my mom

because all the international flights

were banned

i could not literally let’s just say

have my family nearby it’s okay

um one friend maybe

that’s okay that’s cool i am alone i

understand that

so the thing is that you have to be


remember praying with yourself no matter

how hard it is

to understand the reality in which you

are standing

the next thing you have to understand

what is your plan so i

didn’t plan one day

i planned one week because the strategy

is something that you should understand

that you have to apply to

all of the things that you are doing in

your life

okay so it doesn’t matter how much you

want to be

a bollywood dancer okay

if you don’t have the strategy

of how to become a bollywood dancer you

will never

get there and i’m so sorry to say that

but you have to know

the road to that place okay so you have

a goal

which for now it was a survival of

pandemi wherever but

you have a goal any goal okay you want

to be a

international cook cool that’s also a


right but you have to understand that

the roads to that

you have to study okay and if you also

can adjust with several things okay

next thing after several months

everything is okay

more or less uh i get a call from my mom

and she said sit down i have a great

news for you

and whenever she says like that i

already know that the great news will

not be great

uh she said you know what we go we got


so basically my money

are about to end i’m in a foreign


alone and there is no possibility for a

plan b

because 20 years of savings

gone in 15 minutes so

imagine to be let’s just say on the

place of so it’s norway versus the world

right now

what you have to do change your plan

obviously so a part of

uh changing the new routine that you had

for the past

weeks months whatever you have to add

something called hustle because you

understand that

you cannot pay your uh your house with

facts and kisses

as much as you want and you have to

adjust as well

you have to bet let’s just say very very


thing to say but you have to address and

how much

you think the poor life that you can

afford or do well

you have to choose let’s just say all


best and the worst for you and then for

your family

okay i don’t have that kind of let’s

just say

headache in which i have my mom and dad

in the

in the house but still some of y’all

has it right so first think about what

you can do

to make the situation better and then

involve everyone else because if you are

on your knees how you will help

others on the battlefield right

this is one thing that just saying

the family showed us that


you cannot point fingers anymore or



no one is precious no one is special

so we are all together on this amazing


so if you stop to work on the boat

and if you are someone who

the society or um

anyone can get rid of make sure that

they will

that’s one of the things that it’s

obviously reality check is a little bit

a little bit rude but

this is a battlefield this is

something that it’s a new

situation okay the situation after


before we thought that oh my god you


ah who is he

right now we are like thank god thank

god he’s spending

veganism outside my house is not how

how i would get to risk my life

kilometers of walk right

so this is another thing don’t

point fingers on people because you

never know who will help you

during this lockdown and during also

this new

uh new reality that we have uh

we have to live in there is no

possibility to just like

push the button and say it’s okay stop


19 something something and it’s just


okay so the next thing next uh

okay i um i just lost four kilos in this

family okay cool perfect

why because i had to say okay shelter

or food i prefer to shelter

so you have to be strong enough to take

the decisions that might also hurt you

okay hurt you in the way that you say


between a and b for

which one i can live without

okay shall i reduce my food or should i


eat but then be shelterless

okay so then this is one of the very

very drastic things this is

like one of the things that i had to

survive but it’s okay it’s not a problem

next thing responsibility for other

people as well

which you have to take because obviously

on the battlefield if you have

your friends your family and everyone

else you have to be the one who thinks

i am the strongest one okay

the leader even though for example your

father or your mother is stronger than

you et cetera et cetera you have to

you have to understand one thing if you

will not

try to be the stronger one

how you will provide also

for someone who might be your kid

or might be your sister who is sick or

might be someone who actually needs your


okay so this is another point that i

have to

like to say see if i can

modify my uh my hustle

if i can be a producer for someone

speaking about me if i can be a dj for


if i can adjust in one way or another to

earn the money and send it to my family

okay this is one thing that you might

have somewhere there in the

back of your mind okay next thing

whenever you are in this

research of your work i

don’t know but i had to adjust a lot

and the first thing is my strategy that

i said no no i will not go

down i will not just uh it’s okay

no it’s not because whenever you are

there there

you know whenever you have to pay your

bills etc etc

if you are adjusting right now it’s okay

no one says that you uh you are not

worthy you are the one who knows that

you are worthy

okay so adjusting for once or twice

right now is something that

you can do easily easily because

it all depends on you and where are you


are you standing with attitude or you’re

saying okay

this time for this time it’s okay

why because i have to pay the bills so


money don’t look at the money as the

something that describes your work

worth as a person money just describes

one thing that you’ve done okay for

i don’t know xyz person they need so


work and you’re like okay i can do it

even with

half an hour half of the you know

money but still for this time

i can adjust so that is another thing

that you have to have in your mind

please don’t think that i need to

describe your work as a human being

it’s not like that okay there is always

the time to upgrade so last but not


um if

you are in the war right now because we

all are if you lost


on this battlefield just saying from my

bottom of

my heart i’m so so sorry because i did

too that was a hard hit that was a lost


for me psychologically and uh

also i hope that you’re okay

because a lot a lot of my followers just

tested me that

we lost someone to covet and i’m not

okay and i’m like

hold on hold on the future is there

okay so you might lost the bottom

yes but you haven’t lost the war



so please please stay here stay with us

because you are

so worthy you think you might not be

someone worthy but you are so one thing

just say one bottle two bottles three

bubbles okay

how many thousands of them one battle

you will

you have to learn that you will lose

battles but you will never lose the war

it’s not that time

okay so please


stay okay thank you so much thank you