What you need to know about stalkerware Eva Galperin

I want you to travel back in time with me,

to the before time, to 2017.

I don’t know if you can remember it,

dinosaurs were roaming the earth.

I was a security researcher,

I had spent about five or six years

doing research on the ways in which APTs,

which is short for advanced
persistent threats,

which stands for nation-state actors,

spy on journalists and activists

and lawyers and scientists

and just generally people
who speak truth to power.

And I’d been doing this for a while

when I discovered
that one of my fellow researchers,

with whom I had been
doing this all this time,

was allegedly a serial rapist.

So the first thing that I did

was I read a bunch of articles about this.

And in January of 2018,

I read an article
with some of his alleged victims.

And one of the things
that really struck me about this article

is how scared they were.

They were really frightened,

they had, you know,
tape over the cameras on their phones

and on their laptops,

and what they were worried about
was that he was a hacker

and he was going to hack into their stuff

and he was going to ruin their lives.

And this had kept them silent
for a really long time.

So, I was furious.

And I didn’t want anyone
to ever feel that way again.

So I did what I usually do when I’m angry:

I tweeted.


And the thing that I tweeted

was that if you are a woman
who has been sexually abused by a hacker

and that hacker has threatened
to break into your devices,

that you could contact me

and I would try to make sure

that your device got a full,
sort of, forensic look over.

And then I went to lunch.


Ten thousand retweets later,


I had accidentally started a project.

So every morning,
I woke up and my mailbox was full.

It was full of the stories
of men and women

telling me the worst thing
that had ever happened to them.

I was contacted by women
who were being spied on by men,

by men who were being spied on by men,

by women who were being spied on by women,

but the vast majority
of the people contacting me

were women who had been
sexually abused by men

who were now spying on them.

The one particularly interesting case

involved a man who came to me,

because his boyfriend had outed him as gay

to his extremely
conservative Korean family.

So this is not just
men-spying-on-women issue.

And I’m here to share

what I learned from this experience.

What I learned is that data leaks.

It’s like water.

It gets in places you don’t want it.

Human leaks.

Your friends give away
information about you.

Your family gives away
information about you.

You go to a party,

somebody tags you as having been there.

And this is one of the ways

in which abusers pick up
information about you

that you don’t otherwise
want them to know.

It is not uncommon for abusers
to go to friends and family

and ask for information
about their victims

under the guise of being concerned
about their “mental health.”

A form of leak that I saw

was actually what we call
account compromise.

So your Gmail account,

your Twitter account,

your Instagram account,

your iCloud,

your Apple ID,

your Netflix, your TikTok –

I had to figure out what a TikTok was.

If it had a login,

I saw it compromised.

And the reason for that is because
your abuser is not always your abuser.

It is really common for people
in relationships to share passwords.

Furthermore, people who are intimate,

who know a lot about each other,

can guess each other’s security questions.

Or they can look over
each other’s shoulders

to see what code they’re using
in order to lock their phones.

They frequently have
physical access to the phone,

or they have physical access
to the laptop.

And this gives them a lot of opportunity

to do things to people’s accounts,

which is very dangerous.

The good news is that we have advice

for people to lock down their accounts.

This advice already exists,
and it comes down to this:

Use strong, unique passwords
for all of your accounts.

Use more strong, unique passwords

as the answers to your security questions,

so that somebody who knows
the name of your childhood pet

can’t reset your password.

And finally, turn on the highest level
of two-factor authentication

that you’re comfortable using.

So that even if an abuser
manages to steal your password,

because they don’t have the second factor,

they will not be able
to log into your account.

The other thing that you should do

is you should take a look
at the security and privacy tabs

for most of your accounts.

Most accounts have
a security or privacy tab

that tells you
what devices are logging in,

and it tells you where
they’re logging in from.

For example, here I am,

logging in to Facebook from the La Quinta,

where we are having this meeting,

and if for example,

I took a look at my Facebook logins

and I saw somebody logging in from Dubai,

I would find that suspicious,

because I have not been
to Dubai in some time.

But sometimes, it really is a RAT.

If by RAT you mean remote access tool.

And remote access tool

is essentially what we mean
when we say stalkerware.

So one of the reasons why
getting full access to your device

is really tempting for governments

is the same reason why
getting full access to your device

is tempting for abusive partners
and former partners.

We carry tracking devices
around in our pockets all day long.

We carry devices
that contain all of our passwords,

all of our communications,

including our end-to-end
encrypted communications.

All of our emails, all of our contacts,

all of our selfies are all in one place,

often our financial information
is also in this place.

And so, full access to a person’s phone

is the next best thing
to full access to a person’s mind.

And what stalkerware does
is it gives you this access.

So, you may ask, how does it work?

The way stalkerware works

is that it’s a commercially
available program,

which an abuser purchases,

installs on the device
that they want to spy on,

usually because they have physical access

or they can trick their target
into installing it themselves,

by saying, you know,

“This is a very important program
you should install on your device.”

And then they pay the stalkerware company

for access to a portal,

which gives them all
of the information from that device.

And you’re usually paying
something like 40 bucks a month.

So this kind of spying
is remarkably cheap.

Do these companies know

that their tools

are being used as tools of abuse?


If you take a look
at the marketing copy for Cocospy,

which is one of these products,

it says right there on the website

that Cocospy allows you
to spy on your wife with ease,

“You do not have to worry
about where she goes,

who she talks to
or what websites she visits.”

So that’s creepy.

HelloSpy, which is another such product,

had a marketing page
in which they spent most of their copy

talking about the prevalence of cheating

and how important it is
to catch your partner cheating,

including this fine picture of a man

who has clearly just caught
his partner cheating

and has beaten her.

She has a black eye,
there is blood on her face.

And I don’t think that there is
really a lot of question

about whose side HelloSpy is on
in this particular case.

And who they’re trying to sell
their product to.

It turns out that if you have stalkerware
on your computer or on your phone,

it can be really difficult to know
whether or not it’s there.

And one of the reasons for that

is because antivirus companies

often don’t recognize
stalkerware as malicious.

They don’t recognize it as a Trojan

or as any of the other stuff
that you would normally find

that they would warn you about.

These are some results
from earlier this year from VirusTotal.

I think that for one sample
that I looked at

I had something like
a result of seven out of 60

of the platforms recognized
the stalkerware that I was testing.

And here is another one
where I managed to get 10,

10 out of 61.

So this is still some very bad results.

I have managed to convince
a couple of antivirus companies

to start marking stalkerware as malicious.

So that all you have to do

if you’re worried about having
this stuff on your computer

is you download the program,

you run a scan and it tells you

“Hey, there’s some potentially
unwanted program on your device.”

It gives you the option of removing it,

but it does not remove it automatically.

And one of the reasons for that

is because of the way that abuse works.

Frequently, victims of abuse aren’t sure

whether or not they want
to tip off their abuser

by cutting off their access.

Or they’re worried that their abuser
is going to escalate to violence

or perhaps even greater violence

than they’ve already been engaging in.

Kaspersky was one
of the very first companies

that said that they were going to start
taking this seriously.

And in November of this year,

they issued a report in which they said

that since they started tracking
stalkerware among their users

that they had seen
an increase of 35 percent.

Likewise, Lookout came out
with a statement

saying that they were going to take this
much more seriously.

And finally, a company called Malwarebytes
also put out such a statement

and said that they had found
2,500 programs

in the time that they had been looking,

which could be classified as stalkerware.

Finally, in November
I helped to launch a coalition

called the Coalition Against Stalkerware,

made up of academics,

people who are doing
this sort of thing on the ground –

the practitioners of helping people to
escape from intimate partner violence –

and antivirus companies.

And our goal is both to educate people
about these programs,

but also to convince
the antivirus companies

to change the norm

in how they act around
this very scary software,

so that soon, if I get up in front of you

and I talk to you about this next year,

I could tell you that the problem
has been solved,

and all you have to do
is download any antivirus

and it is considered normal
for it to detect stalkerware.

That is my hope.

Thank you very much.
