Whatever the challenge is we move forward anyway


20 years ago

20 years ago the year 2000 is the first

year was the first year of the

next millennium the next century 21st


that we are living in it now and uh

boys and girls who born in uh 2000

represented by the dragon zodiac

strongest zodiac

right and this year they turned 20

they turning 20 and how the world

celebrate that

we have a small street in the center of



small is enough no it’s gonna be smaller

okay we have a corner here can you see

that clearly

okay we have a smaller

bigger smaller yes and on the other side

yes we have a sign here

some bar some machine let’s see

cup cup cup cup yes have

stuff maybe we need a bigger sidewalk

okay this is uh a more street

in the center of hanoi so we have people

on the sidewalk

people at the table

people here live sidewalk they eat on

the sidewalk

sleep on the sidewalk drink on the


live on the sidewalk walk on the


people in love sidewalk

and we have groups of people many groups

of people

drinking coffee right here and

they feel off the street okay

and we have a

we have another scenes we have a little


a little girl very young very young

there we go oh no two around

him a little bit oh

older okay oh

no no no no no she got a ponytail okay

19 years old so beautiful naive

and she’s a university freshman

enjoying the first week of the first job

of a colorful university life

as a waitress okay

that’s a waitress

okay we need more warming things here

okay okay

and that morning

like every morning her duty is to bring

a hot cup of coffee

to the customer a man

seems so serious in a classy and

seems to be very expensive suit here

maybe we should scale her smaller

and okay oh

okay and she gotta bring a hot cup of


to the customer yes you seem

so serious

no trump man

from speaker he’s skinny

he’s skinny okay

okay yeah

it’s a little serious enough and we got


okay the distance is 10 meters

and at the beginning

at the beginning she feel all right i

can handle it

i’m a university freshman

i’m enjoying my adult life and


every obstacle i will kick it out okay

and at the beginning

first one or two meters see if you’re

all right she can handle it

it could be not too hot but

after about four

four the temperature starts rising

in her hand and then

six and then eight

she gathered she began to lose control

her hands feel the rise of the

temperature and want to sell protect

and when she glad when she get close


to the customer about the copper

is around here she drop it

on the customer on the guy he seems so

okay and what happened next

can you guess that all the people on the


all the people on the sidewalk

immediately turned into

a bunch of meerkat

like timon in lion king you saw that


timon whatever they are doing

whatever they are holding in their hand

they put it down

they stop it they start striking their


stretching their neck as far as possible

to see what’s going on

what happened and despite pursuing

different goals in life at that moment

all the people on that street

they have only one reason to exist

to figure out what is going on there

someone having an argument

someone fighting a couple fighting

make it more dramatic man

a couple fighting oh a waitress oh she’s

so young

oh she dropped a cup of coffee it’s

broken on the floor

we spend almost our life time spending

the home and spending them on repeating

what we did yesterday we wake up

exercise cleaning ourselves

right on go to work or study

take a break lunch

keep working go home family time cooking

personal time go to bed next day again

almost our life is the reputation

but the fun of life that’s why everybody

want to live more they keep living

when they already know that one day

everybody die

we all know the end of our life but we

keep living

what keeps us living and moving forward

that’s the undo unusual things not the

thing that

stop the real from spinning when

the cup of coffee can stop a whole

street for two minutes

the flu can get people get the whole

world stuff

not doing something in we don’t know

yeah i mention it

in the time that we are in the


the compulsory we can do nothing else to

change the situation

we gotta accept accept that

and we try and find some way to adapt to

the circumstance

we got tons of things to do every day

and suddenly

when everything forced you

to stay what will you do

we just keep moving on with the unusual


the unusual one they will be usual and

the usual one they will be unusual

that’s the translation between unusual

and usual

and it makes sense

you think about considering about it and

that’s the end of my speech

thank you