Your Conscious Reboot Towards Happiness


alright guys this is our program today I

switch it off I don’t need it because we

saw so many things today with the

presentation I don’t dear ladies and

gentlemen dear TEDx lovers

I’m really really happy to be here today

my name is captain border and yes I know

what you guys think that dude is not I

fully agree that’s why I will talk about

how to consciously reboot your life

towards happiness by choosing a new name


is Ryan from the break so we need some

energy in here you’re excited it’s a

little journey of life facts coming out

so TEDx is a beautiful beautiful format

of beautiful minded listeners and

speakers to inspire themselves it’s

about ideas it’s about nice opinions

about facts it’s about life facts that

enhance our and it’s really a journey

tonight guys we learned so much thank

you so much for the speakers already and

tonight I wanna talk about some life

hacks as well life hacks that bring your

well-being vitality happiness which is a

broad word but you know what I mean with

that so shall we start my excited

for the next 15 minutes in sit back

relax listen question please please to

young reset up with that don’t believe

me anything and I will talk about how I

changed my life was happiness because it

was not going well three years ago I was

a business consultant running around

doing some shared that running my

running working 70 hours and I took

damage guys there was a stressful life

there was a harmful life I had a shitty

diet like up ill more than I wanted a

select way too long very low on energy

and seriously not happy at all

I had no real purpose in this life I

just went for our ending life just do

the best happy you are good money no

purpose so life is intelligent and it

took me through some coincidences which

of course were no coincidences you know

that all philosophical thing it took me

three times through the cacao and showed

me Gus

please reboot you know that we move

massive not shutting all the computer

and everything is false

yeah life is not that easy was it a

tough road took more time but it worked

and I want to share that today with you

so that one day I am step back in notes

I guess I’m not happy is what can I do

what can I do so looked at well-being

coaches I looked at scientists what are

their say about being happy you want to

become happy you want to be content

whatever it is and all the things they

first started with the body the body has

a basis we as mental beings feeling and

thoughtful beings we have this body

we’re living in

I’m on time and in order to have

sensation in this physical realm we have

some neurotransmitters it communicated

with the physical and the mental reality

Wow so in terms of happiness these

physical components are

neurotransmitters that are called

serotonin and dopamine so I wanted these

molecules guys I wanted that I wanted

them so I researched whatever get that

and I could realize that 9% of the

certain line is produced in little job

guys do you know where the gut feeling

is from so the bacteria our friends they

help us they put the neurotransmitters

that we actually release in our glands

and free of the beautiful sensation in

this experience produced in here so I

realized that I had a shitty diet

putting a lot of toxins in there and no

I found my bacteria because have you

ever met with the doctor and checked

your poop please do so fit in the pipe

guys do it you get some really solid

data and you mean but I mean the salt

do it it’s disgusting but do it because

then you have a started status for how

your microbiome is going well how is the

feeling these are your friends and if we

compare that to the room so the last

third these are the human cells right

elegans minimum not third human cells

the rest is bacteria more bacteria in

our bodies and human cells but the

problem is the front rows they aren’t

seriously dead they’re dead by our


not healthy diet all the toxins the

water they are the cetera so guys I love

you so we revive you okay first lots of

heck in coming to make this to make the

nurse’ll splitters coming pushing to

their levels we do the first and best

ever research diet form which is

intermediate 16 hours not very easy so

of course during the eight hours please

don’t eat implant that’s without

fiber because fiber loves bacteria

that’s what they eat

feed them guys they love it thank you

insane conspiracy you like that so

during the eight hours please eat

healthy not totally but please the

majority in a lot of plants during the

16 hours rest water tea etc the border

but body starts to heal it’s in the rest

it’s tidying up do you know what happens

when you always in the room yeah

you need to tidy up it’s called a top

Virginia or apoptosis so the cells the

broken ones die replace and cells are

recycling with themselves it’s brilliant

guys we have a recycling program so as

you do that tonight the first time and

hopefully for the continues of your life

you would see that you’re a Tyrian


they will be happy so that never

fulfilled now so the Porsche is in the


right it’s an aggression out but here we

go guys we need to drive the Ferrari of

the Porsche is the thinking at the

beginning of the garage with the

Ferraris in them is a little computer

call to vitamin D if you guys ever

checked your vitamin D levels in the


Wow double doctor in the pipe

inviting so vitamin D is a controller of

39 a dopamine levels kind of like a

computer and actually guys vitamin D is

not a vitamin it’s actually an

prohormone it comes from the Sun Goddess

what kind of metaphor is there so please

let it be check fill it up either way

all right so we need to release that

portion now okay what is the best we can

do exercise minutes but of course we

don’t have time to sports all day

so ed looked back in the days of our

camera I need some constant flush I need

some constant heavens in here and I came


these ancient techniques are whatever

you say sir to neuroscience technique

and method of mental training yes it is

a very easy method and actually what

studies showed and news fans have been

research for 50 years already or short

oh yes calmness is coming focus is

coming coyotes coming intelligences

coming creativity scam blah blah blah

blah its anomalous of this thing and yes

it is happiness as well so

neurotransmitter levels are rising it’s

flush and seriously I can only tell from

my own experience there’s a constant

little fountain of contentment not

induced by drugs so guys we cleanse the

body it’s all folded up the Porsche is

in the garage right now we want to

release that are you ready for the

meditation round one of you is

meditating already okay very easy and

this technique which I will show you now

is the same you can use for decades for

years which I will do anyway it’s

routine technique it’s very easy and

simple whatever technique you choose in

the future up to you okay guys the

meditation teacher in session to release

the dopamine it’s break session soon

okay sit straight spine has to be

straight the neck upwards if you want to

close your eyes

the technician thank you very much for

some music very silent oh so we actually

listening to some neuro acoustics which

actually alter our brainwaves as well so

it’s that’s part of today so what we do

now is relax it’s break time relax

especially your face relax your face in

your tongue and all the facial things

so much strength relax your body


and now focus on your breathing as it

goes into your belly

because all of your vanity

she knows she was an opportunity

and what we do now is the most simple

and ancient technique of breathing

meditation is to focus on your breath by

counting it

so each time the old temple for one

minute for now

you mean if you want counter your breath

each time plus one

please do that for one minute





please be filled eyes closed

hear my voice here the math and the

music slowly come back to the room and

my own temporal please open the eyes



we can slowly fade out music that helped

us a little bit welcome back guys so

this was the most easy but very very

powerful meditation technique and your

brainwaves just altered your brain just

reconnect it differently if you continue

that every day for a couple of minutes

only just 2 3 4 5 minutes you will

prosper believe me all right so we

cleanse the body we trained our mind

we’ve got more aware over the time to

this things we do positive and negative


we can choose consciously now what we

are going to experience it is a long

journey but here’s the thing that

finally is necessary cleansing the body

training the mind we need to feed our

soul guys this was one of the most

important thing in my transformation so

far finding that purpose that meaning of

myself why am I here what I had do I

have to do in here and like this crazy

comes out to running around and feeling

like a cruder I know this is here my

purpose sharing things that enhance

people’s life overnight X so God take a

glass of wine in the evening or an apple

juice doesn’t matter sit down on your

pride have some nice music on it and

think about what is your purpose in here

take your time techniques may be changes

but once you have that and once you have

the actions to get there you will reboot

consciously towards happiness and it is

not of things for a couple of weeks it

takes time at the annual prosper all

right before I give you the break I

talked so much about happiness about my

effects some easy things you can develop

life is not only about happiness guys it

is day and night it is also same as it

saw we had formally speaking

tonight that also talked about the

negative aspect it is that life it is

not to diminish these things it is about

to consciously see them and learn from

that that’s where we truly grow guys the

crisis uh bringing us forward we had so

many examples tonight so please don’t

diminish better sound a certain amazing

like that meant a morning instead well

no these are the tools that bring you

towards that that the crisis come you

have to deal with that and I promise it

will come it is your destiny thank you
