A Technological Lift to Ancestral Gift

thank you so much just want to

put not several dots

in this occasion but few dots

that probably you need to connect with

each other

with your own passion and imagination

my talk which i displayed here

is a technological lift to ancestral


food energy water nexus

for sustainability these three

items probably the basic of the basic

if you just think about your own home

when you are waiting for a litre of

water to come every week probably or

every day

you are looking for some kind of energy


that keeps your house running and of


food stops that you need

to fulfill your hunger

they’re all interconnected they’re all

interconnected we have been taught

to think in the silo like in isolated

only think about

water security only think about

food security only think about energy


but they are so interlocked so

complexity in between

they are independent not independent

they are very much interdependent with

each other

so with my small concept

which also um comes in

you know whether further sustainability

we have to look for the modern age or we

have to look for

the un to provide us a 15 years of

ultimatum by 2030 we have to achieve the

sustainable goal

you see here the water energy food how


they are interconnected with each other


if you also indulge yourself

whether a gtp growth

in terms of your well-being

then what comes in your mind whether you

should have a high gdp

or you should have a high sdi human

development index

now three this the small

chart which provides you 17 goals that

we have to achieve

by 2030. this is the sustainable

development goal

by un provided by un and

at the bottom you can see this is the

natural environment

you have to have climate action that


clean climate you have to have a clean


and also life the biosphere

also should be and these two others at

the end

is the cooperation collaboration and the

activities and actions

that require the policies etc

if you go a little bit higher

then you can find the built environment

you can find your society you can find

there are many many different

infrastructures going on that is


based on our environment we have to go


building our own society and

at the top then

you find yourself there and this is

what we have to achieve is the

no poverty by 2030

zero hunger and

you know the very good health

quality education etc you can read that

one and equality everywhere you can see

the common

denominator if you draw the lines then

you can find

these three dots we have already given

the zero hunger

it’s a food clean water

water of course and the energy

our ancestors already knew that one

already knew that one the energy they

got from soul or energy

food whatever they have already their

possession they’re a piece of land

from where they could grow enough food

and of course the water water was a

little bit difficult but

they were trying to not to pollute your

surface run of water this

river but they wanted to take that water

whatever provided nearby to their


and that was not house to house provide

but they’re at

some places where people have to go and

face the water of course if you think in

other direction that it is a hardship

for people and of course

among them the hardship is what in our


unfortunately what my previous

speaker also told that the woman

children had to face that one but there


or there were also our ancestors who

tried to devise

technologically in order to

safeguard these own society on people

and provide them no hardship little bit


relief of the hearts if they had before


so all connected all connected

and the first picture you can see how


three items connected with each other in

a society

of course just remove all the

technological lift all wind turbines and

the solar

gain and but just think basic of the

basic is

we have water supply already we had

ponds lakes streams

we had a piece of land and also small

houses of course we were just going out

of the cave

and wanted to build our own society

on the right side of your

screen you can see you know few

many other countries are having their

strategy how they are going to cope with

these three elements

um in our country ministry of

energy water resources and irrigation if

you can see

if we hear energy water resources

and irrigation irrigation is food

equivalent to

water resources water and energy so one

single ministry can address these three

we call it nexus of

food energy and water

now if you think only isolation

then you can think of the left side if

there is

energy that means in terms of light

there is no water

and the other day there is enough water

coming but no light

but we wanted not like that we wanted to


some more um integration

and the problem was the conflict between


three also if not properly managed then

we can

end up with conflicting uh with each


water needs for power generation

irrigation water needs for irrigation

water is for

a day-to-day health aspect you know

public health

for a person to drink water so if this

is not properly managed

then we’ll end up with the conflict

now with the time in 21st century we

have been giving a lot of technological

things in our hand i have this mobile

phone also

and there is a simple question there are

people also philanthropy want to give

you some

more more things just for them probably

for the boat

cell phones laptops sarees swinging

machine but

there at the end per person isn’t why

don’t they provide enough

food water or food or something and that

was the

very very uh you know in our society it

is going on

and on the right and right side you can

say now engineers are confused

in a built-up environment we built up


and they don’t know where the water

pipelines are

and he is just giving the money to a

fortune teller to find out

where the water lines are

this is just this old man

elderly man is drinking the water right

directly from this water spot

and that was created long long back even


don’t know where long back kirati is

built this one

okay not probably this one probably the

kiratis brought this

spa water spot from somewhere from

pearson for

they were just migraine and they they

came to nepal

and they started building the water


think this is very simple water spots


the complexity in between thousands of

years even

we are still having water from these

water spots

and they how beautifully they are

decorated also they had

this beautiful decoration has also

something to say

if you know that one i just tell you


this is for maintaining for long long


this is a kind of a artifacts

but not only the artifacts but this is

in built

in our tradition and culture that to

maintain that water spots

but we have been forgetting this simple


now i bring my own example

and everybody can do it start from

family start from your own home

every house can be energy house and this

is what i

have given here my house is

not only decorated with the photovoltaic

expert but now

also we have the composting plant and

water harvesting system

so all those three provide me ample

opportunity whenever we have

some problems uh be it be a

you know block it from india or or um

climate change

uh degradation of our livelihood i am


if i could be safe you could be safe

also think

three things food

energy and what and it’s

only few okay

the other thing our ancestral gave is

this watermail and they wanted to

relieve their sisters wife or

mother from their hearts if provided

mechanical power of water

to listen their heart safe and this is

the water mill

and this water mill in at kathmandu

university we have seen it

whether we can lift it a technological

lift to

ancestral gift whether we can improve

the water

mail to generate electricity and we did


and this is manufactured in nepal the


on top of that water mill this generator

we researched here we produced with


hands and mines and also we installed in

six places of

cavalry the dhading and


and the happiness is there when they


light they can utilize this water mill


would be only utilizing for grinding the

grains but

also in the free time they can also

generate the electricity

and the happiness still some of the

photos you see

at the end the children’s are watching

the television and

you know watching the television in one

aspect is good for education

and also there is also you know hidden

difficulties of the one once you have

upgrade uplift your technologies you

should have also in your mind that

it should not be abused it should not be

obvious the technology should not be


so and for this that there are several

grants and there’s several awards uh it


and because of that we could

we could continue the research at

kathmandu university thanks to my

students and thanks to my

um fellow colleagues and uh professors

that we could achieve that one now at

the end

i would like to say that if you whenever

possibility you have

don’t waste your energy you save your


saving is not becoming poor saving

is your culture and then you can think


there is one thing save water save

electricity and

save food

okay that is one

small picture there is a slice of

pizza everybody knows that one you know

this is

i took it from one document which was


um and gracia produced by

american ngo but that because of their

culture they

it they like pizza very much that’s why

the examples there it could have been



yeah momo think momo and it has

everything you needed

if the balanced way of putting water on

the dough

the dough comes from the kitchen garden


from field the wheat and

of course you need some

to cook the momo and momo is tasty

and this is that few momo better for

your health

don’t eat too much momo

and one challenge i always give my

students also

this is written in nepali but nepali is

very rhythmic and if i

first i tell you in nepali and then you

can translate this is in

english also no that is the

technological challenge also my future

students and future engineers also




our ancestor gave us very very pertinent

technology three stones

it’s a stove so it’s so easy to build it

you put some pieces of wood then it

provides you energy

and then the rest is to feed your family

cooking okay and water is needed there

so the

all the time basic of the basic is live

food energy and water that’s why it is

called few

few can be remembered because only you

need to think few things

these are the things so everybody should


this in mind and try to try to

be very very conscious about your


you don’t need any mobile phone to save

you from

climate change probably sometimes it

provides you some information of course

this is also important for information

technology but

if mobile phone is not there sometimes

you can forget about this

but water everywhere you look for water

everywhere you look for something to

cook everywhere look for something to


so please be conscious and think about

few things and that is

food energy and water thank you so much