Life saver water multi functional tank


nowadays a lot of people suffer due to

the use of unsafe water

so i’m here today because i want to help

those people and make a difference in

this world

water is the most basic of all needs we

cannot live for more than a few days

without it

and yet most people take water for

granted we waste water needlessly

and don’t realize that clean water is a

very limited resource

more than 1 billion people around the

world have no access to safe

clean drinking water and over 2.5

billion do not have adequate sanitation


over 2 million people die each year

because of unsafe water

and most of them are children this quote

is by robert unearther and it fits

perfectly in my topic

now some of you might wonder what is the

actual problem

well the problem as i said before is the

fact that a lot of people struggles to

access the quantity

and quality of water they need for

living that is why i came up with a


so first how does my brain work i

analyze things and then i research

and then i solve i’ll tell you a story

so you see one time i was on the way we

were on the way to my grandmother’s

house and by the side there was a river

in the river i saw a guy he was peeing

in the water and i was like

let them be that’s the only thing people

does to that river anyways here in


so i continued the way continued and

i saw a bunch of ladies washing their

clothes on the same source of river

and i was like so they’re basically

washing their clothes with pee

and i was like ew don’t you all aren’t

you all disgusted about that

would you wear a clothes if it was

washed by pee would you

exactly so i didn’t do anything yet i

continued saying let them be because i

was not a life saver

i’m not a lifesaver and that was my


i cannot stay here and say let them be

because as me i like helping people and

i hate seeing them suffer

as the road went on i saw two guys they

were sort of washing their faces taking

a shower on the river on the same river

that was polluted by the guy

the other guy was drinking that water

that’s even worse than washing your

clothes with pee

and then i was sad why because they do

not know that they can get sick because

of that or even die

they also don’t know that it’s not clean

so i had to come up with a solution

and just yesterday i met i met someone

who also already had his

a nice way to clean water he’s already

very advanced but

i’m still a child so i’m still doing my

own way and

um yes a lot of people indeed already

has inventions to clean water and so on

but mine is different why because mine

is five

in one what do i mean with that

well this tank can one clean water

collect rain to dig in ground water

three clean the water and for four

it functions automatically and five it’s


what do i mean with effortless nowadays

a lot of people

actually need efforts to go walk so far

and get water

well this is my invention i will not go

deep about it i’ll not go back to

in details because i will not have

enough time but

you if you want more details you can

come to me so

there are all filtering steps on the

side which you can see there’s sandstone

coarse sand charcoal fine sand and the


these each have their functions which

i’m not going to be explaining their use

because i’ll waste my time and

so why do we have to clean the water

before using it because it’s dirty due

to that guy polluting the water or every

other people who pollutes the water

and the other side there is the tube it

can stretch

very long i’m still not going to go into

details but this can adapt to any type

of soil

so you do not need to mind if for

example your soil is very rocky

or fine sand or anything and yes

some of you around here might ask i’m

gonna be wasting electricity

but no since i know that here in


the electricity is kind of a bit of a

problem so i had to find an idea

which was renewable energy and so

this is everything that is automatic in

here is powered by a battery which is

powered by a solar panel

and it works by the sunlight so

yes there’s a water detector on that

water driller bit over there

and yes since it’s automatic it’s going

to immediately stop when it detects

water and soak it and clean it

i have one more question but before that

i want to show you a little prototype i


this is just the filtering steps which

exactly it works

but i just forgot to bring the dirty

water and show you all

but yes in the future you can guarantee

i can guarantee that i’m gonna show you

that it works i can also drink it if you

want to see me drink it

and so in this water in this

about this tank this can hold ten

thousand liters of water

and some people boils to all of you has


filter water filters at home some of you

boils them like me sometimes we boil the


after it’s filtered but since it’s still

a sketch i can think of adding a fast

boiling system

under the net so it will be effortless

as i said

one more question do you all realize

that we should help those people who

suffers nowadays

especi especially in madagascar because

they also deserve to live healthy

do you so moving mountains is pretty


but once you start you cannot go back

anymore i already did my first step

which is this

invention over here it might help some

people and it might not help some people

maybe because of how they think but

everyone has their opinion

this invention maybe may lead me

somewhere far

and i decided to take a shot so

feel free to come along with me because

i want to save the world and together we

can all do it

but remember everyone’s lives matter so

if you want to change someone’s lives

do it if you have an opinion share it


everyone suffers nowadays thank you

ladies and gentlemen

i hope you learned a thing or two that

can help you anywhere and anytime
