Saving water starts with you



imagine that the dewy

green grass vanishes into nothingness

only leaving a parched ground behind

the white snowy glaciers reveal

bare red earth

and the lush plants and trees

have not a single speck a vibrant color

and bright leaves that it once did

you weigh under the tap for hours

desperate only define the bounty

of one drip

your throat is so dehydrated it starts

to become

tender and sore

though we are not living in this

difficult lifestyle

the time is near if we continue

to use water unwisely

water is crucial to the survival of

all living things

but did you know

that only 2.5 of the world’s waters is

fresh water

and only 1.2 percent out of that 2.5

percent of fresh water is safe to drink

the rest is undrinkable

suck under glacier soil

ice caps and permafrost

here in canada we are lucky

we simply turn on a lever the tap to get

uncontaminated and drinkable water

but in the future it may not

be so simple

every year that precious 1.2 percent

of fresh water is diminishing

and current studies show that around


all fresh water in the world will vanish

threatening all human and animal


those are harsh predictions so

what can we all do

we need to be conscious of

our use of water and start saving water

as the precious resource that it is

saving water isn’t difficult

you can still help the world

significantly by just doing simple


turning the tap off only takes a second

taking a one minute shorter shower is

just as easy as making toast

and collecting rainwater isn’t too hard

and we can all start now

let me share with you some simple ways

to conserve water

that our family does at home

collecting rainfall is the first step

we are fortunate to live in vancouver

where the average rainfall

is over 50 inches or in other words

1 200 millimeters

so collecting rainwater isn’t just

important it is also easy

in our family we have buckets large


and water barrels we put on the pavement

we collect the rain water and reuse it

to wash our car and to water our plants

it’s simple effective

and efficient

secondly we can store and reuse water

i’m sure we all like to have warm


but we all know that the water isn’t

immediately warm

when we turn the shower on

what happens to all that water

do we just let it go down the drain

why we could save that water and reuse

it later

in our family we have buckets we use to

collect that water and we reuse the


to wash our hands wash the produce

and mop the floors we can just simply


the tap off when we brush our teeth

i learned from my parents early on to

not leave the tap on while brushing

and this helped me save more or less

35 000 liters of water in total

and let’s not forget leaky taps

we should fix them because they waste

about 300 liters

of precious water in just one day

and while you’re waiting for the plumber

collect that water

and reuse it

we can save titanic amounts of water

if we are just slightly more mindful in

our day

to day lives

we are just one household

but together our collective actions

can make a lasting impact

so make it your responsibility to save


every day we have the future in our


and the first step is to take action

i hope you will join me in transforming

our wasteful water habits into one

of conscious conservancy

thank you