A Womans Voice

is my voice high

is my voice annoying because it’s higher

women are lowering their voices to be

taken more seriously and be better


this is wrong and i’m here to tell you

why it’s happening the research behind

why it’s happening

and why it needs to stop let me go into

more depth as to why they

are women particularly women in male

dominated and public fields

are lowering their voices essentially to

blend to have one less thing about them


also because when women talk about

important topics their opinions aren’t

always taken as seriously

because of the history behind what women

are supposed to do with their life

it’s a mental thing something you could

be doing subconsciously and not

even know it but it’s there

let me use a few women you know as

examples margaret thatcher and the queen

of england

they have lowered their voices over the

years and now it’s not clear they did

this on purpose

or if they did it subconsciously but the

fact still remains that they did

actually this isn’t just in their heads

in the 2012 election for the house of


the university of miami found that

candidates both men and women with lower


had a better chance of being elected not

only that

but they also had people rape past

presidents of the us and they found that

people generally said

that those with lower voices were shown

as having greater integrity and prowess

so now you know it affects your

popularity but does it affect your

ability to do your job if you work in


the quick answer is no it’s a complex

answer though so i’ll make it short

if you have an annoying high voice

you’re most likely not going to make it

past the election

but let’s say by some miracle you may

get passed

it won’t affect your ability to do your

job sure

some people will say ah that voice is

annoying but if you have something

important to say they will listen

now voices are an interesting thing and

when i say lowering their voices by that

i mean knowing their pitch

women’s voices are generally a full

octave higher than men’s

they have lower over 28 hertz of the

last 50 years

a hertz is a measure of frequency if you

were wondering that’s crazy

in conclusion a woman shouldn’t have to

lower her voice just to be heard

history’s shown that women feel the need

to which they shouldn’t

all women should feel comfortable with

their voices and we need to focus

more on a woman’s words not her voice

thank you
