FQ The New EQ


i was lucky to be alive with all the

travels i did in my parents car

i always thought i was safe when i was

in my parents family car when i grew up

in france

my dad always drove carefully no chance

of having a speeding ticket

or tire squealing on a tight corner he

always chose a car with high safety


rather for his fancy accessories as i

was born in france

which might explain the accident i have

always felt safe in the family renu or


but then when i heard recently that

nearly 50 percent of women have more

chance to suffer severe injuries and car

crashes than men

this makes me wonder makes me upset

actually and makes me wonder

why this unfairness in a different


and eager to want to be part of the

change safety features

are designed for men do we as women even

know this

divorce men who design them even know


i’m sure those men who design for safety


love their daughters and wives or

partner and want them safe

but have not even thought their needs

were different from women

it’s so ingrained in our dna and mindset

that we don’t even think about

questioning it even us women or

young girls think think about the

position of the head the body weight the

height the hips

how we as a woman sit in the car

look at me do i look big all those

dummies used to simulate car crashes are

designed for men’s height

of 177 meters and at weighting at least

77 kilos

with a statue that’s bigger than most of

the woman

how can an airbag designed for men save

a female driver or passenger

i report then that i was lucky not to

have been involved in a serious car


i would not have any chance really as


we are nearly 20 more chance to die in a

car crash because we are forgotten

in the safety equation example continues

that we are living in the word design

for men

i’m not even talking about women’s

rights in less fortunate countries or

pay gaps

in even civilized countries in a less

dramatic aspect

our workplace is not designed for women

the average temperature of our office is

five degrees celsius too

cold for women which impacts on women’s


as we are not working in a comfortable


how many of us need to have jumpers or

scarf with us at work

do you know that women are more likely

to own an iphone than men

still they are designed for man’s hand

woman’s hand side is smaller than men’s

and the phone is not so comfortable for

us for example

it’s harder to type with our thumb which

can’t reach the whole keypad

if held in one hand safety armor for the

police of the army

or astronaut suits are designed for men

and not

women moreover girls or women are less


in children’s books wonder why we don’t


in real life our word is designed by

men for men despite the fact that 50

of the population is female when we talk

about amazing people who hold strong

views about

gender equality we think about malala

ruth bader ginsburg michelle obama

melinda gates

would it be more meaningful and

impactful if men also can’t stand up

and be known for their fight to have

women in a gender parity equation

we need to stop and think and rethink

carrion said thinking is difficult

that’s why

most people judge it’s easy to judge

it’s more difficult to understand we

would need compassion

courage honesty and emotional wisdom

why are we taking the easiest way

even when we say that we are very

open-minded and not prejudiced

these bias still appear i shared one day

to a business concert part

about a new concept which i believe can

revolutionize the word

no not an invention not something which

can save the world of wars or conflict

but a new way of thinking that can help

at least

50 percent of people to embrace how they

want to be

i say the launch f q

not f i said it slowly

fq is the new feature for the new decade

we need to embrace and practice fq my

friend almost choked of laughter while

eating vietnamese for soup

i think he heard something else my

perceived root net in using the word

fq could not come out from my mouth

fq is the new eq of the 2020s

it sounds provocative it is it is

because it’s a mindset shift

it stands for feminine caution if the

word is roughly

50 50 men and women we need to move


from a male design word to a more

holistic way to embrace the woman’s

wisdom this has remained silent

in so many ways this way we can have

more collaboration and broader views of

what we respect means

and what intelligence means for

thousands of years we have lived in an

mq word where the agenda has mostly been

set by men

mq a masculine cautioned

focusing on competition overconfidence

drive ambition

power aggressivity and self-promotion

research show there are a lot of

positive leadership traits

that men can learn from women or focus

on self-awareness

rather than self-belief motivation for


putting others ahead of yourself

empathizing rather than commending

empowering others stronger humility and


this is fq the opportunity to tap into

trades that women tend to excel in

men can do this and when they do they

provide room for women to influence

their agenda

more effectively than quotas and

positive discrimination

don’t get me wrong i am not going to

talk about toxic masculinity

it’s 20 20 now and we need to add more

dimensions to the other kind of


fq feminine caution no it’s not

something for women or for men

specifically it’s not a caution to be

more female

it’s not about renouncing your manhood


it’s about embracing perspective in a

more holistic way

and elevating the gender debate beyond

quotas and positive discrimination

moving from mq masculine caution to

fq feminine caution is an opportunity

for men

to be more attuned to women’s

aspirations and struggles

it’s an opportunity to learn about

women’s strengths and leadership traits

is about

humbly recognizing and embracing other

ways of thinking

it’s not a gender parity or gender

biased debate

it’s a subtle mindset shift to work and

live more collaboratively

with more respect and empathy if we have

more fq

the gender discussion should be history

we should not even have that discussion


we need to have more fq in our workplace

education institution

home so to have access to more holistic

and agile mindsets

i was motivated to work on a more

complete framework

which can help my two uni age daughters

to move to a more equal compassionate

and understanding

working environment where they will be

respected for their brains

and contribution rather than for their


as jacinda ardern the prime minister of

new zealand said i can be compassionate

and strong this is the word i like to

see our children aspiring towards

we need a shift of mindset and we think

of our beliefs

even if we think we are already


the framework i will share with you will

help us to move forward

today’s millennials and gmz women are

the daughters of granddaughters of women

who took lead roles in their workplaces

young women and young men see women in

position of power

that previous generation never saw it’s

less about women

versus men and more about changing our

mindset and perceptions

women rate higher than their male

counterparts in 17 out of 21 leadership


including courage drive and


women have greater sense of intensity

thanks to deeper self-awareness

and sense of purpose according to


female leaders are doing a better job

than men have been honest

ethical developing obvious and better at

standing up for what they believe in and

inspiring others to do the same

obviously those two north american

political leaders

don’t represent all political leaders a

pity weary

and then we have all the famous people

who also show

fq from authenticity to compassion to

emotional courage

and is fq just for men

no not at all we also have inspiring

women who are reminding us to never


how we can contribute to a better world

it all starts with a mindset a belief

that rooted standard

can be challenged and changed it’s about

understanding oneself first

and then obvious showing compassion

standing up for what you believe is


choosing not to remain silent and

compliant and influencing others

positively a long time ago when i did my

mba in california

one of my male peers said that he would


marry a clever woman and is too much


that stays with me for years this is


true but lacking of courage compassion

and emotional intelligence

and it can be done also through

community the barcelona school

removed 200 sexist children books from

its library

other schools are following now the harm

to girls is obvious they learn that they

are not really meant to take up space in

the world

that their voices don’t matter as much

they are coached

to expect little how to practice fq for

the new decade

what is fq fq

is awareness of the feminine aspect of

the authenticity intelligence

courage intelligence compassion


and emotional intelligence the common

factor for demonstrating fq through


courage compassion and emotional

intelligence is

awareness step one

awareness we need to be aware of the

need to challenge our own belief

habits and add value to our daughters

wives granddaughters partner more of his


we cannot be father husband grandparents

partner manager

board member or ceo and thinking this is

good enough

for them it’s about doing more to be


and be better for ourselves and for


we need to be self-aware so that we can

initiate change

for our community that we are part of

the change

we are catalysts for change at work at

board level home

schools step 2

authentic intelligence we need to find

authentic being

and adjust our expectation we need to

move away from pr image and woman quota

on board

or company at any level women have a

greater sense of authenticity

thanks to deeper self-awareness and

sense of purpose

according to a paper by conferring on

women in leadership

it’s about walking the talk showing our

heart to embrace diversity and inclusion

it’s more than a number to suit a

priest’s diversity requirement

it’s not about numbers it’s not about

seeing women as a threat

but seeing women’s valuable


it’s about a mindset shift at home and

at work

it’s about being proud of understanding

that we have done our best to reach out

promote respect and embrace a new fq

mindset first step

courage intelligence no one is a


we all fear when we are not sure where

we are

presenting or debating a new idea or

when we’re standing up for what we

believe in

what should we be improving what should

be challenged

it’s not because it is that it should be

we cannot be bulletproof but

we can draw on courage to embrace our


we accept and acknowledge that we can

show up

and be who we want to become and accept


fear can lead to change as brennan brown


we dare to lead it takes courage because

we need to face deception

disappointment arguments fix mindset we

need to

show courage to show up share our

vulnerability to connect

and trust at a deeper level

fourth step is compassionate


we need to create some space inside

ourselves and tune in with

an outside environment taking action to

help others to feel fulfilled

if we think that someone or if a gender

is a threat maybe we might like to work

on our self-esteem

as a first step we need to show empathy

to tap into emotions that always are

feeling act with compassion and show

that we care

we need to create space inwards for

connection and self-connection

and when we practice gratitude

mindfulness kindness we are allowing

others to be

who they are we foster a stronger sense

of belonging and inclusion

the meaning of goal is to focus towards

a better future

for our female colleagues managers staff

sisters mothers and daughters

last step is emotional intelligence

eq emotions drive people

it’s more productive to be driven by

passion dedication purpose

than being repressed by low empowerment

unfulfilled potential and a sense of


we need to know who we are how our

emotions affect us

and how to connect emotionally with


when was the last time you connected

deeply with someone

when was the last time you inspired your

colleagues at work

because you feel what they feel

a strong sense of empathy towards the

female gender

is an asset for board or any type of


in the workplace we need to allow some

emotional space

to embrace different ways of leading we

need to want

to establish deep relationship with the

people we work with

we need to relate honest the wisdom of

each emotion we all feel

and when we connect with our family

members or colleagues

we need to know their triggers the


everything starts with self-awareness

we can learn a lot from female leaders

especially now for copied 19 leading

with empathy and compassion

wholeheartedly has been shown to work

better than traditional male policies

where people are considered as resources

to use and command

remember how women leaders led lately

for coverage

authenticity compassion courage

and emotional intelligence

we need to have the courage to stop and

notice how women lead

and learn from them

we also need to take risk do the right


even if we are afraid or even if we have

to create a new path

or ask questions disrupting the status


getting out of our comfort zones we need

to step

into challenges to realize our purpose

we are writing the future of the current

and next generation for our daughters

wives friends colleagues fq is


and trainable there are no excuses not

to move forward

as angela davis said once i’m no longer

accepting the things i cannot change

i’m changing the things i cannot accept

i want a word for my two daughters at

work where there is

fq more authenticity courage compassion

and more wisdom

in using our emotions i want them to be

safe in

any car it should be designed for


i invite you to join me in this quest

thank you