Girls Dont Break Girls




don’t break girls well i’m sure

i have a mixed audience here for all

women who feel female bosses favor the

male colleagues

and for all men out there who feel

two girls can never be friends with each


let me help you today to redefine how

girls don’t break girls if a girl

with a short dress wants to walk like


let the girl with a long dress not blame


and shame her if girl 35

wants to leave a man let girl 55

not hold her back even if she gave her


if a girl wants to let a boy touch her

let another girl not be too quick to

judge her

if girl blue wants to sit on the island


let girl green not act on her

envy if girl quiet

wants to stay home with her thoughts and


let go loud not scream

pouring into her ears

let go too much makeup wear makeup

let go dirty dance dance let go

workaholic work even when we stand

alone and apart each one of us

is a star and together we are a son

i have been hearing a lot of talk about

women bully each other while i

accept that we are wired to be more

catty competitive

and mean but let me also take the

privilege of saying that we are

one of the most loyal committed and

empathetic species on earth

i was having a chat with my teammate


when he cracked that age-old joke off

put 10 men in a room for an hour and

they most likely will come out as

friends and do the same with 10 women

what do you think will happen i smiled

and said they two would come out as


he laughed hard and said

no mom in most cases these 10 ladies

who were together in that room will come


no doubt smiling but with daggers in

their hearts

while he continued to laugh at this joke

i felt

deep down this issue of why do people

still think this about

women i am often shocked when i see

women mocking another woman for wearing

that short dress

or judging each other when they work

from the office

or our home managers i am still

unsure as to why a single woman is


vulnerable or why are women supposed to


at a particular age and have babies at

another age

who put these norms or rules for us

why is it that we still here oh you have

a female boss

god bless you or how can you even think

of having a smooth relationship with

your mother-in-law

remember she loves the same man who’s

your love of life too

can you imagine there are described


as to pull her down syndrome where women

pull each other down or women bullying


a very commonly used term

at workplaces i wish

people were as excited and supportive

about women’s career mindstorms

personal development and travel journeys

as they were about pregnancies and


while i know all of this that we just

spoke about

is true but we also have some

beautiful stories which i’m sure a lot

of you can relate to

where empowered women empower women

in real time these are my stories

and i’m sure a lot of you will be able


see yourself through my narratives

i started working at 21

after graduating from my engineering


i quickly grasped the tricks of social

media marketing

and became a community manager i


when a lady client met me i didn’t get

much positive advice from her

i was new and raw in the media marketing


and was really working hard to prove


this marketing head of one of the


fashion brands gave me a real hard time

most of the times she kept rejecting my


campaigns and ideas i truly felt like a


in a presentation to the senior board


there were five men and one her

she rejected all my work again

while the others did not seem to have

any issue with it

in a nutshell i knew that she truly

hated me

i felt how could one woman

pull down another woman so

i sat strategized worked even harder

i was ready with more material she

asked me for a change in the boardroom

and the work was shown in a jiffy

eventually the eyes broke she could


and started being more humane and during

our conversations we realized we were

quite akin you know what i learned from


when someone pushes you to a corner only


can you shine brighter i owe

a lot of my professional success to her


thank you miss klein for being such a

tough nut

moving on when i was a child

i wanted to become a doctor who dreamt

of inventing a vaccine for hiv aids and


and all that i thought was unsorted

my cousin who was a research scholar in

the us

saw me all pepped up as a young girl

and made sure that every year she sent


the search papers and doctor talks to a


that fire in my belly is ignited forever

to be someone so here was

one empowered woman making sure that she


another young girl so as dreams become

a reality my most favorite narrative of

all times

is that of my maternal grandmother

who was apparently one of the first

educated girls from a small town

in punjab india she got her graduation


along with a job as a german school


she worked relentlessly to shine

once she got married she like a lot of

other women

gave priority to her family and hence

her career

went on the back burner

but when the time came for her daughter

to either pursue a career or take care

of her family

my grandmother made sure my mother

wouldn’t make the same sacrifices that

she as a woman

had to make so while my mother continued

with her job

even when i or my younger sister were

just a few months old

my grandmother took proper care of me

and my sister

can you imagine not seeing your seven or

nine months old baby for a week

i must happily admit that yes my mother

did choose her career

while my grandmother supported my


we still call my grandmother our mom

and our mother as mama a salute to my


and all the other grandmothers who made

sure that they teach us the true meaning

of being a woman

and let their daughter or

daughter-in-law shine

by being their supporting system

so here was one woman empowering another


and making sure that she lets her grow

and prosper

i love the efforts of women who have

come out of their houses

and are working as domestic help

auto rickshaw drivers janitors and

breaking the societal shackles

how inspiring is it to see the

percentage of women in sea suit roles

in chinga beach here i’m glad to see

more young and old girls choosing to

start a business

which makes them feel much in control

what an inspiring story of the

chandigarh grandma

who at the age of 94 started her own

basin burfi’s business i am amazed

at how we as women are capable of doing

anything only if we truly believe in


and in our tribe there is

anyway too much of pain gap

need to glass ceiling and patriarchy

fighting with each other for upmanship

or validation should be the last thing

on our list let me

end the talk today by saying

never has it been a better time to be a


never have women had such tremendous


as they do now when they are running


countries and are in financial and

emotional control of their well-being

as women we have to rise up at this

moment and each empowered woman

should empower another underprivileged


and start spreading the message of

girls don’t break girls they

make yes they make countries economies

and a society a better place with their


and compassion so

next time this colleague of yours

who wears some extra makeup complimenter

when your neighbor auntie gets into a

multi-level marketing system

congratulate her when your younger

cousin graduates and starts a business

of her own

send her a cake and wish well for her

at least you and i can surely

stop body shaming bitching calling

each other and celebrate our sisterhood

let us all be our own heroes from here

and today

three tears to womanhood and being one

thank you