On Locked Doors and Traditional Mindsets


i want to talk to you about doors not

the ones you go through every day the

ones you lock to be undisturbed are the

ones you slam

when enraged today i want to talk about


that lead towards a new exciting chapter

of your life

and how they can sometimes be firmly


let me illustrate this with a little


shortly before i turned 14 my father my

sister and i

visited my grandma in berlin she is an

artist and we wanted to archive her


when going through her documents we

found an old letra

in which she had written about her life

as a child and young adult

though it was very emotional to me i

will not go through all the details

because it was four pages long

but what shocked me was that she left

school in ninth grade

to take care of her adopted cousin whose

father had just committed suicide

while her mother went out to earn a

living at that time

she was half a year older not even than

i am now

she left school though she had not yet

finished her compulsory education which

is why she later on

got sent to housekeeping school for

girls for the remaining

three or four months and secondly she

was an extremely good and talented


who hated to get anything lower than a


which is the equivalent of a beam

she could have won every prize gone into

every profession

achieved every goal if it weren’t for

this locked door

but just because such things occurred 60

years ago

it does not necessarily mean that these

things don’t happen today

around half a year ago i texted a friend

to ask her why she wasn’t in school

she told me that she had to take care of

her little sister who was ill

her mother was away and her dad was at


this clearly shows that the stereotype

that girls have to set back

their academic ambition to help take

care of family members

hasn’t been overcome to this day

but in reverse there are so many reasons

to keep the doors to education

especially for girls

wide open as it is the sole most

important way

to overcome traditional stereotypes for


the project drawdown which is an

australian ngo

that focuses on reducing the effects of

climate change

states that educating women can reduce

co2 emissions by up to 85.42

gigatons until 2050.

just as a reference you would need to

fly on a boeing 747

for 1 trillion hours to produce the same

amount of co2

but just saying okay we’re going to

educate girls and then everything’s fine


wrong because at least for germany

the amount of women with a high school


or a bachelor degree is way higher than

for men

and coming to the high school diplomas

it’s around

15 percent and with the bachelor degrees

it’s around five percent

but then how come there are only

seven female ceos in the fortune 100


and angela merkel is the only female

state leader in the g20

now some people might say well maybe

women don’t want to have these jobs

they’re wrong because

it’s not that women don’t want to have

these jobs

it’s that sometimes and i deliberately

say sometimes

men lock doors in order to stop them

a few years ago a woman was applying for

a seat on the board of directors on a

large public german company

she was a brilliant person and full of


but during the application process she

was suddenly accused

of putting company money into her own


there was no evidence for this

whatsoever but she was still excluded

from the application

until the match had been cleared in the

end it turned out she was completely


but by the time this was realized the

post had already gone to someone else

in this case it could have been because

the person really

badly wanted the job or some other


but in on my father’s side my

grandfather wanted my grandma to stay at


take care of the children and do the

household work

shockingly this was the norm at that


as until 1970 men were allowed to decide

whether their woman wife worked a job

outside the house and they were allowed

to quit

for them without any plausible reason

and until 1977 women were obligated to


all household chores by german law

but apart from all of these hurdles

we’ve seen so far

and all of these traditional stereotypes


are facing an additional challenge it’s

that they’re being judged because of who


are and what they are

and trust me i know what it feels like

every time i met a new person and told

them how old i was

surprise was written all across their

face they didn’t even have to show it

but what i was like a medium

searching for a holy spirit to

communicate to i could feel its presence

sometimes i asked people to guess my age

some said i was 11 or 12

maybe 13 but once someone thought i was

in third grade i was actually 12 and a


sometimes these incidences made me


whether they were right whether i was a

little child

and whether i also behaved like one

and i lost part of my self-esteem and


far from the only one in austria

women went as far as to write magista in

front of their name

on a business card so that in a meeting

they wouldn’t be mistaken for the


in the past and present so many women

have been

underestimated just look at ruth bader

ginsburg who unfortunately passed away a

few days ago

who was asked to gather with all other

female law students at harvard

while she thought that she deserved to

take a man’s place

florence nightingale who was laughed at

when saying that she wanted to become a


and michelle obama who held a fabulous

inspiring speech only then to find out

that the only thing the press had

written about was her


though there have been so many horrible


with against women in the past i’m

really happy to say

that there have been some improvements

for instance

the amount of women working in germany

has gone

from around 58 in 2000

to around yeah another 10

in 2019 as well as that

the amount of women in the german

parliament has risen from a measly nine


after the second world war until 30

percent in 2013.

these quotes could be way better but i

think you will agree that it is a step

in the right direction

everything i’ve talked about so far

might seem like a really complex topic

that’s hard to grasp but the solution to

it is surprisingly simple

so may i present the rebecca formula

and just so that you don’t wonder i

spelt it with double c because there

aren’t enough english words with k

r is for responsibility because we

cannot pretend that everything is the

universe’s fault

e for education because it is the sole

most important way to overcome


be for bravery to stand up to these


e for encouragement to tell others to do

so too

c for coaching to help people overcome

their prejudice

c for change because this is what needs

to happen

and a for awareness because this is what

needs to be raised

when i look into the future i hope to


men and women ask equal in every aspect

of life

though the way there will certainly not

be easy

i hope that one day my dream will be


and so i tell you today don’t judge

women by looking at their covers

and never ever lock a door standing in

their way

thank you
