Why is Feminism considered such a bad thing



as a kid i never really saw much of a

difference between boys

and girls except for the fact that girls


long hair and boys not as much

but as time progressed i could see that

not many people

viewed it the same way i could see

that i was being refrained from doing

certain things

just because i was a girl i would always

be told to act

politely and mature because i was a girl

whereas boys on the other hand were free

to do

whatever they wanted under the phrase

boys will be boys personally

i found this extremely offensive

i didn’t like the way i was being


and the measly justifications i received

yet again there’s very little a

four-year-old could do about it though

over the years the inequality i faced

only got worse

and the saddest part was that i couldn’t

do anything about it

if i were to speak up against this

people would say that i

had a big mouth or that i was talking

too much for a kid

now this would be the part where i say

that i

am a feminist when i say that

i am a feminist this opens a door to

numerous questions people tend to ask me

why are you a feminist aren’t you

a bit too young to be a feminist you’ve

never faced inequality then why do you

want to be a feminist

what are you trying to prove and so

many more well

personally i never considered the term

feminism to have such a huge backlash

in fact as a kid i would often wonder

why the concept of equality

tends to bother people so very much

and what was so wrong about having a

little girl support her

gender rights it could be said that

everything i

face so far is very little compared to

what women

across the globe have to face on a daily


which is most definitely true yet it

isn’t a justification to why i

shouldn’t stand up for myself and other


i am forced to grow up in a society

where i know

that no matter how hard i work i would

never be paid as much as a man i know

that despite

everything i might bring to my family in

the future

i would never be able to make my own


and i know that my thoughts and my


could easily be overruled by those of a


and that is why i am a feminist

just because all of this doesn’t affect

me right now

doesn’t mean it never will

i remember prancing around in my little

red dress as a kid

without a care in the world when

all of a sudden my family members would

say go put on a pair of pants underneath


go change well to be honest i didn’t

really care about this much and just did

as they said

but now as i look back at it it’s

nauseating how little girls are forced

to cover up

just because individuals in our society


have stooped low enough to sexualize


small children me at age 5 had to go

change just because fully grown men

weren’t educated enough to leave little

kids alone

in society today it’s deduced that a

feminist is an

anti-social unattractive woman who’s

unlovable by men rather than just

viewing how all they want

is equality for both the sexes

i remember parents often being upset

over the birth of a girl child and they

would be taunted by external family

members too

in fact i’ve heard individuals ask my

parents why they didn’t consider having

a son next

they would have said that he would have

played a bigger role in their lives and


he would have been there for them when i


it this reminds me of a quote i heard a

while ago

written by kumari dorothy the hand that

rocks the cradle

the procreator the mother of tomorrow

a woman shapes the destiny of


such is a tragic irony of fate that a

beautiful creation such as a girl child

is today one of the greatest concerns

facing humanity yet

it could be said that today women have a

lot more

support and understanding from across

the globe

in fact organizations like the un have

headed a campaign

called he for she this is basically on

how we

need the support and understanding of


in order to have advancements for women

across the globe

other places such as schools and

workplaces too

have become more understanding in terms

of discrimination

by gender but we’re not quite there yet

in order to finally gain equality

we need every woman and man

to call himself or herself a feminist

it’s really not something to be looked

down upon thank you