Buffalo buffalo buffalo Oneword sentences and how they work Emma Bryce

You may think you know the words
that sit plainly in black on your page,

but don’t be fooled.

Some words are capable of taking on
different guises,

masquerading as nouns,
verbs and adjectives

that alter their meanings entirely.

This seeming superpower is called
lexical ambiguity.

It can turn words and sentences
into mazes that mess with our minds.

For example, consider the following:

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.

That may sound like nonsense,

but it’s actually a grammatically
correct sentence.

How? Well, Buffalo is proper noun,
a noun, and a verb.

It refers to an animal
also known as a bison,

an American city,

and it can also mean to bully.

These different interpretations
create a sequence of words

that is grammatically
correct as it stands,

though it helps to add in
a few implied phrases

and punctuation marks
to reveal what’s really going on.

Buffalo buffalo are bison
from the city of Buffalo,

and this sentence
has three groups of them.

Group A, which is bullied by Group B,
bullies Group C.

In other words, bison from Buffalo that
other bison from Buffalo bully

also bully bison from Buffalo.

If you let each buffalo perform its role,
the meaning becomes apparent.

What if the bunch of bullying buffalo
decides to cross the ocean?

Not just on any ship,

but a ship-shipping ship
shipping shipping-ships?

That sentence sounds just as outrageous,
but there’s logic to the babble.

Ship can mean a vessel and to transport.

When we sub in those meanings,
a clearer picture emerges.

Here we have a huge ship-carrying vessel

transporting ships that themselves are
designed to carry goods across the sea.

A ship-shipping ship,
shipping shipping-ships.

How about some entertainment
on board this unusual vessel

to offset the scuffling buffalo?

Consider the can-can.

Can-can can-can can can
can can can-can.

Here, the word can comes in many guises.

There’s can-can, the flamboyant dance,

can, that means able to,

and can, figuratively
meaning to outperform.

By sticking in a comma
and including the implied meanings,

this sentence becomes clearer.

Can-can dances that can-can dances
are able to outperform,

can also outperform other can-can dances.

You wouldn’t necessarily use
any of these sentences in a conversation.

They’re just too ridiculous.

Yet they serve as an extreme example

on just how tangled
everyday language can be.

Lexical ambiguities sail into our speech
and writing all the time,

spreading confusion and misunderstanding
wherever they can-can.