Become ConsciousYou Must Can Change the World


how do you feel

when you hear the words you must

if you’re anything like me there’s this


inner child that wants to scream out you

can’t tell me what to do

but today i’m going to share with you

the power that two-word phrase has

to create freedom the freedom

to release judgments and beliefs and


that lead to prolonged generational


patterns that we consciously or

unconsciously continue

patterns that we must break because they


to self-doubt and

harm and prejudice toward others

recently i had a zoom conversation with

a friend of mine

who’s experienced job loss and i could

feel her fear and uncertainty

and then also the frustration as she was

explaining the inequity

of opportunities and viewpoints toward

hispanic people as it related to the job


she said that the language that is being


in job applications and conversations is

holding people down she said someone has

to do

something our words matter

so i asked her why don’t you do


no no no no and she provided me with a


that she had about what she could or


influence but we kept talking

and talking and she started to think

what if

what if that belief that i can’t


change isn’t true what if i can

and she started to get excited and she

asked me do you think

that i would be able to make a

difference if i could help to educate


on the power of our words and how we can

lift people up instead of holding people


and i got chills

i said not only can you but you must

and she radiated energy i could feel it

through the screen

because when we are lucky enough to hear

that urgent inner voice that tells us of

how our ideas

our experiences our unique gifts

can contribute to something bigger than

us it absolutely lights us up inside

and that light that light is like a

beacon of hope

to others and it moves beyond

can i or should i into i


and the reason we don’t often try

comes down to what we believe we are

capable of

beliefs that may have protected us in

the past but it’s no longer serving us


that may or may not be true beliefs that


or may not be ours they may have been

handed down to us from our parents

or given to us from teachers

coaches media peers

but what if what if we could become more


of these beliefs and where they came

from what if we could pull them up

and out and challenge them and ask is

this true

is this mine is this serving us

and if the answer is no let it go and


space so that you can consciously

choose a more empowering belief

the work that you do to consciously

choose your beliefs

can reduce generational patterns

that hold us back individually

and perpetuate bias

and ignorance and hatred and violence

generational patterns come in all forms

just like people and some of them

some of them are heavy and deep like the

ones i’ve mentioned

but others others are light and silly i

remember the first time

i had a clue what a generational pattern

was i heard my mother

falling out of my mouth i was folding


the boys were making faces at each other

and all of a sudden

out of the blue i say if you keep doing


your face is going to stay that way what

does that even mean

i had never said it before i know i’ve

heard it before

but then it just comes out of my mouth

when else has this happened

i thought about it we only buy

american money doesn’t grow on trees

that neighborhood isn’t safe there just

aren’t enough hours in the day

i hate birds okay that last one

may require a little explaining you see

when i was growing up

my mother used to talk about how much

she hated birds

now i don’t know if she had a negative

interaction with a bird as a child

or maybe she heard it from her mother or

her mother’s mother i don’t know

but she said it i ingested it

and then i started saying it until

one day i was watching an eagle fly

i was filled with joy and i thought oh

it’s so beautiful it’s like

it’s like freedom wrapped in feathers i

love birds

it doesn’t matter whether i love birds

or hate birds but it really

mattered that i didn’t know which

beliefs were mine

and which were given to me i wondered

what else had i received in this

parental download without being aware of


there are things that you do and you say

without any thought whatsoever as well

based on your programming your

upbringing your experiences

the things that you’ve seen or heard

that become etched

in your subconscious and they have a


effect on us personally and as a society

institutionalized sabotaging beliefs

are being passed down from generation to


without any thought whatsoever

hindsight isn’t always 20 20. but when

you look back at your past

you can see the profound impact it has


on who you are and how you see the world

on how you show

up every day

and i i became obsessed with these


and these patterns i wanted to do

something i had to figure this out and i

talked to experts i did a lot of

research and i came up with something

that i’d like to share with you

now in a traditional pattern you have

some type of a

painful interaction maybe

you grew up in a home with addiction and

there was

erratic bursts of anger in the house

and then you make a judgment about that

and you say this authority figure

scares me so authority figures are not

to be trusted

and then you react to the world in that

way so when you come in contact with any

authority figures you either pull back

or you lash out and how you show up in

the world is reflected back to you

so you may have experienced job loss

after job loss

and this cements the belief for you see

authority figures are not to be trusted

and then you pass

that belief down to your children

and those children don’t trust

doctors bosses police any authority


without ever having experienced the


painful interaction

a generational pattern emerges

it doesn’t have to be that way there’s

another way

that requires just a little bit of help

and is very powerful

so you still start with that painful

interaction you still grow up in the


with addiction you experience erratic

bursts of anger but this time

you have a role model who reminds you

that that

that may have nothing to do with you and

you don’t have to allow

that to change you and so

you make a conscious choice to not let

that define you

and instead you show up in the world

with a responsibility mindset that no

matter what goes on around you

you know that you get to choose your

thoughts and your feelings and your


and you teach that to your children

and that is a very different

generational pattern that emerges

now there’s really only two main

differences here

judgment and choice

in the first pattern you’re judging the


the people maybe their intentions and

then you’re just

accepting the belief in the second


you’re accepting the situation and the

people as they are because you know

you cannot change them

and instead you’re judging the belief

and you’re consciously choosing one that

serves you

that’s freedom that’s incredibly


there’s a direct correlation to the work

that you do

to connect to your inner spirit and the


of your choice and how that opens you

to be able to connect to other humans

and to

foster love and compassion

you may be unaware of the role that your

subconscious plays

in keeping you from making decisions and


having you react based on patterns it’s

not doing it to harm you

it’s doing it to make your life easier

so that you don’t have to

think so much but is

easier always better

personally i would rather choose

now because these things tend to be a

little bit below the surface

in our subconscious we think well

i can’t do anything about it you hear

people all the time say that’s just the

way i am

i can’t help it but you can

we can become more aware

we must become conscious

there are clues there are warning signs

if you do or say something that is

judgmental or hurtful

toward another person it doesn’t feel

right because it’s not right

that’s a clue or if you

if you hear your father or your

grandmother or your uncle coming out of

your mouth

and it’s not in alignment with who you

are or who you want to be

you want to pull those words back this

is a warning sign

we must become conscious of these so

that we can release them

and create space

research indicates that the most

successful people

have a common thread of being able to

look back at their past

and be able to learn from their mistakes

now not just the action

but the underlying root cause the fear

or the belief and they are able to make

a change

these fears and faulty belief systems

keep us

from being able to make the best

decisions from being able to take

the most effective actions

it’s like when you’re wearing dirty

glasses and all you can see

is the the smudge of that failure

the muck of the judgment

the specs of disappointment

the glasses must be cleaned we must

remove the faulty belief system so that

we can

see clearly and we know the right

actions to take

because i believe that people

at their core are good

i believe that we want to do the right


that we want to make and live our best

fullest lives we want to be able to


our light for our children and our

communities and our workplace

but we’re often hindered

by these beliefs and these patterns

i tell you that you you must make a


and if you like me hate to be told what

to do

consider this the world

is in need of a change

if everyone becomes aware of

and takes responsibility for

their beliefs and their choices and

their behaviors

that change is possible

and these individual changes

they can help to break

negative generational patterns and they

can be replaced

with more empowering ones we could

replace bias

with love violence

with peace

what if what if you knew

that the work that you’re doing to

improve your

own life could have

a major impact on the world

not only can you but you must
