Future Of The World 50.0


i grew up

in the beautiful city of buenos aires


in the 70s where the skies are always


a bit like on this picture as a kid i

was fascinated by two things

surfing and computers yes i was a bit of

a nerd i guess you could say that

and as such i was often sitting on a

beach and staring at the ocean

fantasizing about the future imagining

how the world would look like in 50 or

100 years

today we are writing 2020 just about 50

years forward into the future

and i’m recording this talk from france

confined to this studio

unable to travel to the countdown event

in person

i’m sure you would agree with me no

doubt that this

is a crucible moment in human history

in which leadership will define whether

we can meet critical

economic social political or

environmental challenges

but at the same time we seem to be a

little short

of true global leaders

but why is that maybe we are just

waiting a new type of leadership to


this august i participated with

600 fellow young global leaders from

more than

100 countries in the first ever virtual

young global leaders annual summit

organized by the world economic forum

sort of mini davos you can see me

there in the middle just above the

letter b i’m wearing my

nerdy glasses the theme of the summit


resetting our future coined by

klaus schwab the founder of the world

economic forum

and a young and the young global leaders


we talked about how to create a more


sustainable future that contributes

towards the 2030 agenda

and also the fourth industrial


with the members of this community

fellow young

global leaders we conducted

an open crowdsourced research project

over the past years

with the title world at 50.00

which i want to introduce to you today

while we know that no person can predict

the future

individuals can see snippets our aim was

to collect

many of these snippets and piece them

together to answer

the question how will the world possibly

look like

in the next 50 years

using a variety of social media tools we


selected global leaders both young and

old artists

academics university students to share

their own glimpse

of the future

and we also asked them what they thought

about the future of


you’ll be happy to learn that the grand

majority of

respondents were cautiously optimistic

about the future

this is what they had to say first

we are entering a human age or the

age of empathy where moore’s law can be

applied to the human potential curve

second humans will lose their natural

biological identities

and become homo nano technos

third it’s just a matter of time

before we can download ourselves fully

into the digital domain

and in doing so pull a plug on our

biological identities

fourth the future will be about the use

of technology and science to connect us

with nature

instead of thinking that we can control


now a rapidly changing future

will obviously call for a new type of

leadership to emerge

i will summarize for you the most

interesting ideas in this domain coming

out of the survey

current leadership styles are typically

trying to figure out how to transform a


hierarchical organization and answered

the question

how to lead in the period of change a

little bit

like right now during the covet pandemic

they rely on best practices and latest

research in cognitive and social

sciences trying to figure out how to

influence and persuade others

and they are longing for the new but are


educated then still very used to the old


now let’s compare these with leadership

styles likely to emerge in the future

they will rely on neuroscience to

integrate mindfulness strategies

enhancing performance and resilience

they will be more aware of methods of


ensuring that responsible leaders remain


and use their talents for good

they will try to transition towards flat

organic network organizations

based on connected autonomy improving

their ability to scale

not surprisingly according to our


future global challenges to leadership

will center around

the following four topics first

the emergence of conscious capitalism

and a stronger sharing and circular


for seeing less power at the center and

more devolution

towards people resulting in a redesign

of global institutions

we will be pushing buttons on the screen

the democratic process will be far more

interactive votes will be cast not only

every four years

second disruptive industries

and entrepreneurship

the whole buttocks and connected

industries will be much more advanced we

could be looking

just the way we want at any given time


any age or your toilet will warn you to

be careful not to consume too much

unhealthy food because you are at risk

of developing diabetes

third thriving to find better ways to

live in harmony with nature

but the future will also pose new


to the human mind to control the

evolving machines

going potentially haywire just imagine a

machine harassing your spouse

and 14 the emergence of cities

with global influence as well as the

future collapse of

national borders

large city mayors could play a major


like in ancient times in fact big cities

have more in common

than nation states a new governance

model could arise giving the largest 40


more power the citizens being able to


instantly on major issues affecting

their cities fully connected

and aware of what’s happening in real


regarding the future of education our

respondents provided some stimulating

foresight as well first

we’ll see the hyper efficiency of human


leadership education as well as general


will be radically reformed experiential

and internet-based

learning change will change the

classroom model as we know it

collaborating people across the world

will be the norm

second mapping the human potential will

be a

game changer

our education system will change

to put more focus on emotional


collaboration discipline imagination

creativity empathy respect and morals

in the future the world will need people

with new life

skills third

every person will be able to apply their


dna of talent how will companies

discover talent

they may come to you just by data mining

your social profile

and fourth and this is my favorite our


and human knowledge will become eternal

we’ll have lifelong education

that is focused on enriching our

biological lives

before we transition entirely into

digital existence

our brains and knowledge will become


through networked learning

newton einstein mozart will be teaching

us themselves

imagine the opportunities we’ll know so

much about all of them

that we could digitally recreate them

almost resurrect them

so now you might wish to know how best

to prepare

and drive in the future here is some

privileged advice

from our wise survey respondents are you


okay here it goes first follow your


hassle hassle

technology will most likely not take

over basic human values

like tolerance love compassion

the world will never become a robot


exercise compassion resilence

and adept ethics will become much more

important as we unlock

the brain future leaders should inquire

going deeper and deeper asking questions

values are like muscles they grow and

are reinforced with

use third

spread and scale stuff

be adaptive and remain curious nobody

can predict what will

happen and adaptation is key to survival

keep something special that makes you


in the wake of change and fourth

do new things every day and practice


presence being kind we should ask our


not what they want to be

but what problem in the world do they

want to


to conclude the aim of the world at 50.0


is to build our future together and


a better future that we want our

children and their children to inherit

i would like to leave you with a picture

of the future

where a family is sitting around their

smart dining table

all take a big breath and synchronicity

devices bring everyone on the same

wavelength before dining

cool right

well let’s try something like that okay

let’s take a big breath together behind

your masks if you are wearing one

close your eyes and imagine you are

staring at the ocean

and concentrate on picturing a better

and healthier future

you may reopen your eyes now and breathe


thank you thank you for your attention

take care