How to Change the World A Practical Guide


thanks it’s uh

great to be here um i’ve had the

privilege of working with a lot of

very different leaders over the years


it struck me that a lot of the

lessons that i picked up from these very

different leaders are things that

we can all apply in our everyday lives

it also struck me that i’ve been to a

lot of different talks

by people on leadership and the lessons

are always

very very specific now i don’t know

about you but

i’m not running for president uh i don’t

run a fortune 500

company and i’m not planning to start

the next great revolution um

or i might be planning it but i’m

probably not doing it

there are things that we all want to

change in the world

in many different ways and they’re often

things we’re doing through our


uh through our communities in

just the lives of our families and our

friends and the people we care about

i think all those lessons on leadership

are still things we can apply there

so what i’ve worked to do is really just

to draw together a set of very common

simple practical things that we can all

apply and which

i think may be slightly

counter-intuitive than what you often

hear in those leadership talks

the first thing is we need to start by


what is our actual view of the world

what is the world that we want to change

and what is the change we’re truly

trying to create when i was at

university my

favorite professor was actually from

bucharest he was a professor of

international relations at university

college london

and he like most folks here

had very little time for nonsense

uh if you try to answer a question in

his international relations class and

you said

this policy is good because it creates


he would stare you down and he’d say

whose security

and for what purpose that was always

what he responded with and people would

always say oh this is great for security

or for peace or for freedom

and he’d always stab them out and say no

i don’t know what you’re talking about

you’re gonna have to define that

whose security and for what purpose and

i’m gonna ask that same question when

folks talk about changing the world

whose world

and for what purpose by the way i love

that the default icon for the world if

you look it up on google image search or

wherever you’re stealing

graphics for your slide presentation not

that i did that

all copyright free per ted regulations

the default icon always has a picture of


as that primary image on the globe and

that’s a perfect example actually

of are you asking whose world and for

what purpose

a lot of people would just say ah that’s

just a picture of the world doesn’t

really matter

they’re generally the american graphic

designers who stuck up that picture

uh onto getty or wherever you’re nicking

your images from

and that’s an example of how you need to

constantly question is this the thing

that will really resonate with everyone

else another

image continuing with the cartographical


is this picture of the the world now

this is this is a

map of the world that you’re probably

all incredibly familiar with

now this is what is known as a maketa

map projection

it was created by a flemish cartographer

gerardus maketa

in 1569. this is the standard

map of the world that you’ll find in

most classrooms most boardrooms around

the world

and it was designed for sailors in

europe at the time

and it does something quite complicated

it turns a 3d globe into a rectangular

image of the world which it turns out is

actually really hard to do in a way that

doesn’t distort

the image entirely and makita tried to

do the best

for the purposes that he was creating

that map for and he created a map that

accurately presents the shape of the

countries and the territories on this

but it completely distorts the size of

those images

especially as you get further away from

the equator here’s another

entirely different view of the world

that’s the peter’s projection that was

created by a german

academic arno peters uh back in the


and this one takes a completely

different approach recognizing

that if you i’ll just go back to that

previous slide if you

look at that mercator image look how

massive greenland looks for example it

looks like it takes up like half the

world there’s greenland all over again

it turns out that in reality greenland

is actually roughly the size of mexico


what the peter’s projection does is it

accurately presents the size of

different parts of that world

relative to each other there are things

that are

not entirely accurate about it because

it turns out with any map when you’re

projecting that 3d globe onto a

rectangular image

there are challenges but it’s something

that is slightly more

representative of the actual world that

we all

live in i think all of us

need to be asking that same question of


as we think about the change that we’re

trying to create are we looking

at the world as it actually is or are we

using a completely distorted

image of the things that we really want

to create

and it’s just inevitable that all of us

as the product of the environments we

grew up in uh

end up thinking that the way things are

in our lives is something that is much

more representative than it really is

if you want to create real valuable

change for a lot of people though

you have to look beyond those

perspectives and you have to think about

the world

as it actually is and i’ll give you a

very practical example of what it means

when you don’t do that

you end up creating apps and services or

inventions or

hypothesizing about inventions which you

think are a much bigger deal when they

really are

is blockchain really the biggest thing

ever are self-driving cars really the

most exciting thing

in the world or is it the fact that more

than half the world goes to bed hungry

every single night is it the fact that

billions of people around the world

still don’t have access to things like

electricity or clean running water

there’s a completely different world out

there and before we go and change it we

have to know what it actually

looks like my next lesson

is around what i call the paperclip game

and this is something that i first

started thinking about

years ago when a amazing canadian

blogger kyle

mcdonald managed to trade a single paper


for a house he took a paper clip

and he posted online on a forum he said

i really want to try and get all the way

to a house so i’ll trade you this paper

clip for something slightly bigger

can someone help me out on this so he

went and swapped his paper clip for i

think it was a pen

and he kept trading up at some point

somebody offered him

uh a recording contract in the music

studio he swapped that he ended up

getting a part in a tv show

he swapped that he ended up owning a


so when i think about creating change

a lot of the time we go straight to the

biggest things we want to do

you want to end war you want to stop

climate change and build a

net zero carbon economy you want to

bring peace

to the country or to the world those are

all perfectly

laudable and fantastic goals to have but

they’re massive

they’re impossible to achieve on their

own and

yeah you’ll absolutely inspire people to

come and be part of that journey with


but the first thing that will happen is

they say well what actually comes next

to have any valuable change to go on any

valuable journey you need to break it


you need to start with the paper clip

and yes you can aim for those big things

you can one day get

to those massive massive goals and

outcomes but you will probably

have a lot of trading to do before you

get there and if you start with that

paper clip you’ll be on a very very

practical journey and by the way that’s

exactly how it is

at massive companies and services like

facebook and google

every day they’re working to connect the

world but really what that means is

they’re focused on very small


completely unglamorous things on a daily

basis you might be optimizing an

algorithm by one or two percent

you might be trying to make a few people

a little bit happier

in the way they use a certain product

all those things together

create that massive change

you also need to start by thinking what

is the actual

change that i want to create not what

everyone else wants you to do

and this is a picture of henry ford

henry ford had this famous saying he

said if i’d asked my customers

what they would have wanted they would

have asked for a faster horse

he went and built this instead this is

the ford quadricycle in the 1890s this

was his motor car which started off the


empire and it’s because he believed

in that it was something that he was

passionate about something he invented

how many people in the world are

looking to create a change but are

really trying to invent faster horses

the number of times i go and meet

entrepreneurs and change makers and they


i really want to create a business dex

how do i go about coming up with an idea

for my business

and that’s completely the wrong approach

you want to start by saying

this is the thing i actually want to do

in the world this is the problem

i’m trying to solve for people this is

the value i’m trying to create

and that might be something which

becomes a very valuable business in fact

that’s how valuable businesses get

started by having that idea by having

that problem you’re trying to solve

but if you simply go around asking

people what’s the way i can make you


they’re probably going to give you an

answer that’s completely rooted in stuff

that’s already been done before because

the future hasn’t been invented yet

start by choosing the things that you

really want to do in understanding what

is the real problem

that you’re trying to solve

if you want to create change you also

need to think

about who’s going to create change with


there’s this uh famous saying if you

want to go fast

go alone and if you want to go far you

go together

and this is a picture uh which one of my

friends took at an event that i

organized in san francisco

a couple of years ago this was a a large


just after donald trump had been

inaugurated as the president

and this was a rally in solidarity with

refugees and immigrants

now in 2016 after the election

i left my job working for elon musk

very soon after the election and i had

this moment of epiphany

it was a couple of days after the

election and i was walking

inside the rocket factory in los angeles

and i was waiting for a journalist

i was supposed to take them around to

look at the different rockets

and i realized that i wouldn’t be able

to keep doing this job with a straight


in the next year because every day i

went to work and i thought about how to

tell a story

about humanity’s far-flung future a

future on other worlds and how to make

an interplanetary

species possible and how is it possible

to go and do that

when our future is under attack right


when a common humanity in solidarity is

being attacked by political leaders in

the world

so i went and i instead spent the next

year and a half focused on social change


and naturally when i went and did that i

had absolutely no idea what i was doing

the world is huge these problems are

massive i’m trying to work my way

through them

and i ended up posting on facebook

asking if there was anybody who wanted

to help me with this

within just the space of a few days

hundreds of people

had said yeah i’d like to be involved

and this rally

in san francisco which had about 10 000

people on the streets

that was organized in six days with four

strangers who i’d never met before

who were all students and that for me

was an incredibly powerful example of

you can try and think your way through a

problem all on your own

or you can ask for help and go together

with people

and that’s when things get really really

interesting there are so many people

trying to create change who think

they’re the

heroic solitary inventor or genius or


in their office or their garage or late

at night working by the light of a lamp

and that’s all really romantic and

fantastic but that’s not

actually how change genuinely takes

place every invention

is created by a lot of different mothers

and fathers

you also need to think about

communications as something completely


with what you’re trying to create in the

world there are so many times

folks tell me ah this invention it

speaks for itself

the product speaks for itself i don’t

need some fancy spin doctor or pr

guy to go and tell my story i’m busy

working on creating the next great thing

and that’s completely fantastic except


absolutely is something that will depend

uh on whether your product will go out

and succeed in the world you can’t just

create something and assume that

everyone just

gets it and there are so many examples

throughout history of folks who have not

succeeded at that

tesla one of the most famous inventors

in history

the serbian american inventor

popularized celebrated

his name behind one of elon’s companies

today the reason why tesla is a hero in

silicon valley and why his name is on

that company

is because he was a guy who was a

brilliant inventor but terrible at


and silicon mallee uses him as an

instructive story today

of what happens when you’re a brilliant

mind but you don’t know how to sell your

product to the public or translate it

into value that people understand

and that’s why tesla ended up actually

die in relative obscurity

and poverty while other folks like

thomas edison

who were fantastically successful and

celebrated as inventing things

even when they weren’t just as great


and the way i think about communications


change in the world is you want to have

a revolutionary component to it

revolutionaries are folks who are

entirely about communications they

recognize that political change isn’t

just the process in the back room

working with elites and working with

processes and systems

it’s something that depends on a message

and that message is something that has

to be transformative

it’s something that has to be inevitable

it’s something that you feel is going to

happen anyway you’re just speeding

things up

it has to be something that’s believable

you’re not just saying i’m going to

change the world you’re actually doing

something people will

trust you can actually achieve and it’s

got to be simple enough

that people will actually be able to

understand you rather than just talking

in scientific jargon

so think about communications as part of

that process of change

don’t just think this is the job for

some pr person later on

you want to be able to communicate your

inventions from the very start to a lot

of different people

on data this is a poster that adorns the

walls of many silicon valley companies


wins arguments it’s a powerful mantra in

silicon valley

it is completely wrong i have had so

many arguments with colleagues and

friends over the years

about the validity of this statement

data doesn’t win arguments

it turns out that humans win arguments

and yeah

humans should use more data when you

have a conversation sometimes they’re

entirely fact free

you want to have some data to go behind

that but humans ultimately are emotional


we’re not fully rational all the time we

choose things that are ridiculous on a

frequent basis

data is a human invention and it is

subject to the same flaws and biases

as all humans and that’s why there’s

plenty of examples

in the valley and throughout industry of

when data makes people make really bad


there was a metric used for a long time

in silicon valley about

time spent on apps and services the more

time you spent on an app

the more successful it was supposed to

be well actually it turns out that if

people just spend a lot of time

on their phones or in their apps they

might feel terrible afterwards

and actually the way people feel about a

service the sentiment

actually turns out to be a much more

valuable indicator of

is that product actually performing well

and creating

value in our lives um plenty of other

examples of

facial recognition systems which don’t

recognize people from certain

ethnic groups uh voice recognition

systems like uh

on certain assistants like alexa where

it turns out you have to put on your

best fake american accent to make them


that’s what happens when you just rely

on the flawless power of data

don’t do that put it in the human

context recognize the ethical

and social framework in which decisions

should be made

data is really really powerful but it

won’t solve all your problems on its own

great leaders know when to quit it’s

important to know when to show up

it’s important to know when to dig in

but it’s also important to know

when to surrender and when it’s time to

get off the stage which i’ll be doing in

just a couple of minutes according to

this club

there are so many great leaders i’ve met

throughout my life

who feel that they have to suffer for

what they believe in i don’t really like

my job i don’t really like my


i have to keep doing it because everyone

will make fun of me and i’ll be

embarrassed horribly if i quit

they’ll all judge me trust me nobody is

doing that because everyone else is

worrying about everyone else judging


much more valuable is to think i can

create as much change as possible here

but when it’s time to go i’ll take that

change and create it somewhere else

every moment that you spend wasting it

on things that aren’t truly valuable and

making use of your talents

that is a time you are taking away from

the real thing that you could be doing

so know when it’s time to go and do that

real leaders don’t try to divide people

to succeed

this is a image from war of the worlds

h.g wells science fiction story from the


he wrote about a war between uh aliens

and earth because he thought that

if there was an alien invasion humanity

would unite

and we’d all suddenly enter a new realm

of peace and prosperity because we would


working together against that well

actually that didn’t happen

and lots of leaders still keep trying to

get that alien invasion moment

they try to divide us against different

people in order to

motivate people it is an incredibly

unproductive method because it turns out


don’t always like to be at war and to be

in endless conflict with each other

much better is to unite people and find

ways to bring us together

rather than just manufacturing enemies

wrapping up now this is a photo taken in

a bar in san francisco it’s a model of a

clock that’s being built in the texas


by an organization called the long now

foundation this is a clock called the

ten thousand year clock it’s designed to

tick once

every century uh the cuckoo and the

clock only sounds once every millennium

it’s designed to make people think about

the future because it turns out the

future lasts forever

you may think that sounds ridiculous but

for most of us it doesn’t

companies are driven by really

short-term incentives the future

might just last a quarter if you’re a

business executive

if you’re a politician it lasts as long

as you need before you need to run for


and all of us we might just need to get

through our day social media influences

the future lasts as long as your next

instagram post is getting likes we need

to think

about the long-term consequence of what

we want to create not just the here and


and that’s really really important and

hard to do in today’s world

and lastly changing the world is not

just about going out there and changing

everything everyone else is doing you’ve

got to start with yourself

and the number one thing i’ve learned

from every leader i’ve worked with is

that most people

aren’t good at doing most things most of

the time

and the best leaders know that we’re all

pretty terrible at most things we can’t

be good at everything you could be

really good at a narrow range of things

but you need to ask for help and that’s

why you always need to be working to

improve yourself

so before you go out and change the

world start by thinking what do i need

to change in my own life

and you will be that much more effective

and you really will go and change the


thank you