Jodie Mader is a history professor faculty developer and mom. Her appreciation of the past and all that is historical grew from a family ...In 2014 Rajendra Parakh along with his two friends embarked on a 45day crosscountry roadtrip from London to Nashik to promote a world wit...Adi Cohen is a global nomad architect entrepreneur and free thinker. While not having a singular location to live from she has completed ...After a lifetime of activism and scientific research Dr. Temple Grandin joins TEDxWarwick to explore why the world needs all the differen...Dr Sivan is a quantum physicist and a tech entrepreneur. He is a prominent figure in the global race towards harnessing quantums power on...Dr. Steer showcases the current influence and changes of our world economy. We are now ready for a change in a way that we were not befor...Gangs are social groupings that we often associate with violence. The violence itself make it seem like gang members lack the social skil...