Start where you are do what you can with what you have.

plenty wrong in the world

there is so much going on i got up this

morning and

as every regular 25 year old today i

turned up my newspaper my phone and i

scrolled my life away for 30 minutes

there is war going on in the world

there is poverty there is inequity

there are individual cases of health to

fight for

there is ongoing gender-based violence

domestic violence against women there’s


rights to fight for oh there’s smog

recently the environmental issue because

of which we couldn’t take flights up

until last week remember

and then there’s kovit there that’s a

whole new thing there’s kovit right

and i got up put my phone aside there’s

so much wrong in the world i’ve got to

do something

i think i also scrolled something across

visually impaired people and i

said okay i’ve got to do something in

that regard as well

i got up i looked at the mirror i got

ready i called my hair and for the love

of god my hair would not behave

it was supposed to be this beautiful

curls right now that was supposed to be

bouncing all around but it just wouldn’t

behave today

and my attention shifted to why won’t my

hair work what can i do to make my hair


i ordered some olive oil from the hotel

i oiled it i showered it washed it again

wouldn’t behave there is so much wrong

in the world

from worldly problems war

poverty environmental issues

climate change and then there’s personal

issues to deal with right my hair won’t

work my skin is too dry

why did he say something why did she say

something why am i not liked

and that pressure to do something about

it is so real

everyone in the audience right here and

who will watch us live later on as well

just spend a minute thinking of things

that are going wrong

and you would be able to count hundreds

and that i feel is something that we


at the moment go through a lot right

there is so much

wrong in the world so there is all these


then i move towards feeling responsible

as a person in a position of privilege

and privilege is always

relative maybe as somebody who has been

able to go to school has had access to

education has a mic to speak through i

might seem privileged in one regard

but maybe as a woman who cannot give

citizenship to her child i am not

in a position of privilege the privilege

is relative but anyways we feel like oh

i am in this position of privilege i

have to do something

i have to do something about our

degrading environment

i have to do something about inequity i

have to do something about our health


our education system and this is not

just me speaking in my capacity of

somebody with

maybe some sort of an social exposure

social media exposure as a public figure

but i’m sure in all our capacities we

feel that sense of responsibility right

so many messages i get in my instagram

saying hey you’ve got to speak up for

this cause

why haven’t you spoken up about this

cause there’s so many things to speak

up for and you feel responsible hey i

have to do something

as a nepali i have to do something as a

citizen of the world i’ve got to do

something as a friend as a child

as a as a person maybe as an

entrepreneur there’s so many things to

do you feel responsible

and there’ll still be things that you

missed out on we were having a

conversation about

an aviation related issue earlier with

vijayasad that i was unaware of

i see so many problems daily yet i miss

out to see on a few problems so imagine

how many problems there would be

so there’s the problems then you feel


then comes the reaction to this right

have you ever had a situation

where you’ve got so much to do that you

decide to take a nap

happens to me all the time because there

is so much to do right you cannot decide

what you have to do what to do

and the best thing possible seems to not

do anything about it

i faced a similar situation when i was


pokhara earlier in the middle of

lockdown and all these restaurants were


all these restaurants were empty i went

out to have dinner

and i felt so guilty that i would


all the other restaurant owners if i

stepped into one

that i decided to not go in any i went

back to my hotel room and i ordered room


so our reaction when so much is going on

is often taking that nap

and i’m sure a lot of people out here

can resonate

and then comes a situation where all

these problems

compete with our own mental health and


digital detox is something a lot of us

do these days right because there’s so

much negativity on the internet but the

internet is actually a reflection of

what our reality

is but we say i don’t want to see this

anymore because i can’t do anything


world poverty i can’t do much about

inequity in education all i can do is

maybe share that instagram post on my

story and say something must be done

so it’s competing with my mental health

it’s making me

it is really making me upset so i won’t

do anything about it

and then comes my ultimate resolve it is

somebody else’s problem

the government should do something about


the problem is always outward

this is a mechanism that i go

on a regular basis more often than i’d


see plenty wrong in the world feel


because of the responsibility tune out

and not solve

every anything at all blame somebody

else for it

because that’s the easier way out now

i’m not here to lecture about the

perfect way i found this

one magic wand that’s gonna solve all


but i did figure something out that has

worked for me and i’m here to share

maybe because it’s going to work for you

and it is navigate in chaos

do what you can start where you are

with what you have and it is something


i chant to myself on a regular basis

it is not this vague theme of motivation

that i’m throwing at you today but

really think about something that is

bothering you at the moment

what am i going to do about it do what

you can

start where you are with what you have

because what happens if we do not do

that is we get into this

vicious cribbing cycle and

one negative thought attracts another

attracts another

no i’m not talking toxic positivity out

here positivity is not a switch that

you’ll be able to turn

on and everything is bright and romantic

and nice

no but what can you do you know

sometimes when i’m overwhelmed by all of

these problems

i think i’m 25 i’ll probably live until


90 if i’m lucky 100 i’m very lucky

or maybe not i don’t know all in all i

probably have 50 years to worry about

so what can i do in my 50 years

i can do what i can i can do with what i

have and start where i am

and each and every one of us has this

access right

you have your own unique experiences i

know when people

hold on a mic or put on a mic on and

stay on a stage and talk about all these

inspirational things it seems

it’s easy for you to say it’s easy for

you to say you have it all

but trust me everybody has their own

sphere of

experiences talents issues and


but what can anybody do you me or people

with a lot many more instagram followers

or maybe somebody who doesn’t even have

a social media account all you can do

is do what you can start where you are

with what you have i always find

this a long-term versus short-term

solution right

and i love this analogy imagine you’ve

got to cross a road or you’ve got to go


well i don’t know two locations and

you’ve got to come from so raha here to

where i’m

living in the city which is here where

foreign is

so more in towards the city area anyways

you’ve got a 15-minute drive

and the road is terrible imagine

it’s difficult for you to imagine out

here in chitwen because the roads are

quite nice

quite easy for us to imagine in


so imagine you’ve got to go from point a

to point b

and the road is terrible right what are

you going to do about it

of course you’re going to be very upset

that the road is terrible but

you have to go from point a to point b


that’s on you because you want to go if

the road is terrible and i don’t have a

car maybe i won’t wear these heels

maybe i’ll put sneakers on because i’ve

got to walk

if i’m driving and i know that there is

very big potholes maybe i’ll select a

car with a bigger clearance

because i need to go from point a to

point b

today but does that mean that i am just

going to not wear heels all my life and


buy a more expensive car to travel this

road just because the road is

bumpy no i’ve also got to contact the

responsible person to try and solve it

long term so short term solution

prepare accordingly and then longer term


find a way for the road to get fixed

that’s the angle that i

look at whenever i solve problems

short term and long term more often than


we are torn towards one of these extreme

solutions right either we crib that

or the road is terrible and i’m not

going to travel until it’s

fixed or there’s always gonna be wrong

in the world there’s nothing that’s

gonna fix it and it’s okay i’ve adapted

i’ve just adapted into walking on

terrible roads right now and i do not

care for development

two extremes but i see there is a midway

and the midway is doing what you can

starting where you are

with what you have

all these means connecting to a little

bit of personal

experiences i’m often asked why did you


miss nepal why pageant i was a banker

working in the largest financial

institute in australia was it the love

of nepal that brought me back

why won’t you do movies anymore what’s

your new business about

miss nepal as i see it as a title is an

incredible way to get things done from

in nepal

the kind of love and affection and

support that you receive

as a young individual is incredible to

get things done from

it is what that has given me this mic

is it to say that it’s the only ultimate


reflection of what a woman or somebody

who identifies as a woman should be no

but it’s a great way to get things done

from and i chose it

to do what i can with what i had

and start where i was

overall when we think of all of these

issues and i’m sure

these this topic is so much more

relevant than ever because

we feel overwhelmed i feel a physical

not in my back when i think of

everything that is wrong in the world

and what i need to do to solve it

sometimes i i’m very hard on myself

to think that oh my god i am this person

of privilege

i should do something about everything

and then you spread yourself too thin

so what is that balance between doing

everything that you can making yourself


effective and as efficient as possible

but without burning yourself out without

being too hard on yourself

i feel that mantra that little mantra

has really helped me navigate

to wrap up i i love this analogy and i’m

all for analogies

is imagine a bed sheet

a bed sheet that you’ve just washed and

has come out

and you leave it out to dry right it’s

all crinkled isn’t it

it’s very very crinkled and you’re

sitting in the middle with an

iron an iron that those are world


all those crinkles are your world


that iron is what you can do

educating yourself making yourself more


growing everything that we grow to do to

develop ourselves

such as the wonderful audience listening

into us such as the organizers


is extending an arm to that iron so that

you can iron a larger place

so imagine you’re sitting in the middle

of this crinkled sheet

with an iron just ironing around you

you’re just ironing around you

somebody as an entrepreneur somebody in

policy making

somebody as an educator somebody in

media somebody in music

you have your iron and you’re ironing it


somebody in the other corner is still

making crinkles

right they’re creating problems

but what can you do you can sit here

with your iron

and try to iron as far as possible

because you’ve got to start where you

are do what you can

with what you have thank you everybody

have a great afternoon