The Mistake that Created the World.


i want to talk to you about a very

important subject

mistakes that change the world we all

make errors on occasions

fortunately most of the time when we

make a mistake the results of our errors


unnoticed and are basically non-existent

we might seem a little

uncomfortable and challenging our

missteps but more often than not

time only goes on and the world neither


nor cares that we messed up most of the


that is however sometimes errors even

small ones that seem trifling at this


might turn out to have immense

consequences as in

changing the world as an introduction

i wanted to tell you a little mistake

that changed my little world

it all started when we were on the plane

to morocco to see family and friends

till my mom told me i really want you to

go to an orphanage so you can experience

the life of other kids that are not so

fortunate to have parents

and 10 days later we were sitting at the

lunch table

till one of the sudden my mom’s friend

get a phone call

it was her brother and it was a pocket

dial so it was mistaken

but you know adults they had their

conversation till he said

i’m on my way to the orphanage the one i

go to every week

to volunteer for my sports lessons when

my mom heard this

she went ballistics she couldn’t believe


she didn’t know that this was true so

off we went into the car

but i’m gonna be honest with you guys

remember that old tv movie

annie yeah i thought there was gonna be

a mess hannigan there

but when we arrived it was the most

heartwarming place i’ve ever been to

all the kids were super kind to me i

never felt a connection with that

but i never felt a connection that much

with kids my age

it was crazy how they didn’t even know

what a cell phone was they couldn’t

believe that you could call from one


to another point they didn’t even know

what photos were so it was hilarious to

see them play with my phone

we were having a blast but sadly it was

time to go home

it went to i’m gonna be honest i was

kind of scared

to i’m gonna be honest i started crying

because i had such a nice day

now three years later after hard working

with this orphanage

i am proud to say that i have a hundred

and nine adopted siblings

living in the village sophia dar


okay so now where were we

yeah okay so the mistake that we’re

going to talk about today

is a teensy-weensy bigger of a mistake

my speech isn’t just a mistake that

changed the world no

my mistake created the world the big


imagine this 13.8 billion years ago it

suddenly exploded

the universe that we know and that we’re

standing on was born

time space and matter all began with the

big bang

in a fraction of a second the universe

grew from smaller than a single atom

to you to a universe and it kept going

at a fantastic rate

it’s still expanding today

as the universe expanded and cooled

energy changed into particles of matter

and antimatter

but these two didn’t really like each

other so they simply destroyed each


some matter did survive can you imagine

that protons and neutrons

started to form when the universe was

only one second old

over the next three minutes the

temperature dropped below one

billion degrees celsius to put that in


the lowest ever recorded temperature in

antarctica was minus 86.8 degrees

because of this protons and neutrons

started to form nuclei

with all these three forces coming

together boom the universe was created

without the big bang there would be

nothing that doesn’t mean

pitch black no i mean nothing the

concept of

nothing is very hard for humans to

comprehend because we always had


even when we closed our eyes we still

see something we always had the clouds

above our head or the grass beneath our


the big bang shows us history of how

stars galaxies and rocky planets were


stars would take let’s say to 50 to 100

million years to form

and galaxies would take 150 to 250

million years to form

and rocky planets wouldn’t even form

to the until the stars used up all their

star power in a catastrophic explosion

maybe it’s not a coincidence that we’re

observing the planets

the the universe 13.8 billion years

after the big bang

maybe it will give us a chance to

experience more planets like our own

light years away

okay now i want you to think about it we

wouldn’t even

be here if it wasn’t for mistakes okay

don’t get me wrong i’m not telling you

to make a mistake

every single day on purpose but you

could make some

on occasions okay

maybe you will make an entire universe

but you could make a mistake that better

your lives and the lives around you

for example when christopher columbus

discovered north america

just because of a miscalculation or when

alexander fleming discovered pension

which helped save hundreds of thousands

of people in world war ii life is full

of mistakes that’s what forms our

personalities and foundations

we learn from them and we all make them

on a daily basis

for example when we forget to do our

chores and our mom gets super mad at us

and then we get punished we learn to do

her chores and to listen to her mom

and as once a in a famous psychologist

once said history is just people making

old mistakes

thank you for your time