Transforming your business can change the world.


i have

three good news for you regarding

climate change

but first let me introduce you to louise

my daughter yesterday was her first

birthday and between louise and me there

is a gap of

30 years one generation

and what luis doesn’t know yet is that


are the last generation

to save the world climate change is not

anymore something that’s going to happen

in 100 years

it is happening here today right now

the global earth temperature increased

by one degree

in 100 years this speed

has never been seen before

scientists all around the world tell us

we should not increase the global earth


by more than 1.5 degree

and should we go above two degrees and

we will be playing russian will it

with the entire humanity

honestly sometimes i feel like

i’m just in a bad movie especially right


but there are three good news first we

know why this is happening

it’s because of our greenhouse gas

emissions easy

two we know what to do in 10 years

we have to reduce by 50 percent our

greenhouse gas emissions

and in 30 years we have to be carbon


easy third good news

we have numbers we have statistics we

have technologies

and we have very smart people on earth

so actually the real question is

who can save the world in such a short

period of time

politics individuals

companies let’s dig into each option

first politics i truly believe we need

strong politics to tackle climate change

but there are 193 countries on earth

and politics is slow and complex

and we only have 10 years

option two individuals like you and me

we can decide to buy sustainable


we can decide to buy renewable energy we

can make zero waste at home

but we are more than 7 billion

people on earth not everyone has this


third option companies

i believe companies are the

solution to save the world your company

can save the world and i will tell you

how in just a few minutes

think about the skills we need today

to save the world in such a short period

of time

we need audacity we need quick decisions

we need creative minds we need project


we need entrepreneurs in a short period

of time

a company can take a decision that will

impact thousands

of other companies this year

zalendu announced that the 2

500 brands sold on the platform will

have to be sustainable by 2023

last year 6 000 amazon employees

went on strike for the climate

not for their salary a company can take

a decision

that will impact its whole production


the belgian beer leopard 7

decided they will not produce any

beer bottle that would emit more than

185 grams

of co2 it means

that the maximum distance for them to

sell a beer from belgium

is paris politics

is too slow individual action is too low

but companies decisions are quick

and impactful

i am an economist and a sustainable


maybe that’s the reason why i’m a misfit


i funded sustainable companies one


and went bankrupt the other one worked

today my job is to help as many

businesses as possible to become

sustainable so that they can save the


and i would like to give you tonight

three quick steps

to make your business sustainable


or even tonight step one

measure measure

imagine your doctor tells you you are

too fat

and you have to lose weight or you will


what would you do if it was me

first thing i would do is just to jump

on the scale to know how much i wait

then i would ask the doctor how much do

i have to lose

and then i would make a plan sports diet


same story with greenhouse gas emissions

measure you know

in my daily life i hear from our

customers things like

stephanie you know in my company i’m

sure that the greenhouse gas emissions

are coming from the paper

because we use a lot of paper or

some others tell me stephanie in my

company i’m sure that the greenhouse gas

emissions are coming from the cars

because you know we have very big cars

who’s right who’s wrong

actually no one because they express

feelings not numbers

if you want to bring sustainability in

your business

measure jump on the scale whatever your

business is from being a doctor

a hairdresser a small company or


right step two use

circular economy to reduce your


did you know that if the entire economy

was 100 circular we could reduce the

greenhouse gas emissions

by more than 70 percent

70 percent so what does a

circular economy look like it’s very

easy this is a linear economy in a

linear economy

you take resources you make a product

then you dispose it

in a circular economy oh sorry

in a circular economy you do not take

resources you eat what you have

then you still make a product and at the

end of the life you do not dispose it

you put it back in the process and you

know what

circular economy is not just a beautiful


ecological word for economists it is


to implement and profitable

in our office for example when we moved

in at the beginning of this year

we bought eighty percent of our

furniture and second hand

this is circular economy

one of our customers is a sports

retailer and here with the covet look


they decided to start the real circular


by buying back sports items

from people’s garage to sell them back

on second hand

it took during the during the covet


nine days to set up the process

and five months later we have the


on feelings when selling

a new product gives you an average


of 20 euros selling a circular product

gives you an average margin of 55.

the more circular economy you will do

the more profit you will get

and the more the more greenhouse gas you

will save

step three you throw it

communicate communicate

last year i gave a conference about

circular economy to

business owners and

one of them came to me after the

conference to tell me how frustrated it


hopefully not because of my conference

but actually it was the ceo of an


and he was absolutely concerned about

climate change and he wanted to act

he was also a cycling fan

so he decided to implement a mobility

strategy for his company

what he wanted to do is to convince his


to take their bike instead of their cars

to come at the office so it would write

very long emails to explain why it was

important for the planet why it was

important for the health

it would even offer a very expensive

electric bike

to the one who would make the most

kilometers in a year

results no one bite

no one bite why

what was wrong his problem

is that he wanted to convince not to


he wanted to convince not to motivate

and if you want to motivate you have to

bring attention

and if you want to bring attention you

have to know how the brain works

but before i tell you how the brain

works i have to tell you a secret

i have to tell you a secret climate


is boring climate change is boring

every time we hear something about it we

just feel guilty

and anxious this is boring look

this is the kind of email i receive in

the morning

stephanie we need you stephanie we can

no longer live on credit

stephanie we can still avoid the worst

tiffany 48 000 deaths

a year when i arrive at the office in

the morning

having my coffee opening my mailbox when

i see this

i just feel bad i feel anxious i feel


i don’t want to read the email

now how do you feel

better right me too i really prefer that

kind of emails

and you know what both

emails are coming from brands who are


about sustainability they are both

talking about local production

they are talking about greenhouse gas


so you have to know how the brain works

you have to talk to the emotional brain

and to the rational one the emotional

brain needs

pictures he needs emotions stories

and the rational brain needs numbers

if you can talk to the emotional brain


to the rational one you will have the

perfect mix

to motivate your team

and your customers

i guess the ceo of the accounting firm

would have have much more better results

with that kind of picture instead of

very long emails explaining why it’s


so step one measure

step two use circular economy to reduce

your emissions

and step three communicate

the challenges we are facing today

are huge we are the last generation

to save the world that’s why we need

your business

your company your ideas to find the best

way to re-enchant

our economy what’s good for the planet

is good for the business

so now forget how it was

think how it could be

her future is up to us

thank you

