Tribal Heritage in a Changing World

my thesis is

that ever since

the british came in and the

indian government only depend the

colonial strategies

of the government with you know 1990

new economic policy and it

depend the exploitation of the

communities by the state

state as it identifies itself with the


which is absolutely a fiction

but i am speaking in english and i am

talking about tribals

so one is uh one recalls uh saath

when he said that the othello

in order to make himself understood has

to speak in french

but then his voice is no longer his own

so i have worked for

several decades you see

heading national institutions as well as

provincial government


when i left kolkata for sarguja

which is a tribal territory

and for madhya pradesh which is a tribal

frequented state i

uh didn’t know much about tribal all

these categories

cognitive categories cognitive divides


included and excluded scheduled and


notified criminal and non-notified


these are categories which didn’t make

any sense to me

and when i actually dealt with their


and i found that i knew even less

about what they stood for it’s like a

faceless mass

to an ice officer administering from the


you deliver programs i mean for family


for food for security and etc etc i

don’t really know them but very soon

despite my education in which i

had gathered that westernization is

equivalent to modernization

i found that there were many other

alternative models of development

which had been abdicated by the state

and with that abdication came the divide

between the rural and the oven the hills

and the plains

and the cognitive divide

between the so-called tribal and the

so-called modern

it was accorded to be all of us who were


once upon a time we lived on a shared

continent of ideas

in is there was a balance between

ecology and technology

in which the organic and the inorganic

communities human and organ communities

were living in interdependence

now we have been talking about progress

the teleology of progress from a

primitive civilization to a agricultural

civilization to a

an advanced technological civilization

at the same

time we should talk also about

the growing pollution which has been


and the

continuous deceleration towards

violence and homicide

and a growing monoculture

not only of the organisms

substitution of commodity diversity for

seed diversity

but also monoculture the mind

and so

we hear about digital india

smart india startup india stand-up india

but only swachh bharath

and when i go into chhattisgarh or my

departation the remote resources of the


i see that none of the toilets are


because of the lack of management and


the basic

knowledge that a toilet can operate only


there is a proper sump and the water

point is closed

water point is about two kilometers away

in all the places

except in the urban situation they were

not functioning

so what

i’m trying to point out is that right at

this point of time

there is also a kind of a

biocide an ecocide there is not only

an end of birth but there is also a

death of death

and the so-called tribal

who was like you and me but now we are

banished as i said from his association

um he is domesticated

into a society of spectacle

driven by a consciousness industry so he

is part of the

jamboree the show 26 january 15th

august he’s there dancing singing

all he is good for is dancing and

singing he doesn’t have

any notion of development because the


encyclopedia of life support system says


that it is difficult for an aboriginal

to conceive of sustainability

as it is difficult for aristotle to

think of the notion of value

and when i look at

you see the conversation of barcelona


boswell is speaking on behalf of the

south sea islanders

johnson says don’t can’t in defense of


they have the art of navigation or even

a cat can

you say swim oh they have

they can carve very beautifully even a

cat a child

can scratch with nails so that is more

or less the perception

we have of tribal art and kiroskuro

and you know it’s a kind of a empty


can you see the visuals now but when i


into the service i had passed this side


without knowing that this is one of the

most unparalleled sculptures in the


next please the 50 years later

i have a sculpture which is analogous in


dunham cave in china in which there is a


the mountain has been chased to his


has been chased to its source next place

this is a 16th century celtic warrior

but the meaning is lost the shape

remains next

is a polish demon

again the meaning is lost the shape


next ah this is a sixteenth century


akimondo now it’s again again a

concatenation of floral

and faunal elements but the sculpture

which you

saw next please this is a contemporary


tribal art form with similar

you see congregation of forms

but what i was trying to show is that

there was a unique harmony

of form and function necessity and


in the sculpture we excavated i mean

most of the western scholars again

looked at it and dismissed it as a

tribal sculpture

since it is tribal it would have no

cognitive cost boundary

behind it and it would

be a meaningless you see group of forms

which had been assembled in a higgledy

piggledy fashion

i went back to the inscriptions went

back to the texts

and there was a complete continuity from

vedic texts including the brahmanas


brahmana and you know the uh shatasha

parishad and the local inscriptions

which talked about the vedic

inspiration behind sculptures like these

and then i found similar sculptures uh

not exactly similar but analogous ones

in vidarva

next place so

we go back to the uh

third fourth century we see pashupati

sculpture which people know

because it belongs to the india’s valley

civilization it’s familiar

but what is not familiar that even these

uh you see forms were anticipated next


now this is a museum which i set up in

about 300 acres in

raipur and a similar museum is set up in


200 acres in bhopal which was

a movement for de-museumization to move

from mere collection of objects to

recollection of ideas

to move from xc to display in situ


of knowledge systems wars and norms

and to move from

communities visiting the museums to

museums visiting the communities

next please now this is a

museum of man in bhopal which i headed

this is a 5000 year old painting older


you see indus valley civilization it’s


it’s a man walking and this entire area

nanvada valley has prehistoric


including the narmada man the remains of

the namada man

which is uh it is controversial but i

mean it is a

if it is not homo habilis if it is not

homo erectus it is at least homo sapiens

next please this is a uh

what uh uh carving petroglyph from


this entire ladakh connects with a

central asian steppy route

along which we have rock painting

and sculptures now this route is not


it has been traversed by what are called


intercultural translators of your who

wrote texts

who built temples i had been to

china the white horse monastery and

one village in which the entire village

turned out to honor us

because they thought that this is the

man from the wasteland next

and then then this uh excavation

which i contacted eighth century uh


in a hundred percent auro area

now did the brahmins and the shatias


and construct these temples the entire


2900 feet above the sea level are

full of drawing and sketches and there


studio formations i mean on the floor

they had done and these are the

biocultural diversity you see

forms all over the country which are


which are dying because as soon as i got


the government i had to deal with

forestry and forestry i had to reverse

the uh colonial

uh movement of uh forestry which was

tied to

temperate zones so you had to

reinvent the cognitive category for

tropical forestry

to move from look alike conscripts

of similar species

to a diversity of species i mean

which are not variety by do

biodiversity is not bio variety next


so i move into the field and work with

the people

so all over the country there are these


who are considered to be ignorant

now they only thing that they are priced


is medicine because folklore medicine is

supposed to be

have some value but

they do not know that they have

knowledge about

medicine food chain about soil


about river management about

water management about uh ancient uh

forest management styles you know sacred

groves etc

all over the country countries replete

with them

but we believe in latin classifications

our knowledge is borrowed

it is uh written on in latin only then

it is

subject to

to protection in the international

property right regime

but so you have to create a digital


for prior art disclosure

how do you do that with you know tribal


which is a various universe and which

has a

tremendous variety of nuances it’s not


in the annamanika the great alderman is


50 terms for a wave how the wave would


in the sunlight how would it look in the

side how it would uh differ

from uh minute

and in the himalayas again this is a sea


area entire area is full of

see mountains of fossils and those

fossils are situated along with tribal

villages which are thousand-year-old

and those villages not certain

traditions just because they are old

their traditions are not obsolete what i

am talking about is a

ecological civilization which is uh

balance is a technological civilization

you do don’t give up the life enhancing

advances in technology

in medicine in food in you say

transport etcetera this is baba hampte

who was fighting for

the nanda valley you see iraqis

so we discussed not only uh

physical rehabilitation but also culture

there are two philosophies i have got

trusting one is

you see uh matthew arnold talks about we

human beings like

island surrounded by veils of tears

because he already feels banished

and then john dunn again i am worrying

western categories

uh talks about we human beings are not


but part of the main every

person’s death diminishes me even if a

clod is washed away from africa

even if a koala is burnt in australia we

are less

therefore do not call to find out for


the bell tolls the bell tolls for thee